Implement ChanKeep without requiring persistent chanlimits on all networks
This commit is contained in:
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ class IRCBot(IRCClient):
if len(listinfo) == 0: # probably ngircd not supporting LIST >0
if main.config["ChanKeep"]["Enabled"]:
chankeep.initialList(, self.num, listinfo, self.chanlimit)
chankeep.initialList(, self.num, listinfo)
def recheckList(self):
allRelays = chankeep.allRelaysActive(
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ from math import ceil
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread
import main
import modules.provision
from utils.logging.debug import debug, trace
from utils.logging.log import error, log, warn
def getEnabledRelays(net):
Get a list of enabled relays for a network.
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ def getEnabledRelays(net):
enabledRelays = [x for x in[net].relays.keys() if[net].relays[x]["enabled"]]
return enabledRelays
def getActiveRelays(net):
Get a list of active relays for a network.
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ def allRelaysActive(net):
debug(f"allRelaysActive() {net}: {relaysActive} ({activeRelays}/{enabledRelays})")
return relaysActive
def getAverageChanlimit(net):
Get the average channel limit for a network.
@ -64,6 +66,7 @@ def getAverageChanlimit(net):
debug(f"getAverageChanlimit() {net}: {avg_chanlimit}")
return avg_chanlimit
def getSumChanlimit(net):
Get the sum of all channel limits for a network.
@ -78,32 +81,26 @@ def getSumChanlimit(net):
total += main.IRCPool[name].chanlimit
return total
def getChanFree(net, new):
def getChanFree(net):
Get a dictionary with the free channel spaces for
each relay, and a channel limit.
Example return:
({1: 99}, 100)
:param net: network
:param new: list of newly provisioned relays to skip
:return: ({relay: channel spaces}, channel limit)
chanfree = {}
chanlimits = set()
for i in getActiveRelays(net):
if i in new:
name = net + str(i)
if name not in main.IRCPool.keys():
if not main.IRCPool[name].isconnected:
chanfree[i] = main.IRCPool[name].chanlimit - len(main.IRCPool[name].channels)
if not len(chanlimits) == 1:
error("Network %s has servers with different CHANLIMIT values" % net)
return False
return (chanfree, chanlimits.pop())
return chanfree
def getTotalChans(net):
@ -121,7 +118,7 @@ def getTotalChans(net):
return total
def emptyChanAllocate(net, flist, new):
def emptyChanAllocate(net, flist):
Allocate channels to relays.
:param net: network
@ -131,64 +128,32 @@ def emptyChanAllocate(net, flist, new):
:return: dictionary of {relay: list of channels}"""
# Get the free channel spaces for each relay
chanfree = getChanFree(net, new)
chanfree = getChanFree(net)
if not chanfree:
# Pretend the newly provisioned relays are already on the network
for i in new:
chanfree[0][i] = chanfree[1]
# for i in new:
# chanfree[0][i] = chanfree[1]
allocated = {}
# Copy the list since we're going to mutate it
toalloc = len(flist)
# Used to correct allocations and provision additional relays
# if the math since the last LIST is a bit wrong
# toalloc:2148 free:{1: 250} chanlimit:250 correction:2147
newlist = list(flist)
if toalloc > sum(chanfree[0].values()):
sum_free = sum(chanfree[0].values()) # 250
chans_not_covered = toalloc - sum_free # 2148 - 250 = 1898
relays_needed = chans_not_covered / chanfree[1] # 1898 / 250 = 7.592
correction = ceil(relays_needed)
if main.config["ChanKeep"]["Provision"]:
f"emptyChanAllocate() secondary allocation sum_free:{sum_free} "
f"chans_not_covered:{chans_not_covered} relays_needed:{relays_needed} "
f"emptyChanAllocate() not enough free channels: toalloc:{toalloc} "
f"free:{chanfree[0]} chanlimit:{chanfree[1]} correction:{correction}"
warn("Ran out of channel spaces, provisioning additional %i relays for %s" % (correction, net))
modules.provision.provisionMultipleRelays(net, correction)
return False
# We don't have enough spaces and we can't add any.
# Let's do the best we can in the circumstances.
debug(f"emptyChanAllocate() cannot create additional relays for {net}")
debug(f"emptyChanAllocate() {chans_not_covered} channels cannot be covered")
newlist = newlist[:sum_free]
debug(f"emptyChanAllocate() flist truncated to {sum_free}, length nis now {len(flist)}")
trace(f"emptyChanAllocate() best effort allocation: {flist}")
for i in chanfree[0].keys():
for x in range(chanfree[0][i]):
if not len(newlist):
sum_free = sum(chanfree.values()) # 250
trunc_list = newlist[:sum_free]
debug(f"emptyChanAllocate() {net}: newlist:{len(newlist)} trunc_list:{len(trunc_list)}")
for i in chanfree.keys():
for x in range(chanfree[i]):
if not len(trunc_list):
if i in allocated.keys():
allocated[i] = [newlist.pop()]
allocated[i] = [trunc_list.pop()]
return allocated
def populateChans(net, clist, new):
def populateChans(net, clist):
Populate channels on relays.
Stores channels to join in a list in main.TempChan[net][num]
@ -196,7 +161,7 @@ def populateChans(net, clist, new):
:param clist: list of channels to join
:param new: list of newly provisioned relays to account for"""
# divided = array_split(clist, relay)
allocated = emptyChanAllocate(net, clist, new)
allocated = emptyChanAllocate(net, clist)
if not allocated:
for i in allocated.keys():
@ -242,7 +207,7 @@ def minifyChans(net, listinfo):
return listinfo
def keepChannels(net, listinfo, mean, sigrelay, relay, chanlimit):
def keepChannels(net, listinfo, mean, sigrelay, relay):
Minify channels, determine whether we can cover all the channels
on the network, or need to use 'significant' mode.
@ -263,39 +228,40 @@ def keepChannels(net, listinfo, mean, sigrelay, relay, chanlimit):
coverAll = True
elif relay > main.config["ChanKeep"]["SigSwitch"]: # we cannot cover all of the channels
coverAll = False
if not sigrelay <= main.config["ChanKeep"]["MaxRelay"]:
error("Network %s is too big to cover: %i relays required" % (net, sigrelay))
# if not sigrelay <= main.config["ChanKeep"]["MaxRelay"]:
# error("Network %s is too big to cover: %i relays required" % (net, sigrelay))
# return
num_instances = len(getActiveRelays(net))
debug(f"keepChannels() {net} instances:{num_instances} chanlimit:{chanlimit}")
debug(f"keepChannels() {net} instances:{num_instances}")
chan_slots_used = getTotalChans(net)
debug(f"keepChannels() slots_used:{chan_slots_used}")
max_chans = (chanlimit * num_instances) - chan_slots_used
# max_chans = (chanlimit * num_instances) - chan_slots_used
max_chans = getSumChanlimit(net) - chan_slots_used
debug(f"keepChannels() max_chans:{max_chans}")
if coverAll:
needed = relay - len(getActiveRelays(net))
if needed:
debug(f"keepChannels() coverAll asking to provision {needed} relays for {net} relay:{relay}")
newNums = modules.provision.provisionMultipleRelays(net, needed)
newNums = []
# needed = relay - len(getActiveRelays(net))
# if needed:
# debug(f"keepChannels() coverAll asking to provision {needed} relays for {net} relay:{relay}")
# newNums = modules.provision.provisionMultipleRelays(net, needed)
# else:
# newNums = []
flist = [i[0] for i in listinfo]
chosen = sorted(flist, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1])[:max_chans]
debug(f"keepChannels() {net}: joining {len(chosen)}/{len(flist)} channels")
trace(f"keepChannels() {net}: joining:{chosen}")
populateChans(net, chosen, newNums)
populateChans(net, chosen)
needed = sigrelay - len(getActiveRelays(net))
if needed:
debug(f"keepChannels() NOT coverAll asking to provision {needed} relays for {net} sigrelay:{sigrelay}")
newNums = modules.provision.provisionMultipleRelays(net, needed)
newNums = []
# needed = sigrelay - len(getActiveRelays(net))
# if needed:
# debug(f"keepChannels() NOT coverAll asking to provision {needed} relays for {net} sigrelay:{sigrelay}")
# newNums = modules.provision.provisionMultipleRelays(net, needed)
# else:
# newNums = []
siglist = [i[0] for i in listinfo if int(i[1]) > mean]
chosen = sorted(flist, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1])[:max_chans]
chosen = sorted(siglist, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1])[:max_chans]
debug(f"keepChannels() {net}: joining {len(chosen)}/{len(flist)} channels")
trace(f"keepChannels() {net}: joining:{chosen}")
populateChans(net, chosen, newNums)
populateChans(net, chosen)
@ -308,7 +274,7 @@ def joinSingle(net, channel):
:return: relay number that joined the channel
:rtype: int
eca = emptyChanAllocate(net, [channel], [])
eca = emptyChanAllocate(net, [channel])
if not eca:
return False
if not len(eca.keys()) == 1:
@ -354,7 +320,7 @@ def nukeNetwork(net):
# deferToThread(_nukeNetwork, net)
def _initialList(net, num, listinfo, chanlimit):
def _initialList(net, num, listinfo):
Called when a relay receives a full LIST response.
Run statistics to determine how many channels are significant.
@ -390,8 +356,9 @@ def _initialList(net, num, listinfo, chanlimit):
insiglength += 1
insigcumul += int(i[1])
sigrelay = ceil(siglength / chanlimit)
relay = ceil(listlength / chanlimit)
avg_chanlimit = getAverageChanlimit(net)
sigrelay = ceil(siglength / avg_chanlimit)
relay = ceil(listlength / avg_chanlimit)
abase = "analytics.list.%s" % net
@ -409,12 +376,12 @@ def _initialList(net, num, listinfo, chanlimit):
p.hset(abase, "small_chan_cumul_mem", insigcumul)
p.hset(abase, "relays_for_all_chans", relay)
p.hset(abase, "relays_for_big_chans", sigrelay)
p.hset(abase, "relays_for_small_chans", ceil(insiglength / chanlimit))
p.hset(abase, "relays_for_small_chans", ceil(insiglength / avg_chanlimit))
f"_initialList() net:{net} num:{num} listlength:{listlength} "
f"mean:{mean} siglength:{siglength} insiglength:{insiglength} "
f"sigrelay:{sigrelay} relay:{relay} chanlimit:{chanlimit}"
f"sigrelay:{sigrelay} relay:{relay} avg_chanlimit:{avg_chanlimit}"
@ -427,7 +394,7 @@ def _initialList(net, num, listinfo, chanlimit):
debug("List parsing completed on %s" % net)
keepChannels(net, listinfo, mean, sigrelay, relay, chanlimit)
keepChannels(net, listinfo, mean, sigrelay, relay)
# return (listinfo, mean, sigrelay, relay)
@ -453,9 +420,9 @@ def getListInfo(net):
return convert(info)
def initialList(net, num, listinfo, chanlimit):
def initialList(net, num, listinfo):
Run _initialList in a thread.
See above docstring.
deferToThread(_initialList, net, num, deepcopy(listinfo), chanlimit)
deferToThread(_initialList, net, num, deepcopy(listinfo))
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ def provisionAuthenticationData(num, nick, network, security, auth, password):
commands["nickserv"].append("Set %s" % password)
inst = modules.regproc.selectInst(network)
if "setmode" in inst.keys():
# perform is loaded above
# commands["status"].append("LoadMod perform")
commands["perform"] = ["add mode %nick% +" + inst["setmode"]]
deliverRelayCommands(num, commands, user=user + "/" + network)
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ class TestChanKeep(TestCase):
chankeep.main.g = MagicMock()
chankeep.main.g.pipeline = MagicMock()
chankeep.main.config["ChanKeep"]["Provision"] = False
chankeep.getAverageChanlimit = MagicMock()
chankeep.getAverageChanlimit.return_value = self.chanlimit
self.listinfo = self.generate_listinfo()
self.chan_name_list = [x[0] for x in self.listinfo]
@ -89,17 +91,17 @@ class TestChanKeep(TestCase):
def test__initialList(self, keepchannels):
chankeep._initialList(, self.num, self.listinfo, self.chanlimit)
net, passed_list, mean, sigrelay, relay, chanlimit = keepchannels.call_args_list[0][0]
chankeep._initialList(, self.num, self.listinfo)
net, passed_list, mean, sigrelay, relay = keepchannels.call_args_list[0][0]
self.assertEqual(passed_list, self.listinfo)
self.assertEqual(chanlimit, self.chanlimit)
# self.assertEqual(chanlimit, self.chanlimit)
# print(net, mean, sigrelay, relay)
def test_empty_chan_allocate(self, getchanfree):
getchanfree.return_value = ({1: 600}, 600) # pretend we have 600 channels free
eca = chankeep.emptyChanAllocate(, self.chan_name_list, [])
eca = chankeep.emptyChanAllocate(, self.chan_name_list)
self.assertEqual(len(eca), 1)
num = list(eca.keys())[0]
chans = eca[list(eca.keys())[0]]
@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ class TestChanKeep(TestCase):
self.assertCountEqual(chans, self.chan_name_list)
getchanfree.return_value = ({1: 100}, 10)
eca = chankeep.emptyChanAllocate(, self.chan_name_list, [])
eca = chankeep.emptyChanAllocate(, self.chan_name_list)
self.assertEqual(len(eca), 1)
num = list(eca.keys())[0]
chans = eca[list(eca.keys())[0]]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user