You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

131 lines
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import random
2 years ago
import aioredis
import orjson
# Kafka
from aiokafka import AIOKafkaProducer
from redis import StrictRedis
import util
# KAFKA_TOPIC = "msg"
log = util.get_logger("db")
# Redis (legacy)
r = StrictRedis(unix_socket_path="/var/run/redis/redis.sock", db=0)
# AIORedis
ar = aioredis.from_url("unix:///var/run/redis/redis.sock", db=0)
"dis": "main",
"irc": "restricted",
"4ch": "main",
TYPES_META = ["who"]
TYPES_INT = ["conn", "highlight", "znc", "query", "self"]
KEYPREFIX = "queue."
async def store_kafka_batch(data):
log.debug(f"Storing Kafka batch of {len(data)} messages")
producer = AIOKafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers="kafka:9092")
await producer.start()
topicmap = {}
for msg in data:
if msg["type"] in TYPES_MAIN:
2 years ago
# index = "main"
index = MAIN_SRC_MAP[msg["src"]]
# schema = mc_s.schema_main
elif msg["type"] in TYPES_META:
index = "meta"
# schema = mc_s.schema_meta
elif msg["type"] in TYPES_INT:
index = "internal"
# schema = mc_s.schema_int
# if key in schema:
# if isinstance(value, int):
# if schema[key].startswith("string") or schema[key].startswith(
# "text"
# ):
# msg[key] = str(value)
body = orjson.dumps(msg)
if "ts" not in msg:
raise Exception("No TS in msg")
if KAFKA_TOPIC not in topicmap:
topicmap[KAFKA_TOPIC] = [body]
for topic, messages in topicmap.items():
batch = producer.create_batch()
for body in messages:
metadata = batch.append(key=None, value=body, timestamp=msg["ts"])
if metadata is None:
partitions = await producer.partitions_for(topic)
partition = random.choice(tuple(partitions))
await producer.send_batch(batch, topic, partition=partition)
f"{batch.record_count()} messages sent to topic "
f"{topic} partition {partition}"
batch = producer.create_batch()
partitions = await producer.partitions_for(topic)
partition = random.choice(tuple(partitions))
await producer.send_batch(batch, topic, partition=partition)
f"{batch.record_count()} messages sent to topic "
f"{topic} partition {partition}"
await producer.stop()
async def queue_message(msg):
Queue a message on the Redis buffer.
src = msg["src"]
message = orjson.dumps(msg)
key = f"{KEYPREFIX}{src}"
# log.debug(f"Queueing single message of string length {len(message)}")
await ar.sadd(key, message)
2 years ago
async def queue_message_bulk(data):
Queue multiple messages on the Redis buffer.
# log.debug(f"Queueing message batch of length {len(data)}")
for msg in data:
src = msg["src"]
message = orjson.dumps(msg)
key = f"{KEYPREFIX}{src}"
await ar.sadd(key, message)