#!/usr/bin/env python from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.ssl import DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory from twisted.internet.endpoints import SSL4ClientEndpoint, TCP4ClientEndpoint, connectProtocol from twisted.words.protocols.irc import IRCClient from json import load, dump, loads from sys import exit listener = None connections = {} IRCPool = {} def log(data): print("[LOG]", data) def debug(data): print("[DEBUG]", data) def warn(data): print("[WARNING]", data) def error(data): print("[ERROR]", data) exit(1) def sendData(addr, data): connections[addr].send(data) def sendSuccess(addr, data): sendData(addr, "[y] " + data) def sendFailure(addr, data): sendData(addr, "[n] " + data) def sendInfo(addr, data): sendData(addr, "[i] " + data) class IRCBot(IRCClient): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name instance = pool[name] self.nickname = instance["nickname"] self.realname = instance["realname"] self.username = instance["username"] self.userinfo = instance["userinfo"] self.fingerReply = instance["finger"] self.versionName = instance["version"] self.versionNum = None self.versionEnv = None self.sourceURL = instance["source"] self._who = {} self._getWho = {} self.wholist = {} self.authtype = instance["authtype"] if self.authtype == "ns": self.authpass = instance["password"] self.authentity = instance["authentity"] else: self.password = instance["password"] def refresh(self): instance = pool[name] if not instance["nickname"] == self.nickname: self.nickname = instance["nickname"] self.setNick(self.nickname) self.userinfo = instance["userinfo"] self.fingerReply = instance["finger"] self.versionName = instance["version"] self.versionNum = None self.versionEnv = None self.sourceURL = instance["source"] def sanitize(self, user): user = user.replace("!", "") user = user.replace("~", "") user = user.replace("&", "") user = user.replace("@", "") user = user.replace("%", "") user = user.replace("+", "") return user def setNick(self, nickname): self._attemptedNick = nickname self.sendLine("NICK %s" % nickname) self.nickname = nickname def alterCollidedNick(self, nickname): newnick = nickname + "_" return newnick def irc_ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE(self, prefix, params): self._attemptedNick = self.alterCollidedNick(self._attemptedNick) self.setNick(self._attemptedNick) def irc_ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH(self, prefix, params): ircLog(self.ident, "Password mismatch") manager.handleWrongPassword(self.ident, prefix, params) def irc_RPL_NAMREPLY(self, prefix, params): channel = params[2] nicklist = params[3].split(' ') if channel not in self._names: return n = self._names[channel][1] n += nicklist def irc_RPL_ENDOFNAMES(self, prefix, params): channel = params[1] if channel not in self._names: return callbacks, namelist = self._names[channel] for cb in callbacks: cb.callback((channel, namelist)) del self._names[channel] def got_names(self, nicklist): ncklist = [] for i in nicklist[1]: ncklist.append(self.sanitize(i)) self.nameslist[nicklist[0]] = ncklist def who(self, channel): channel = channel d = defer.Deferred() if channel not in self._who: self._who[channel] = ([], {}) self._who[channel][0].append(d) self.sendLine("WHO %s" % channel) return d def irc_RPL_WHOREPLY(self, prefix, params): channel = params[1] user = params[2] host = params[3] server = params[4] nick = params[5] status = params[6] realname = params[7] if channel not in self._who: return n = self._who[channel][1] n[nick] = [nick, user, host, server, status, realname] def irc_RPL_ENDOFWHO(self, prefix, params): channel = params[1] if channel not in self._who: return callbacks, info = self._who[channel] for cb in callbacks: cb.callback((channel, info)) del self._who[channel] def got_who(self, whoinfo): self.wholist[whoinfo[0]] = whoinfo[1] def signedOn(self): if self.authtype == "ns": self.msg(self.authentity, "IDENTIFY %s" % self.nspass) def joined(self, channel): self.who(channel).addCallback(self.got_who) class Base(Protocol): def __init__(self, addr): self.addr = addr self.authed = False if config["UsePassword"] == False: self.authed = True def send(self, data): data += "\r\n" data = data.encode("utf-8", "replace") self.transport.write(data) def dataReceived(self, data): data = data.decode("utf-8", "replace") log("Data received from %s:%s -- %s" % (self.addr.host, self.addr.port, repr(data))) helper.parseCommand(self.addr, self.authed, data) def connectionMade(self): log("Connection from %s:%s" % (self.addr.host, self.addr.port)) self.send("Hello.") def connectionLost(self, reason): global connections self.authed = False log("Connection lost from %s:%s -- %s" % (self.addr.host, self.addr.port, reason.getErrorMessage())) if not listener == None: if self.addr in connections.keys(): del connections[self.addr] else: warn("Tried to remove a non-existant connection.") else: warn("Tried to remove a connection from a listener that wasn't running.") class BaseFactory(Factory): def buildProtocol(self, addr): global connections entry = Base(addr) connections[addr] = entry return entry def send(self, addr, data): global connections if addr in connections.keys(): connection = connections[addr] connection.send(data) else: return class Helper(object): def getConfig(self): with open("config.json", "r") as f: config = load(f) if set(["Port", "BindAddress", "UseSSL", "UsePassword"]).issubset(set(config.keys())): if config["UseSSL"] == True: if not set(["ListenerKey", "ListenerCertificate"]).issubset(set(config.keys())): error("SSL is on but certificate or key is not defined") if config["UsePassword"] == True: if not "Password" in config.keys(): error("Password authentication is on but password is not defined") return config else: error("Mandatory values missing from config") def getPool(self): with open("pool.json", "r") as f: data = f.read() if not data == "": pool = loads(data.strip()) return pool else: return {} def savePool(self): global pool with open("pool.json", "w") as f: dump(pool, f, indent=4) return def getHelp(self): with open("help.json", "r") as f: help = load(f) return help def incorrectUsage(self, addr, mode): if mode == None: sendFailure(addr, "Incorrect usage") return if mode in help.keys(): sendFailure(addr, "Usage: " + help[mode]) return def addBot(self, name): global IRCPool instance = pool[name] if instance["protocol"] == "plain": if instance["bind"] == None: point = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, instance["host"], int(instance["port"]), timeout=int(instance["timeout"])) bot = IRCBot(name) IRCPool[name] = bot d = connectProtocol(point, bot) return else: point = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, instance["host"], int(instance["port"]), timeout=int(instance["timeout"]), bindAddress=instance["bind"]) bot = IRCBot(name) IRCPool[name] = bot d = connectProtocol(point, bot) return elif instance["protocol"] == "ssl": contextFactory = DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory(instance["key"].encode("utf-8", "replace"), instance["certificate"].encode("utf-8", "replace")) if instance["bind"] == None: point = SSL4ClientEndpoint(reactor, instance["host"], int(instance["port"]), contextFactory, timeout=int(instance["timeout"])) bot = IRCBot(name) IRCPool[name] = bot d = connectProtocol(point, bot) return else: point = SSL4ClientEndpoint(reactor, instance["host"], int(instance["port"]), contextFactory, timeout=int(instance["timeout"]), bindAddress=instance["bind"]) bot = IRCBot(name) IRCPool[name] = bot d = connectProtocol(point, bot) return def parseCommand(self, addr, authed, data): global pool data = data.strip() spl = data.split() obj = connections[addr] success = lambda data: sendSuccess(addr, data) failure = lambda data: sendFailure(addr, data) info = lambda data: sendInfo(addr, data) incUsage = lambda mode: self.incorrectUsage(addr, mode) length = len(spl) if len(spl) > 0: cmd = spl[0] else: failure("No text was sent") return if authed == True: if cmd == "help": helpMap = [] for i in help.keys(): helpMap.append("%s: %s" % (i, help[i])) info("\n".join(helpMap)) return elif cmd == "rehash": global config config = helper.getConfig() success("Configuration rehashed successfully") elif cmd == "pass": info("You are already authenticated") return elif cmd == "logout": obj.authed = False success("Logged out") return elif cmd == "list": poolMap = [] for i in pool.keys(): poolMap.append("Server: %s" % i) for x in pool[i].keys(): poolMap.append("%s: %s" % (x, pool[i][x])) poolMap.append("\n") info("\n".join(poolMap)) return elif cmd == "enable": if length == 2: if not spl[1] in pool.keys(): failure("Name does not exist: %s" % spl[1]) return pool[spl[1]]["enabled"] = True self.addBot(spl[1]) success("Successfully enabled bot %s" % spl[1]) return else: incUsage("enable") return elif cmd == "disable": if length == 2: if not spl[1] in pool.keys(): failure("Name does not exist: %s" % spl[1]) return pool[spl[1]]["enabled"] = False if spl[1] in IRCPool.keys(): IRCPool[spl[1]].transport.loseConnection() success("Successfully disabled bot %s" % spl[1]) return else: incUsage("disable") return elif cmd == "add": if length == 6: if spl[1] in pool.keys(): failure("Name already exists: %s" % spl[1]) return protocol = spl[4].lower() if not protocol in ["ssl", "plain"]: incUsage("connect") return try: int(spl[3]) except: failure("Port must be an integer, not %s" % spl[3]) return pool[spl[1]] = { "host": spl[2], "port": spl[3], "protocol": protocol, "bind": None, "timeout": 30, "nickname": spl[5], "username": None, "realname": None, "userinfo": None, "finger": None, "version": None, "source": None, "authtype": None, "password": None, "authentity": "NickServ", "key": config["ListenerKey"], "certificate": config["ListenerCertificate"], "enabled": config["ConnectOnCreate"], } if config["ConnectOnCreate"] == True: self.addBot(spl[1]) success("Successfully created bot") self.savePool() return else: incUsage("add") return elif cmd == "del": if length == 2: if not spl[1] in pool.keys(): failure("Name does not exist: %s" % spl[1]) return del pool[spl[1]] if spl[1] in IRCPool.keys(): IRCPool[spl[1]].transport.loseConnection() del IRCPool[spl[1]] success("Successfully removed bot") self.savePool() return else: incUsage("del") return elif cmd == "mod": toUnset = False if length == 2: if not spl[1] in pool.keys(): failure("Name does not exist: %s" % spl[1]) return optionMap = ["Viewing options for %s" % spl[1]] for i in pool[spl[1]].keys(): optionMap.append("%s: %s" % (i, pool[spl[1]][i])) info("\n".join(optionMap)) return elif length == 3: if not spl[1] in pool.keys(): failure("Name does not exist: %s" % spl[1]) return if not spl[2] in pool[spl[1]].keys(): failure("No such key: %s" % spl[2]) return info("%s: %s" % (spl[2], pool[spl[1]][spl[2]])) return elif length == 4: if not spl[1] in pool.keys(): failure("Name does not exist: %s" % spl[1]) return if not spl[2] in pool[spl[1]].keys(): failure("No such key: %s" % spl[2]) return if spl[2] in ["port", "timeout"]: try: int(spl[3]) except: failure("Value must be an integer, not %s" % spl[3]) return if spl[2] == "protocol": if not spl[3] in ["ssl", "plain"]: failure("Protocol must be ssl or plain, not %s" % spl[3]) return if spl[3] == pool[spl[1]][spl[2]]: failure("Value already exists: %s" % spl[3]) return if spl[3].lower() in ["none", "nil"]: spl[3] = None toUnset = True if spl[2] == "authtype": if not spl[3] in ["sp", "ns"]: failure("Authtype must be sp or ns, not %s" % spl[3]) return if spl[2] == "enabled": failure("Use the enable and disable commands to manage this") return pool[spl[1]][spl[2]] = spl[3] self.savePool() if toUnset: success("Successfully unset key %s on %s" % (spl[2], spl[3], spl[1])) else: success("Successfully set key %s to %s on %s" % (spl[2], spl[3], spl[1])) return else: incUsage("mod") else: incUsage(None) return else: if cmd == "pass" and length == 2: if spl[1] == config["Password"]: success("Authenticated successfully") obj.authed = True return else: failure("Password incorrect") obj.transport.loseConnection() return else: incUsage(None) return if __name__ == "__main__": helper = Helper() config = helper.getConfig() pool = helper.getPool() help = helper.getHelp() for i in pool.keys(): if pool[i]["enabled"] == True: helper.addBot(i) listener = BaseFactory() if config["UseSSL"] == True: reactor.listenSSL(config["Port"], listener, DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory(config["ListenerKey"], config["ListenerCertificate"]), interface=config["BindAddress"]) log("Threshold running with SSL on %s:%s" % (config["BindAddress"], config["Port"])) else: reactor.listenTCP(config["Port"], listener, interface=config["BindAddress"]) log("Threshold running on %s:%s" % (config["BindAddress"], config["Port"])) reactor.run()