import main class SwhoCommand: def __init__(self, *args): self.swho(*args) def swho( self, addr, authed, data, obj, spl, success, failure, info, incUsage, length ): if authed: if length == 2: if not spl[1] in failure("Network does not exist: %s" % spl[1]) return for i in main.IRCPool.keys(): if spl[1] == main.IRCPool[i].net: for x in main.IRCPool[i].channels: main.IRCPool[i].who(x) success("Sent WHO to all channels on all networks for %s" % spl[1]) return elif length == 3: if not spl[1] in failure("Network does not exist: %s" % spl[1]) return matches = [] # This loop gets all networks where the core network matches spl[1] # where there is also a currently joined channel matching spl[2] for i in main.IRCPool.keys(): if spl[1] == main.IRCPool[i].net: for x in main.IRCPool[i].channels: if x == spl[2]: main.IRCPool[i].who(x) matches.append(i) if matches == []: failure("No matches found for channel %s" % spl[2]) return success("Sent WHO to %s on: %s" % (spl[2], ", ".join(matches))) return else: incUsage("swho") return else: incUsage(None)