import json import pickle from redis import StrictRedis from string import digits from os import urandom from utils.logging.log import * # List of errors ZNC can give us ZNCErrors = ["Error:", "Unable to load", "does not exist", "doesn't exist"] configPath = "conf/" certPath = "cert/" filemap = { # JSON configs "config": ["config.json", "configuration", "json"], "help": ["help.json", "command help", "json"], "counters": ["counters.json", "counters file", "json"], "tokens": ["tokens.json", "authentication tokens", "json"], "aliasdata": ["aliasdata.json", "data for alias generation", "json"], "alias": ["alias.json", "provisioned alias data", "json"], "irc": ["irc.json", "IRC network definitions", "json"], "blacklist": ["blacklist.json", "IRC channel blacklist", "json"], # Binary (pickle) configs "network": ["network.dat", "network list", "pickle"], } # Connections to the plain-text interface connections = {} # Connections to the JSON interface relayConnections = {} # Mapping of network names to Protocol (IRCClient) instances IRCPool = {} # Mapping of network names to Reactor instances # Needed for calling .disconnect() ReactorPool = {} # Mapping of network names to Factory instances # Needed for calling .stopTrying() FactoryPool = {} # Temporary store for channels allocated after a LIST # Will get purged as the instances fire up and pop() from # their respective keys in here TempChan = {} # Mapping of command names to their functions CommandMap = {} # Incremented by 1 for each event reaching modules.counters.event() # and cloned into lastMinuteSample every minute runningSample = 0 lastMinuteSample = 0 # Generate 16-byte hex key for message checksums hashKey = urandom(16) lastEvents = {} # Get networks that are currently online and dedupliate def liveNets(): networks = set() for i in IRCPool.keys(): networks.add("".join([x for x in i if not x in digits])) return networks def saveConf(var): if filemap[var][2] == "json": with open(configPath + filemap[var][0], "w") as f: json.dump(globals()[var], f, indent=4) elif filemap[var][2] == "pickle": with open(configPath + filemap[var][0], "wb") as f: pickle.dump(globals()[var], f) else: raise Exception("invalid format") def loadConf(var): if filemap[var][2] == "json": with open(configPath + filemap[var][0], "r") as f: globals()[var] = json.load(f) if var == "alias": # This is a workaround to convert all the keys into integers since JSON # turns them into strings... # Dammit Jason! global alias alias = {int(x): y for x, y in alias.items()} elif filemap[var][2] == "pickle": try: with open(configPath + filemap[var][0], "rb") as f: globals()[var] = pickle.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: globals()[var] = {} else: raise Exception("invalid format") def initConf(): for i in filemap.keys(): loadConf(i) def initMain(): global r, g initConf() r = StrictRedis( unix_socket_path=config["RedisSocket"], db=config["RedisDBEphemeral"] ) # Ephemeral - flushed on quit g = StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=config["RedisSocket"], db=config["RedisDBPersistent"]) # Persistent