You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import main
from modules import chankeep
from utils.logging.debug import debug
2 years ago
def get_first_relay(net):
Get the first relay in the network.
:param net: the network
:param num: number or relay
:return: IRCPool instance for the IRC bot
cur_relay = 0
max_relay = max([net].relays.keys())
debug(f"get_first_relay() {net}: max_relay:{max_relay}")
activeRelays = chankeep.getActiveRelays(net)
debug(f"get_first_relay() {net}: activeRelays:{activeRelays}")
while cur_relay != max_relay:
cur_relay += 1
if cur_relay not in activeRelays:
name = net + str(cur_relay)
if name in main.IRCPool.keys():
# debug(f"get_first_relay() {net}: found relay {name}")
return main.IRCPool[name]
return None
2 years ago
def is_first_relay(net, num):
Determine if we are the first relay for the network.
:param net: the network
:param num: number or relay
:return: True if we are the first relay, False otherwise
first_relay = get_first_relay(net)
if not first_relay:
return False
return first_relay.num == num
def get_active_relays(net):
Get all active instances for the network.
:param net: the network
:return: list of active instances
:rtype: list of IRCPool instances
active_nums = chankeep.getActiveRelays(net)
active_insts = []
for num in active_nums:
name = net + str(num)
if name in main.IRCPool.keys():
return active_insts
def get_connected_relays(net):
Get all connected instances for the network.
:param net: the network
:return: list of active instances
:rtype: list of IRCPool instances
active_nums = chankeep.getConnectedRelays(net)
active_insts = []
for num in active_nums:
name = net + str(num)
if name in main.IRCPool.keys():
return active_insts