You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

305 lines
9.3 KiB

from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread
import main
from modules import chankeep
from utils.logging.debug import debug, trace
from utils.logging.log import warn
from utils.parsing import parsen
def getWhoSingle(name, query):
result = main.r.sscan("live.who." + name, 0, query, count=999999)
if result[1] == []:
return None
return (i.decode() for i in result[1])
def getWho(query):
result = {}
for i in
f = getWhoSingle(i, query)
if f:
result[i] = f
return result
def getChansSingle(name, nick):
nick = ("live.chan." + name + "." + i for i in nick)
result = main.r.sinter(*nick)
if len(result) == 0:
return None
return (i.decode() for i in result)
def getChanList(name, nick):
chanspace = "live.chan." + name + "." + nick
result = main.r.smembers(chanspace)
if len(result) == 0:
return None
return (i.decode() for i in result)
def getTotalChanNum(net):
Get the number of channels a network has.
chans = main.r.keys(f"live.who.{net}.*")
return len(chans)
def getUserNum(name, channels):
Get the number of users on a list of channels.
chanspace = ("live.who." + name + "." + i for i in channels)
results = {}
for channel, space in zip(channels, chanspace):
results[channel] = main.r.scard(space)
return results
def getChanNum(name, nicks):
Get the number of channels a list of users are on.
nickspace = ("live.chan." + name + "." + i for i in nicks)
results = {}
for nick, space in zip(nicks, nickspace):
results[nick] = main.r.scard(space)
return results
def getChans(nick):
result = {}
for i in
f = getChansSingle(i, nick)
if f:
result[i] = f
return result
def getUsersSingle(name, nick):
nick = ("live.who." + name + "." + i for i in nick)
result = main.r.sinter(*nick)
if len(result) == 0:
return None
return (i.decode() for i in result)
def getUsers(nick):
result = {}
for i in
f = getUsersSingle(i, nick)
if f:
result[i] = f
return result
def getNumWhoEntries(name):
return main.r.scard("live.who." + name)
def getNumTotalWhoEntries():
total = 0
for i in
total += getNumWhoEntries(i)
return total
def getNamespace(name, channel, nick):
gnamespace = "live.who.%s" % name
namespace = "live.who.%s.%s" % (name, channel)
chanspace = "live.chan.%s.%s" % (name, nick)
mapspace = "" % name
return (gnamespace, namespace, chanspace, mapspace)
def _initialUsers(name, channel, users):
gnamespace = "live.who.%s" % name
mapspace = "" % name
p = main.r.pipeline()
for i in users:
user = i[0] + "!" + i[1] + "@" + i[2]
p.hset(mapspace, i[0], user)
p.sadd(gnamespace, user)
def initialUsers(name, channel, users):
trace("Initialising WHO records for %s on %s" % (channel, name))
deferToThread(_initialUsers, name, channel, users)
# d.addCallback(testCallback)
def _initialNames(name, channel, names):
namespace = "live.who.%s.%s" % (name, channel)
p = main.r.pipeline()
for mode, nick in names:
p.sadd(namespace, nick)
p.sadd("live.chan." + name + "." + nick, channel)
if mode:
p.hset("live.prefix." + name + "." + channel, nick, mode)
def initialNames(name, channel, names):
trace("Initialising NAMES records for %s on %s" % (channel, name))
deferToThread(_initialNames, name, channel, names)
# d.addCallback(testCallback)
def editUser(name, user):
gnamespace = "live.who.%s" % name
mapspace = "" % name
parsed = parsen(user)
p = main.r.pipeline()
p.sadd(gnamespace, user)
p.hset(mapspace, parsed[0], user) # add nick -> user mapping
def addUser(name, channel, nick, user):
gnamespace, namespace, chanspace, mapspace = getNamespace(name, channel, nick)
p = main.r.pipeline()
p.sadd(gnamespace, user)
p.sadd(namespace, nick)
p.sadd(chanspace, channel)
p.hset(mapspace, nick, user)
def delUser(name, channel, nick, user):
gnamespace, namespace, chanspace, mapspace = getNamespace(name, channel, nick)
p = main.r.pipeline()
channels = main.r.smembers(chanspace)
p.srem(namespace, nick)
if channels == {channel.encode()}: # can we only see them on this channel?
p.delete(chanspace) # remove channel tracking entry
p.hdel("live.prefix." + name + "." + channel, nick) # remove prefix tracking entry
p.hdel(mapspace, nick) # remove nick mapping entry
if user:
p.srem(gnamespace, user) # remove global userinfo entry
warn("Attempt to delete nonexistent user: %s" % user)
p.srem(chanspace, channel) # keep up - remove the channel from their list
def escape(text):
chars = ["[", "]", "^", "-", "*", "?"]
text = text.replace("\\", "\\\\")
for i in chars:
text = text.replace(i, "\\" + i)
return text
def getUserByNick(name, nick):
gnamespace = "live.who.%s" % name # "nick": "nick!ident@host"
mapspace = "" % name
if main.r.hexists(mapspace, nick):
return main.r.hget(mapspace, nick)
warn("Entry doesn't exist: %s on %s - attempting auxiliary lookup" % (nick, mapspace))
# return False
# legacy code below - remove when map is reliable
usermatch = main.r.sscan(gnamespace, match=escape(nick) + "!*", count=999999999)
if usermatch[1] == []:
warn("No matches found for user query: %s on %s" % (nick, name))
return False
if len(usermatch[1]) == 1:
user = usermatch[1][0]
return user
warn("Auxiliary lookup failed: %s on %s" % (nick, gnamespace))
return False
def renameUser(name, oldnick, olduser, newnick, newuser):
gnamespace = "live.who.%s" % name
chanspace = "live.chan.%s.%s" % (name, oldnick)
mapspace = "" % name
newchanspace = "live.chan.%s.%s" % (name, newnick)
p = main.r.pipeline()
p.srem(gnamespace, olduser)
p.sadd(gnamespace, newuser)
for i in main.r.smembers(chanspace):
i = i.decode()
p.srem("live.who." + name + "." + i, oldnick)
p.sadd("live.who." + name + "." + i, newnick)
p.hdel(mapspace, oldnick)
p.hset(mapspace, newnick, newuser)
if main.r.exists("live.prefix." + name + "." + i): # if there's a prefix entry for the channel
if main.r.hexists("live.prefix." + name + "." + i, oldnick): # if the old nick is in it
mode = main.r.hget("live.prefix." + name + "." + i, oldnick) # retrieve old modes
p.hset("live.prefix." + name + "." + i, newnick, mode) # set old modes to new nickname
if main.r.exists(chanspace):
p.rename(chanspace, newchanspace)
warn("Key doesn't exist: %s" % chanspace)
def delUserByNick(name, channel, nick): # kick
user = getUserByNick(name, nick)
if not user:
delUser(name, channel, nick, user)
def delUserByNetwork(name, nick, user): # quit
gnamespace = "live.who.%s" % name
chanspace = "live.chan.%s.%s" % (name, nick)
mapspace = "live.chan.%s" % name
p = main.r.pipeline()
p.srem(gnamespace, user)
for i in main.r.smembers(chanspace):
p.srem("live.who." + name + "." + i.decode(), nick)
p.hdel("live.prefix." + name + "." + i.decode(), nick)
p.hdel(mapspace, nick)
def _delChannels(net, channels):
gnamespace = "live.who.%s" % net
mapspace = "" % net
p = main.r.pipeline()
for channel in channels:
namespace = "live.who.%s.%s" % (net, channel)
for i in main.r.smembers(namespace):
nick = i.decode()
# user = getUserByNick(net, nick) -- far too many function calls
user = main.r.hget(mapspace, nick)
if not user:
warn("User lookup failed: %s on %s" % (nick, net))
if main.r.smembers("live.chan." + net + "." + nick) == {channel.encode()}:
if user:
p.srem(gnamespace, user)
p.delete("live.chan." + net + "." + nick)
p.hdel(mapspace, nick) # remove map entry
p.srem("live.chan." + net + "." + nick, channel)
p.delete("live.prefix." + net + "." + channel)
def delChannels(net, channels): # we have left a channel
trace("Purging channel %s for %s" % (", ".join(channels), net))
dupes = chankeep.getDuplicateChannels(net, total=True)
print("dupes: %s" % dupes)
if not dupes:
deferToThread(_delChannels, net, channels)
for channel in channels:
if channel in dupes[net]:
if dupes[net][channel] != 0:
debug(f"Not removing channel {channel} as {net} has {dupes[net][channel]} other relays covering it")
deferToThread(_delChannels, net, channels)
# d.addCallback(testCallback)