from string import digits from yaml import dump import main from import Network class NetworkCommand: def __init__(self, *args):*args) def network( self, addr, authed, data, obj, spl, success, failure, info, incUsage, length ): if authed: if length == 7: if spl[1] == "add": if spl[2] in failure("Network already exists: %s" % spl[2]) return if not spl[4].isdigit(): failure("Port must be an integer, not %s" % spl[4]) return if not spl[5].lower() in ["ssl", "plain"]: failure("Security must be ssl or plain, not %s" % spl[5]) return if set(spl[2]).intersection(set(digits)): failure("Network name cannot contain numbers") return if not spl[6].lower() in ["sasl", "ns", "none"]: failure("Auth must be sasl, ns or none, not %s" % spl[5]) return else:[spl[2]] = Network( spl[2], spl[3], int(spl[4]), spl[5].lower(), spl[6].lower() ) success("Successfully created network: %s" % spl[2]) main.saveConf("network") return else: incUsage("network") return elif length == 3: if spl[1] == "del": if spl[2] in[spl[2]].seppuku() # ;( del[spl[2]] success("Successfully removed network: %s" % spl[2]) main.saveConf("network") return else: failure("No such network: %s" % spl[2]) return else: incUsage("network") return elif length == 2: if spl[1] == "list": info(dump( return else: incUsage("network") return else: incUsage("network") return else: incUsage(None)