import main from yaml import dump class Mod: def __init__(self, *args): self.mod(*args) def mod(self, addr, authed, data, obj, spl, success, failure, info, incUsage, length): if authed: if length == 2: if not spl[1] in main.pool.keys(): failure("Name does not exist: %s" % spl[1]) return info(dump({spl[1]: main.pool[spl[1]]})) return elif length == 3: if not spl[1] in main.pool.keys(): failure("Name does not exist: %s" % spl[1]) return if not spl[2] in main.pool[spl[1]].keys(): failure("No such key: %s" % spl[2]) return info("%s: %s" % (spl[2], main.pool[spl[1]][spl[2]])) return elif length == 4: if not spl[1] in main.pool.keys(): failure("Name does not exist: %s" % spl[1]) return if not spl[2] in main.pool[spl[1]].keys(): failure("No such key: %s" % spl[2]) return if spl[3] == main.pool[spl[1]][spl[2]]: failure("Value already exists: %s" % spl[3]) return if spl[2] == "enabled": failure("Use the enable and disable commands to manage this") return main.pool[spl[1]][spl[2]] = spl[3] main.saveConf("pool") success("Successfully set key %s to %s on %s" % (spl[2], spl[3], spl[1])) return else: incUsage("mod") return else: incUsage(None)