from math import ceil from random import randint from unittest import TestCase from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch from modules import chankeep class TestChanKeep(TestCase): def setUp(self): = "testnet" self.num = 1 self.chanlimit = 100 chankeep.main.initConf() chankeep.main.r = MagicMock() chankeep.main.g = MagicMock() chankeep.main.g.pipeline = MagicMock() chankeep.main.config["ChanKeep"]["Provision"] = False chankeep.getAverageChanlimit = MagicMock() chankeep.getAverageChanlimit.return_value = self.chanlimit self.listinfo = self.generate_listinfo() self.chan_name_list = [x[0] for x in self.listinfo] self.chan_member_list = [x[1] for x in self.listinfo] def generate_listinfo(self, ranges=None): """ Create a fake listinfo. Where #channel has 192 users, and #channel2 has 188 users. listinfo = [["#channel", 192], ["#channel2", 188]] """ if not ranges: ranges = [[100, 5, 10], [400, 100, 200], [2, 500, 1000]] listinfo = [] for channum, min, max in ranges: for i in range(channum): chan_name = f"#num-{channum}-{i}" chan_users = randint(min, max) listinfo.append([chan_name, chan_users]) return listinfo def percent_diff(self, a, b): return (abs(b - a) / a) * 100.0 def test_alt_listinfo(self): # We're looking for a perc of 1000-1100 # And a sigrelay of 2 # We only want those 10 big channels instances = 1 chanlimit = 5 max_chans = instances * chanlimit listinfo = self.generate_listinfo(ranges=[[1000, 1, 2], [200, 400, 800], [10, 1000, 2000]]) # listinfo_num = [x[1] for x in listinfo] listlength = len(listinfo) cumul = 0 try: cumul += sum(int(i[1]) for i in listinfo) except TypeError: return mean = round(cumul / listlength, 2) siglength = 0 insiglength = 0 sigcumul = 0 insigcumul = 0 for i in listinfo: if int(i[1]) > mean: siglength += 1 sigcumul += int(i[1]) elif int(i[1]) < mean: insiglength += 1 insigcumul += int(i[1]) sigrelay = ceil(siglength / chanlimit) relay = ceil(listlength / chanlimit) print( ( f"len:{listlength} cumul:{cumul} mean:{mean} " f"siglength:{siglength} insiglength:{insiglength} " f"sigrelay:{sigrelay} relay:{relay} sigcumul:{sigcumul} " f"insigcumul:{insigcumul}" ) ) # We want a return between 1000 and 1100 # list_insig = [x for x in listinfo_num if x < mean] list_sig = [x for x in listinfo if x[1] > mean] chosen = sorted(list_sig, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1])[:max_chans] self.assertEqual(len(chosen), 5) @patch("modules.chankeep.keepChannels") def test__initialList(self, keepchannels): chankeep._initialList(, self.num, self.listinfo) net, passed_list, mean, sigrelay, relay = keepchannels.call_args_list[0][0] self.assertEqual(net, self.assertEqual(passed_list, self.listinfo) # self.assertEqual(chanlimit, self.chanlimit) # print(net, mean, sigrelay, relay) @patch("modules.chankeep.getChanFree") def test_empty_chan_allocate(self, getchanfree): getchanfree.return_value = ({1: 600}, 600) # pretend we have 600 channels free eca = chankeep.emptyChanAllocate(, self.chan_name_list) self.assertEqual(len(eca), 1) num = list(eca.keys())[0] chans = eca[list(eca.keys())[0]] self.assertEqual(num, self.num) self.assertCountEqual(chans, self.chan_name_list) getchanfree.return_value = ({1: 100}, 10) eca = chankeep.emptyChanAllocate(, self.chan_name_list) self.assertEqual(len(eca), 1) num = list(eca.keys())[0] chans = eca[list(eca.keys())[0]] self.assertEqual(num, self.num) self.assertEqual(len(chans), 100) # self.assertCountEqual(chans, self.chan_name_list)