You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

73 lines
1.6 KiB

from json import load, dump, loads
from redis import StrictRedis
from string import digits
from os import urandom
from utils.logging.log import *
configPath = "conf/"
certPath = "cert/"
filemap = {
"config": ["config.json", "configuration"],
"pool": ["pool.json", "network, alias and relay mappings"],
"help": ["help.json", "command help"],
"counters": ["counters.json", "counters file"],
"monitor": ["monitor.json", "monitoring database"],
"alias": ["alias.json", "alias details"],
"relay": ["relay.json", "relay list"],
"network": ["network.json", "network list"],
"tokens": ["tokens.json", "authentication tokens"],
connections = {}
relayConnections = {}
IRCPool = {}
ReactorPool = {}
FactoryPool = {}
MonitorPool = []
CommandMap = {}
runningSample = 0
lastMinuteSample = 0
# Generate 16-byte hex key for message checksums
hashKey = urandom(16)
lastEvents = {}
def nets():
if not "pool" in globals():
networks = set()
for i in pool.keys():
networks.add("".join([x for x in i if not x in digits]))
return networks
def liveNets():
networks = set()
for i in IRCPool.keys():
networks.add("".join([x for x in i if not x in digits]))
return networks
def saveConf(var):
with open(configPath+filemap[var][0], "w") as f:
dump(globals()[var], f, indent=4)
def loadConf(var):
with open(configPath+filemap[var][0], "r") as f:
globals()[var] = load(f)
def initConf():
for i in filemap.keys():
def initMain():
global r
r = StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=config["RedisSocket"], db=0)