You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

111 lines
3.3 KiB

import json
import pickle
from redis import StrictRedis
from string import digits
from os import urandom
from utils.logging.log import *
# List of errors ZNC can give us
ZNCErrors = ["Error:", "Unable to load", "does not exist", "doesn't exist"]
configPath = "conf/"
certPath = "cert/"
filemap = {
# JSON configs
"config": ["config.json", "configuration", "json"],
"help": ["help.json", "command help", "json"],
"counters": ["counters.json", "counters file", "json"],
"tokens": ["tokens.json", "authentication tokens", "json"],
"aliasdata": ["aliasdata.json", "data for alias generation", "json"],
"alias": ["alias.json", "provisioned alias data", "json"],
"irc": ["irc.json", "IRC network definitions", "json"],
"blacklist": ["blacklist.json", "IRC channel blacklist", "json"],
# Binary (pickle) configs
"network": ["network.dat", "network list", "pickle"],
# Connections to the plain-text interface
connections = {}
# Connections to the JSON interface
relayConnections = {}
# Mapping of network names to Protocol (IRCClient) instances
IRCPool = {}
# Mapping of network names to Reactor instances
# Needed for calling .disconnect()
ReactorPool = {}
# Mapping of network names to Factory instances
# Needed for calling .stopTrying()
FactoryPool = {}
# Temporary store for channels allocated after a LIST
# Will get purged as the instances fire up and pop() from
# their respective keys in here
TempChan = {}
# Mapping of command names to their functions
CommandMap = {}
# Incremented by 1 for each event reaching modules.counters.event()
# and cloned into lastMinuteSample every minute
runningSample = 0
lastMinuteSample = 0
# Generate 16-byte hex key for message checksums
hashKey = urandom(16)
lastEvents = {}
# Get networks that are currently online and dedupliate
def liveNets():
networks = set()
for i in IRCPool.keys():
networks.add("".join([x for x in i if not x in digits]))
return networks
def saveConf(var):
if filemap[var][2] == "json":
with open(configPath + filemap[var][0], "w") as f:
json.dump(globals()[var], f, indent=4)
elif filemap[var][2] == "pickle":
with open(configPath + filemap[var][0], "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(globals()[var], f)
raise Exception("invalid format")
def loadConf(var):
if filemap[var][2] == "json":
with open(configPath + filemap[var][0], "r") as f:
globals()[var] = json.load(f)
if var == "alias":
# This is a workaround to convert all the keys into integers since JSON
# turns them into strings...
# Dammit Jason!
global alias
alias = {int(x): y for x, y in alias.items()}
elif filemap[var][2] == "pickle":
with open(configPath + filemap[var][0], "rb") as f:
globals()[var] = pickle.load(f)
except FileNotFoundError:
globals()[var] = {}
raise Exception("invalid format")
def initConf():
for i in filemap.keys():
def initMain():
global r, g
r = StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=config["RedisSocket"], db=config["RedisDBEphemeral"]) # Ephemeral - flushed on quit
g = StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=config["RedisSocket"], db=config["RedisDBPersistent"]) # Persistent