diff --git a/app/urls.py b/app/urls.py
index 64cfa3f..bcfec50 100644
--- a/app/urls.py
+++ b/app/urls.py
@@ -63,14 +63,15 @@ from core.views.ui.drilldown import ( # DrilldownTableView,; Drilldown,
-from core.views.ui.insights import (
- Insights,
- InsightsChannels,
- InsightsInfoModal,
- InsightsMeta,
- InsightsNicks,
- InsightsSearch,
+# from core.views.ui.insights import (
+# Insights,
+# InsightsChannels,
+# InsightsInfoModal,
+# InsightsMeta,
+# InsightsNicks,
+# InsightsSearch,
+# )
urlpatterns = [
path("__debug__/", include("debug_toolbar.urls")),
@@ -100,12 +101,12 @@ urlpatterns = [
path("context/", DrilldownContextModal.as_view(), name="modal_context"),
path("context_table/", DrilldownContextModal.as_view(), name="modal_context_table"),
- path("ui/insights/", Insights.as_view(), name="insights"),
- path("ui/insights/search/", InsightsSearch.as_view(), name="search_insights"),
- path("ui/insights/channels/", InsightsChannels.as_view(), name="chans_insights"),
- path("ui/insights/nicks/", InsightsNicks.as_view(), name="nicks_insights"),
- path("ui/insights/meta/", InsightsMeta.as_view(), name="meta_insights"),
- path("ui/insights/modal/", InsightsInfoModal.as_view(), name="modal_insights"),
+ # path("ui/insights/", Insights.as_view(), name="insights"),
+ # path("ui/insights/search/", InsightsSearch.as_view(), name="search_insights"),
+ # path("ui/insights/channels/", InsightsChannels.as_view(), name="chans_insights"),
+ # path("ui/insights/nicks/", InsightsNicks.as_view(), name="nicks_insights"),
+ # path("ui/insights/meta/", InsightsMeta.as_view(), name="meta_insights"),
+ # path("ui/insights/modal/", InsightsInfoModal.as_view(), name="modal_insights"),
diff --git a/core/db/__init__.py b/core/db/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64b201f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/db/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+import random
+import string
+import time
+from math import floor, log10
+import orjson
+from django.conf import settings
+from siphashc import siphash
+from core import r
+from core.db.processing import annotate_results
+from core.util import logs
+class StorageBackend(object):
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ self.log = logs.get_logger(name)
+ self.log.info(f"Initialising storage backend {name}")
+ self.initialise_caching()
+ self.initialise()
+ def initialise(self, **kwargs):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def initialise_caching(self):
+ hash_key = r.get("cache_hash_key")
+ if not hash_key:
+ letters = string.ascii_lowercase
+ hash_key = "".join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(16))
+ self.log.debug(f"Created new hash key: {hash_key}")
+ r.set("cache_hash_key", hash_key)
+ else:
+ hash_key = hash_key.decode("ascii")
+ self.log.debug(f"Decoded hash key: {hash_key}")
+ self.hash_key = hash_key
+ def construct_query(self, **kwargs):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def run_query(self, **kwargs):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def parse_size(self, query_params, sizes):
+ if "size" in query_params:
+ size = query_params["size"]
+ if size not in sizes:
+ message = "Size is not permitted"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ size = int(size)
+ else:
+ size = 15
+ return size
+ def parse_index(self, user, query_params):
+ if "index" in query_params:
+ index = query_params["index"]
+ if index == "main":
+ index = settings.INDEX_MAIN
+ else:
+ if not user.has_perm(f"core.index_{index}"):
+ message = "Not permitted to search by this index"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {
+ "message": message,
+ "class": message_class,
+ }
+ if index == "meta":
+ index = settings.INDEX_META
+ elif index == "internal":
+ index = settings.INDEX_INT
+ else:
+ message = "Index is not valid."
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {
+ "message": message,
+ "class": message_class,
+ }
+ else:
+ index = settings.INDEX_MAIN
+ return index
+ def parse_query(self, query_params, tags, size, index, custom_query, add_bool):
+ if "query" in query_params:
+ query = query_params["query"]
+ search_query = self.construct_query(query, size, index)
+ query_created = True
+ else:
+ if custom_query:
+ search_query = custom_query
+ if tags:
+ # Get a blank search query
+ if not query_created:
+ search_query = self.construct_query(None, size, index, blank=True)
+ query_created = True
+ for tagname, tagvalue in tags.items():
+ add_bool.append({tagname: tagvalue})
+ required_any = ["query", "tags"]
+ if not any([field in query_params.keys() for field in required_any]):
+ if not custom_query:
+ message = "Empty query!"
+ message_class = "warning"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ return search_query
+ def parse_source(self, user, query_params):
+ if "source" in query_params:
+ source = query_params["source"]
+ if source in settings.SOURCES_RESTRICTED:
+ if not user.has_perm("core.restricted_sources"):
+ message = "Access denied"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ elif source not in settings.MAIN_SOURCES:
+ message = "Invalid source"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ if source == "all":
+ source = None # the next block will populate it
+ if source:
+ sources = [source]
+ else:
+ sources = list(settings.MAIN_SOURCES)
+ if user.has_perm("core.restricted_sources"):
+ for source_iter in settings.SOURCES_RESTRICTED:
+ sources.append(source_iter)
+ return sources
+ def filter_blacklisted(self, user, response):
+ """
+ Low level filter to take the raw OpenSearch response and remove
+ objects from it we want to keep secret.
+ Does not return, the object is mutated in place.
+ """
+ response["redacted"] = 0
+ response["exemption"] = None
+ if user.is_superuser:
+ response["exemption"] = True
+ # is_anonymous = isinstance(user, AnonymousUser)
+ # For every hit from ES
+ for index, item in enumerate(list(response["hits"]["hits"])):
+ # For every blacklisted type
+ for blacklisted_type in settings.OPENSEARCH_BLACKLISTED.keys():
+ # Check this field we are matching exists
+ if "_source" in item.keys():
+ data_index = "_source"
+ elif "fields" in item.keys():
+ data_index = "fields"
+ else:
+ return False
+ if blacklisted_type in item[data_index].keys():
+ content = item[data_index][blacklisted_type]
+ # For every item in the blacklisted array for the type
+ for blacklisted_item in settings.OPENSEARCH_BLACKLISTED[
+ blacklisted_type
+ ]:
+ if blacklisted_item == str(content):
+ # Remove the item
+ if item in response["hits"]["hits"]:
+ # Let the UI know something was redacted
+ if (
+ "exemption"
+ not in response["hits"]["hits"][index][data_index]
+ ):
+ response["redacted"] += 1
+ # Anonymous
+ if user.is_anonymous:
+ # Just set it to none so the index is not off
+ response["hits"]["hits"][index] = None
+ else:
+ if not user.has_perm("core.bypass_blacklist"):
+ response["hits"]["hits"][index] = None
+ else:
+ response["hits"]["hits"][index][data_index][
+ "exemption"
+ ] = True
+ # Actually get rid of all the things we set to None
+ response["hits"]["hits"] = [hit for hit in response["hits"]["hits"] if hit]
+ def query(self, user, search_query):
+ # For time tracking
+ start = time.process_time()
+ if settings.CACHE:
+ # Sort the keys so the hash is the same
+ query_normalised = orjson.dumps(search_query, option=orjson.OPT_SORT_KEYS)
+ hash = siphash(self.hash_key, query_normalised)
+ cache_hit = r.get(f"query_cache.{user.id}.{hash}")
+ if cache_hit:
+ response = orjson.loads(cache_hit)
+ response["cache"] = True
+ return response
+ response = self.run_query(user, search_query)
+ if "error" in response and len(response.keys()) == 1:
+ return response
+ # response = response.to_dict()
+ # print("RESP", response)
+ if "took" in response:
+ if response["took"] is None:
+ return None
+ self.filter_blacklisted(user, response)
+ # Write cache
+ if settings.CACHE:
+ to_write_cache = orjson.dumps(response)
+ r.set(f"query_cache.{user.id}.{hash}", to_write_cache)
+ r.expire(f"query_cache.{user.id}.{hash}", settings.CACHE_TIMEOUT)
+ # Parse the response
+ response_parsed = self.parse(response)
+ time_took = (time.process_time() - start) * 1000
+ # Round to 3 significant figures
+ time_took_rounded = round(time_took, 3 - int(floor(log10(abs(time_took)))) - 1)
+ return {"object_list": response_parsed, "took": time_took_rounded}
+ def query_results(self, **kwargs):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def process_results(self, **kwargs):
+ if kwargs.get("annotate"):
+ annotate_results(kwargs["results"])
+ def parse(self, response):
+ raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/core/db/druid.py b/core/db/druid.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..153c984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/db/druid.py
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+import logging
+import random
+import string
+import time
+from datetime import datetime
+from math import floor, log10
+from pprint import pprint
+import orjson
+import requests
+from django.conf import settings
+from siphashc import siphash
+from core import r
+from core.db import StorageBackend
+from core.db.processing import parse_druid
+from core.views import helpers
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class DruidBackend(StorageBackend):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__("Druid")
+ def initialise(self, **kwargs):
+ # self.client = PyDruid("http://broker:8082", "druid/v2")
+ pass # we use requests
+ def construct_query(self, query, size, index, blank=False):
+ search_query = {
+ "limit": size,
+ "queryType": "scan",
+ "dataSource": index,
+ "filter": {
+ "type": "and",
+ "fields": [
+ ],
+ },
+ # "resultFormat": "list",
+ # "columns":[],
+ "intervals": ["1000-01-01/3000-01-01"],
+ # "batchSize": 20480,
+ }
+ to_add = {
+ "type": "search",
+ "dimension": "msg",
+ "query": {
+ "type": "insensitive_contains",
+ "value": query,
+ },
+ },
+ if blank:
+ return search_query
+ else:
+ search_query["filter"]["fields"].append(to_add)
+ return search_query
+ def parse(self, response):
+ parsed = parse_druid(response)
+ print("PARSE LEN", len(parsed))
+ return parsed
+ def run_query(self, user, search_query):
+ response = requests.post("http://broker:8082/druid/v2", json=search_query)
+ response = orjson.loads(response.text)
+ print("RESPONSE LEN", len(response))
+ ss = orjson.dumps(list(response), option=orjson.OPT_INDENT_2)
+ ss = ss.decode()
+ print(ss)
+ return response
+ def filter_blacklisted(self, user, response):
+ pass
+ def query_results(
+ self,
+ request,
+ query_params,
+ size=None,
+ annotate=True,
+ custom_query=False,
+ reverse=False,
+ dedup=False,
+ dedup_fields=None,
+ tags=None,
+ ):
+ add_bool = []
+ add_top = []
+ helpers.add_defaults(query_params)
+ # Check size
+ if request.user.is_anonymous:
+ sizes = settings.MAIN_SIZES_ANON
+ else:
+ sizes = settings.MAIN_SIZES
+ if not size:
+ size = self.parse_size(query_params, sizes)
+ if isinstance(size, dict):
+ return size
+ # Check index
+ index = self.parse_index(request.user, query_params)
+ if isinstance(index, dict):
+ return index
+ # Create the search query
+ search_query = self.parse_query(query_params, tags, size, index, custom_query, add_bool)
+ if isinstance(search_query, dict):
+ return search_query
+ sources = self.parse_source(request.user, query_params)
+ # TODO
+ add_top_tmp = {"bool": {"should": []}}
+ total_count = 0
+ for source_iter in sources:
+ add_top_tmp["bool"]["should"].append({"equals": {"src": source_iter}})
+ total_count += 1
+ total_sources = len(settings.MAIN_SOURCES) + len(
+ )
+ if not total_count == total_sources:
+ add_top.append(add_top_tmp)
+ print("SIZE IS", size)
+ if add_bool:
+ self.add_bool(search_query, add_bool)
+ response = self.query(request.user, search_query)
+ # print("RESP", response)
+ # ss = orjson.dumps(list(response), option=orjson.OPT_INDENT_2)
+ # ss = ss.decode()
+ # print(ss)
+ # print("PARSED", results_parsed)
+ # return results_parsed
+ context = response
+ return context
+ def add_bool(self, search_query, add_bool):
+ if "filter" in search_query:
+ if "fields" in search_query["filter"]:
+ search_query["filter"]["fields"].append({"bool": {"should": add_bool}})
+ else:
+ search_query["filter"]["fields"] = [{"bool": {"should": add_bool}}]
+ else:
+ search_query["filter"] = {"bool": {"should": add_bool}}
diff --git a/core/db/manticore.py b/core/db/manticore.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81211b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/db/manticore.py
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+import logging
+import random
+import string
+import time
+from datetime import datetime
+from math import floor, log10
+from pprint import pprint
+import orjson
+import requests
+from django.conf import settings
+from core import r
+from core.db import StorageBackend
+from core.db.processing import annotate_results, filter_blacklisted, parse_results
+from core.views import helpers
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ManticoreBackend(StorageBackend):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__("Manticore")
+ def initialise(self, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Initialise the Manticore client
+ """
+ pass # we use requests
+ def construct_query(self, query, size, index, blank=False):
+ """
+ Accept some query parameters and construct an OpenSearch query.
+ """
+ if not size:
+ size = 5
+ query_base = {
+ "index": index,
+ "limit": size,
+ "query": {"bool": {"must": []}},
+ }
+ query_string = {
+ "query_string": query,
+ }
+ if not blank:
+ query_base["query"]["bool"]["must"].append(query_string)
+ return query_base
+ def run_query(self, client, user, search_query):
+ response = requests.post(
+ f"{settings.MANTICORE_URL}/json/search", json=search_query
+ )
+ return response
+ def query_results(
+ self,
+ request,
+ query_params,
+ size=None,
+ annotate=True,
+ custom_query=False,
+ reverse=False,
+ dedup=False,
+ dedup_fields=None,
+ tags=None,
+ ):
+ query = None
+ message = None
+ message_class = None
+ add_bool = []
+ add_top = []
+ add_top_negative = []
+ sort = None
+ query_created = False
+ source = None
+ helpers.add_defaults(query_params)
+ # Check size
+ if request.user.is_anonymous:
+ sizes = settings.MANTICORE_MAIN_SIZES_ANON
+ else:
+ sizes = settings.MANTICORE_MAIN_SIZES
+ if not size:
+ if "size" in query_params:
+ size = query_params["size"]
+ if size not in sizes:
+ message = "Size is not permitted"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ size = int(size)
+ else:
+ size = 20
+ # Check index
+ if "index" in query_params:
+ index = query_params["index"]
+ if index == "main":
+ index = settings.MANTICORE_INDEX_MAIN
+ else:
+ if not request.user.has_perm(f"core.index_{index}"):
+ message = "Not permitted to search by this index"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {
+ "message": message,
+ "class": message_class,
+ }
+ if index == "meta":
+ index = settings.MANTICORE_INDEX_META
+ elif index == "internal":
+ index = settings.MANTICORE_INDEX_INT
+ else:
+ message = "Index is not valid."
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {
+ "message": message,
+ "class": message_class,
+ }
+ else:
+ index = settings.MANTICORE_INDEX_MAIN
+ # Create the search query
+ if "query" in query_params:
+ query = query_params["query"]
+ search_query = construct_query(query, size, index)
+ query_created = True
+ else:
+ if custom_query:
+ search_query = custom_query
+ if tags:
+ # Get a blank search query
+ if not query_created:
+ search_query = construct_query(None, size, index, blank=True)
+ query_created = True
+ for tagname, tagvalue in tags.items():
+ add_bool.append({tagname: tagvalue})
+ required_any = ["query_full", "query", "tags"]
+ if not any([field in query_params.keys() for field in required_any]):
+ if not custom_query:
+ message = "Empty query!"
+ message_class = "warning"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ # Check for a source
+ if "source" in query_params:
+ source = query_params["source"]
+ if source in settings.SOURCES_RESTRICTED:
+ if not request.user.has_perm("core.restricted_sources"):
+ message = "Access denied"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ elif source not in settings.MAIN_SOURCES:
+ message = "Invalid source"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ if source == "all":
+ source = None # the next block will populate it
+ if source:
+ sources = [source]
+ else:
+ sources = list(settings.MAIN_SOURCES)
+ if request.user.has_perm("core.restricted_sources"):
+ for source_iter in settings.SOURCES_RESTRICTED:
+ sources.append(source_iter)
+ add_top_tmp = {"bool": {"should": []}}
+ total_count = 0
+ for source_iter in sources:
+ add_top_tmp["bool"]["should"].append({"equals": {"src": source_iter}})
+ total_count += 1
+ total_sources = len(settings.MAIN_SOURCES) + len(
+ )
+ if not total_count == total_sources:
+ add_top.append(add_top_tmp)
+ # Date/time range
+ if set({"from_date", "to_date", "from_time", "to_time"}).issubset(
+ query_params.keys()
+ ):
+ from_ts = f"{query_params['from_date']}T{query_params['from_time']}Z"
+ to_ts = f"{query_params['to_date']}T{query_params['to_time']}Z"
+ from_ts = datetime.strptime(from_ts, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ")
+ to_ts = datetime.strptime(to_ts, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ")
+ from_ts = int(from_ts.timestamp())
+ to_ts = int(to_ts.timestamp())
+ range_query = {
+ "range": {
+ "ts": {
+ "gt": from_ts,
+ "lt": to_ts,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ add_top.append(range_query)
+ # Sorting
+ if "sorting" in query_params:
+ sorting = query_params["sorting"]
+ if sorting not in ("asc", "desc", "none"):
+ message = "Invalid sort"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ if sorting in ("asc", "desc"):
+ sort = [
+ {
+ "ts": {
+ "order": sorting,
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ # Sentiment handling
+ if "check_sentiment" in query_params:
+ if "sentiment_method" not in query_params:
+ message = "No sentiment method"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ if "sentiment" in query_params:
+ sentiment = query_params["sentiment"]
+ try:
+ sentiment = float(sentiment)
+ except ValueError:
+ message = "Sentiment is not a float"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ sentiment_method = query_params["sentiment_method"]
+ range_query_compare = {"range": {"sentiment": {}}}
+ range_query_precise = {
+ "match": {
+ "sentiment": None,
+ }
+ }
+ if sentiment_method == "below":
+ range_query_compare["range"]["sentiment"]["lt"] = sentiment
+ add_top.append(range_query_compare)
+ elif sentiment_method == "above":
+ range_query_compare["range"]["sentiment"]["gt"] = sentiment
+ add_top.append(range_query_compare)
+ elif sentiment_method == "exact":
+ range_query_precise["match"]["sentiment"] = sentiment
+ add_top.append(range_query_precise)
+ elif sentiment_method == "nonzero":
+ range_query_precise["match"]["sentiment"] = 0
+ add_top_negative.append(range_query_precise)
+ if add_bool:
+ # if "bool" not in search_query["query"]:
+ # search_query["query"]["bool"] = {}
+ # if "must" not in search_query["query"]["bool"]:
+ # search_query["query"]["bool"] = {"must": []}
+ for item in add_bool:
+ search_query["query"]["bool"]["must"].append({"match": item})
+ if add_top:
+ for item in add_top:
+ search_query["query"]["bool"]["must"].append(item)
+ if add_top_negative:
+ for item in add_top_negative:
+ if "must_not" in search_query["query"]["bool"]:
+ search_query["query"]["bool"]["must_not"].append(item)
+ else:
+ search_query["query"]["bool"]["must_not"] = [item]
+ if sort:
+ search_query["sort"] = sort
+ pprint(search_query)
+ results = run_query(
+ client,
+ request.user, # passed through run_main_query to filter_blacklisted
+ search_query,
+ )
+ if not results:
+ message = "Error running query"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ # results = results.to_dict()
+ if "error" in results:
+ message = results["error"]
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ results_parsed = parse_results(results)
+ if annotate:
+ annotate_results(results_parsed)
+ if "dedup" in query_params:
+ if query_params["dedup"] == "on":
+ dedup = True
+ else:
+ dedup = False
+ else:
+ dedup = False
+ if reverse:
+ results_parsed = results_parsed[::-1]
+ if dedup:
+ if not dedup_fields:
+ dedup_fields = ["msg", "nick", "ident", "host", "net", "channel"]
+ results_parsed = helpers.dedup_list(results_parsed, dedup_fields)
+ context = {
+ "object_list": results_parsed,
+ "card": results["hits"]["total"],
+ "took": results["took"],
+ }
+ if "cache" in results:
+ context["cache"] = results["cache"]
+ return context
diff --git a/core/db/opensearch.py b/core/db/opensearch.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1c4df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/db/opensearch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+# from copy import deepcopy
+# from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from django.conf import settings
+from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
+from opensearchpy.exceptions import NotFoundError, RequestError
+from core.db import StorageBackend
+# from json import dumps
+# pp = lambda x: print(dumps(x, indent=2))
+from core.db.processing import annotate_results, filter_blacklisted, parse_results
+from core.views.helpers import dedup_list
+class OpensearchBackend(StorageBackend):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__("Opensearch")
+ def initialise(self, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Inititialise the OpenSearch API endpoint.
+ """
+ client = OpenSearch(
+ # fmt: off
+ hosts=[{"host": settings.OPENSEARCH_URL,
+ "port": settings.OPENSEARCH_PORT}],
+ http_compress=False, # enables gzip compression for request bodies
+ http_auth=auth,
+ # client_cert = client_cert_path,
+ # client_key = client_key_path,
+ use_ssl=settings.OPENSEARCH_TLS,
+ verify_certs=False,
+ ssl_assert_hostname=False,
+ ssl_show_warn=False,
+ # a_certs=ca_certs_path,
+ )
+ self.client = client
+ def construct_query(self, query, size, use_query_string=True, tokens=False):
+ """
+ Accept some query parameters and construct an OpenSearch query.
+ """
+ if not size:
+ size = 5
+ query_base = {
+ "size": size,
+ "query": {"bool": {"must": []}},
+ }
+ query_string = {
+ "query_string": {
+ "query": query,
+ # "fields": fields,
+ # "default_field": "msg",
+ # "type": "best_fields",
+ "fuzziness": "AUTO",
+ "fuzzy_transpositions": True,
+ "fuzzy_max_expansions": 50,
+ "fuzzy_prefix_length": 0,
+ # "minimum_should_match": 1,
+ "default_operator": "or",
+ "analyzer": "standard",
+ "lenient": True,
+ "boost": 1,
+ "allow_leading_wildcard": True,
+ # "enable_position_increments": False,
+ "phrase_slop": 3,
+ # "max_determinized_states": 10000,
+ "quote_field_suffix": "",
+ "quote_analyzer": "standard",
+ "analyze_wildcard": False,
+ "auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query": True,
+ }
+ }
+ query_tokens = {
+ "simple_query_string": {
+ # "tokens": query,
+ "query": query,
+ "fields": ["tokens"],
+ "flags": "ALL",
+ "fuzzy_transpositions": True,
+ "fuzzy_max_expansions": 50,
+ "fuzzy_prefix_length": 0,
+ "default_operator": "and",
+ "analyzer": "standard",
+ "lenient": True,
+ "boost": 1,
+ "quote_field_suffix": "",
+ "analyze_wildcard": False,
+ "auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query": False,
+ }
+ }
+ if tokens:
+ query_base["query"]["bool"]["must"].append(query_tokens)
+ # query["query"]["bool"]["must"].append(query_string)
+ # query["query"]["bool"]["must"][0]["query_string"]["fields"] = ["tokens"]
+ elif use_query_string:
+ query_base["query"]["bool"]["must"].append(query_string)
+ return query_base
+ def run_query(self, client, user, query, custom_query=False, index=None, size=None):
+ """
+ Low level helper to run an ES query.
+ Accept a user to pass it to the filter, so we can
+ avoid filtering for superusers.
+ Accept fields and size, for the fields we want to match and the
+ number of results to return.
+ """
+ if not index:
+ index = settings.INDEX_MAIN
+ if custom_query:
+ search_query = query
+ else:
+ search_query = self.construct_query(query, size)
+ try:
+ response = client.search(body=search_query, index=index)
+ except RequestError as err:
+ print("OpenSearch error", err)
+ return err
+ except NotFoundError as err:
+ print("OpenSearch error", err)
+ return err
+ return response
+ def query_results(
+ self,
+ request,
+ query_params,
+ size=None,
+ annotate=True,
+ custom_query=False,
+ reverse=False,
+ dedup=False,
+ dedup_fields=None,
+ lookup_hashes=True,
+ tags=None,
+ ):
+ """
+ API helper to alter the OpenSearch return format into something
+ a bit better to parse.
+ Accept a HTTP request object. Run the query, and annotate the
+ results with the other data we have.
+ """
+ # is_anonymous = isinstance(request.user, AnonymousUser)
+ query = None
+ message = None
+ message_class = None
+ add_bool = []
+ add_top = []
+ add_top_negative = []
+ sort = None
+ query_created = False
+ # Lookup the hash values but don't disclose them to the user
+ # denied = []
+ # if lookup_hashes:
+ # if settings.HASHING:
+ # query_params = deepcopy(query_params)
+ # denied_q = hash_lookup(request.user, query_params)
+ # denied.extend(denied_q)
+ # if tags:
+ # denied_t = hash_lookup(request.user, tags, query_params)
+ # denied.extend(denied_t)
+ # message = "Permission denied: "
+ # for x in denied:
+ # if isinstance(x, SearchDenied):
+ # message += f"Search({x.key}: {x.value}) "
+ # elif isinstance(x, LookupDenied):
+ # message += f"Lookup({x.key}: {x.value}) "
+ # if denied:
+ # # message = [f"{i}" for i in message]
+ # # message = "\n".join(message)
+ # message_class = "danger"
+ # return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ if request.user.is_anonymous:
+ sizes = settings.MAIN_SIZES_ANON
+ else:
+ sizes = settings.MAIN_SIZES
+ if not size:
+ if "size" in query_params:
+ size = query_params["size"]
+ if size not in sizes:
+ message = "Size is not permitted"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ else:
+ size = 20
+ source = None
+ if "source" in query_params:
+ source = query_params["source"]
+ if source in settings.SOURCES_RESTRICTED:
+ if not request.user.has_perm("core.restricted_sources"):
+ message = "Access denied"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ elif source not in settings.MAIN_SOURCES:
+ message = "Invalid source"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ if source == "all":
+ source = None # the next block will populate it
+ if source:
+ sources = [source]
+ else:
+ sources = settings.MAIN_SOURCES
+ if request.user.has_perm("core.restricted_sources"):
+ for source_iter in settings.SOURCES_RESTRICTED:
+ sources.append(source_iter)
+ add_top_tmp = {"bool": {"should": []}}
+ for source_iter in sources:
+ add_top_tmp["bool"]["should"].append({"match_phrase": {"src": source_iter}})
+ add_top.append(add_top_tmp)
+ # date_query = False
+ if set({"from_date", "to_date", "from_time", "to_time"}).issubset(
+ query_params.keys()
+ ):
+ from_ts = f"{query_params['from_date']}T{query_params['from_time']}Z"
+ to_ts = f"{query_params['to_date']}T{query_params['to_time']}Z"
+ range_query = {
+ "range": {
+ "ts": {
+ "gt": from_ts,
+ "lt": to_ts,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ add_top.append(range_query)
+ # if date_query:
+ # if settings.DELAY_RESULTS:
+ # if source not in settings.SAFE_SOURCES:
+ # if request.user.has_perm("core.bypass_delay"):
+ # add_top.append(range_query)
+ # else:
+ # delay_as_ts = datetime.now() - timedelta(
+ # days=settings.DELAY_DURATION
+ # )
+ # lt_as_ts = datetime.strptime(
+ # range_query["range"]["ts"]["lt"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ"
+ # )
+ # if lt_as_ts > delay_as_ts:
+ # range_query["range"]["ts"][
+ # "lt"
+ # ] = f"now-{settings.DELAY_DURATION}d"
+ # add_top.append(range_query)
+ # else:
+ # add_top.append(range_query)
+ # else:
+ # if settings.DELAY_RESULTS:
+ # if source not in settings.SAFE_SOURCES:
+ # if not request.user.has_perm("core.bypass_delay"):
+ # range_query = {
+ # "range": {
+ # "ts": {
+ # # "gt": ,
+ # "lt": f"now-{settings.DELAY_DURATION}d",
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ # add_top.append(range_query)
+ if "sorting" in query_params:
+ sorting = query_params["sorting"]
+ if sorting not in ("asc", "desc", "none"):
+ message = "Invalid sort"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ if sorting in ("asc", "desc"):
+ sort = [
+ {
+ "ts": {
+ "order": sorting,
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ if "check_sentiment" in query_params:
+ if "sentiment_method" not in query_params:
+ message = "No sentiment method"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ if "sentiment" in query_params:
+ sentiment = query_params["sentiment"]
+ try:
+ sentiment = float(sentiment)
+ except ValueError:
+ message = "Sentiment is not a float"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ sentiment_method = query_params["sentiment_method"]
+ range_query_compare = {"range": {"sentiment": {}}}
+ range_query_precise = {
+ "match": {
+ "sentiment": None,
+ }
+ }
+ if sentiment_method == "below":
+ range_query_compare["range"]["sentiment"]["lt"] = sentiment
+ add_top.append(range_query_compare)
+ elif sentiment_method == "above":
+ range_query_compare["range"]["sentiment"]["gt"] = sentiment
+ add_top.append(range_query_compare)
+ elif sentiment_method == "exact":
+ range_query_precise["match"]["sentiment"] = sentiment
+ add_top.append(range_query_precise)
+ elif sentiment_method == "nonzero":
+ range_query_precise["match"]["sentiment"] = 0
+ add_top_negative.append(range_query_precise)
+ # Only one of query or query_full can be active at once
+ # We prefer query because it's simpler
+ if "query" in query_params:
+ query = query_params["query"]
+ search_query = self.construct_query(query, size, tokens=True)
+ query_created = True
+ elif "query_full" in query_params:
+ query_full = query_params["query_full"]
+ # if request.user.has_perm("core.query_search"):
+ search_query = self.construct_query(query_full, size)
+ query_created = True
+ # else:
+ # message = "You cannot search by query string"
+ # message_class = "danger"
+ # return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ else:
+ if custom_query:
+ search_query = custom_query
+ if tags:
+ # Get a blank search query
+ if not query_created:
+ search_query = self.construct_query(None, size, use_query_string=False)
+ query_created = True
+ for tagname, tagvalue in tags.items():
+ add_bool.append({tagname: tagvalue})
+ required_any = ["query_full", "query", "tags"]
+ if not any([field in query_params.keys() for field in required_any]):
+ if not custom_query:
+ message = "Empty query!"
+ message_class = "warning"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ if add_bool:
+ # if "bool" not in search_query["query"]:
+ # search_query["query"]["bool"] = {}
+ # if "must" not in search_query["query"]["bool"]:
+ # search_query["query"]["bool"] = {"must": []}
+ for item in add_bool:
+ search_query["query"]["bool"]["must"].append({"match_phrase": item})
+ if add_top:
+ for item in add_top:
+ search_query["query"]["bool"]["must"].append(item)
+ if add_top_negative:
+ for item in add_top_negative:
+ if "must_not" in search_query["query"]["bool"]:
+ search_query["query"]["bool"]["must_not"].append(item)
+ else:
+ search_query["query"]["bool"]["must_not"] = [item]
+ if sort:
+ search_query["sort"] = sort
+ if "index" in query_params:
+ index = query_params["index"]
+ if index == "main":
+ index = settings.INDEX_MAIN
+ else:
+ if not request.user.has_perm(f"core.index_{index}"):
+ message = "Not permitted to search by this index"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {
+ "message": message,
+ "class": message_class,
+ }
+ if index == "meta":
+ index = settings.INDEX_META
+ elif index == "internal":
+ index = settings.INDEX_INT
+ else:
+ message = "Index is not valid."
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {
+ "message": message,
+ "class": message_class,
+ }
+ else:
+ index = settings.INDEX_MAIN
+ results = self.query(
+ request.user, # passed through run_main_query to filter_blacklisted
+ search_query,
+ custom_query=True,
+ index=index,
+ size=size,
+ )
+ if not results:
+ return False
+ if isinstance(results, Exception):
+ message = f"Error: {results.info['error']['root_cause'][0]['type']}"
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ if len(results["hits"]["hits"]) == 0:
+ message = "No results."
+ message_class = "danger"
+ return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
+ results_parsed = parse_results(results)
+ if annotate:
+ annotate_results(results_parsed)
+ if "dedup" in query_params:
+ if query_params["dedup"] == "on":
+ dedup = True
+ else:
+ dedup = False
+ else:
+ dedup = False
+ if reverse:
+ results_parsed = results_parsed[::-1]
+ if dedup:
+ if not dedup_fields:
+ dedup_fields = ["msg", "nick", "ident", "host", "net", "channel"]
+ results_parsed = dedup_list(results_parsed, dedup_fields)
+ # if source not in settings.SAFE_SOURCES:
+ # if settings.ENCRYPTION:
+ # encrypt_list(request.user, results_parsed, settings.ENCRYPTION_KEY)
+ # if settings.HASHING:
+ # hash_list(request.user, results_parsed)
+ # if settings.OBFUSCATION:
+ # obfuscate_list(request.user, results_parsed)
+ # if settings.RANDOMISATION:
+ # randomise_list(request.user, results_parsed)
+ # process_list(results)
+ # IMPORTANT! - DO NOT PASS query_params to the user!
+ context = {
+ "object_list": results_parsed,
+ "card": results["hits"]["total"]["value"],
+ "took": results["took"],
+ }
+ if "redacted" in results:
+ context["redacted"] = results["redacted"]
+ if "exemption" in results:
+ context["exemption"] = results["exemption"]
+ if query:
+ context["query"] = query
+ # if settings.DELAY_RESULTS:
+ # if source not in settings.SAFE_SOURCES:
+ # if not request.user.has_perm("core.bypass_delay"):
+ # context["delay"] = settings.DELAY_DURATION
+ # if settings.RANDOMISATION:
+ # if source not in settings.SAFE_SOURCES:
+ # if not request.user.has_perm("core.bypass_randomisation"):
+ # context["randomised"] = True
+ return context
+ def query_single_result(self, request, query_params):
+ context = self.query_results(request, query_params, size=100)
+ if not context:
+ return {"message": "Failed to run query", "message_class": "danger"}
+ if "message" in context:
+ return context
+ dedup_set = {item["nick"] for item in context["object_list"]}
+ if dedup_set:
+ context["item"] = context["object_list"][0]
+ return context
diff --git a/core/lib/processing.py b/core/db/processing.py
similarity index 63%
rename from core/lib/processing.py
rename to core/db/processing.py
index 243770e..2022897 100644
--- a/core/lib/processing.py
+++ b/core/db/processing.py
@@ -60,59 +60,6 @@ def annotate_results(results_parsed):
item["num_chans"] = num_chans[item["nick"]]
-def filter_blacklisted(user, response):
- """
- Low level filter to take the raw OpenSearch response and remove
- objects from it we want to keep secret.
- Does not return, the object is mutated in place.
- """
- response["redacted"] = 0
- response["exemption"] = None
- if user.is_superuser:
- response["exemption"] = True
- # is_anonymous = isinstance(user, AnonymousUser)
- # For every hit from ES
- for index, item in enumerate(list(response["hits"]["hits"])):
- # For every blacklisted type
- for blacklisted_type in settings.OPENSEARCH_BLACKLISTED.keys():
- # Check this field we are matching exists
- if "_source" in item.keys():
- data_index = "_source"
- elif "fields" in item.keys():
- data_index = "fields"
- else:
- return False
- if blacklisted_type in item[data_index].keys():
- content = item[data_index][blacklisted_type]
- # For every item in the blacklisted array for the type
- for blacklisted_item in settings.OPENSEARCH_BLACKLISTED[
- blacklisted_type
- ]:
- if blacklisted_item == str(content):
- # Remove the item
- if item in response["hits"]["hits"]:
- # Let the UI know something was redacted
- if (
- "exemption"
- not in response["hits"]["hits"][index][data_index]
- ):
- response["redacted"] += 1
- # Anonymous
- if user.is_anonymous:
- # Just set it to none so the index is not off
- response["hits"]["hits"][index] = None
- else:
- if not user.has_perm("core.bypass_blacklist"):
- response["hits"]["hits"][index] = None
- else:
- response["hits"]["hits"][index][data_index][
- "exemption"
- ] = True
- # Actually get rid of all the things we set to None
- response["hits"]["hits"] = [hit for hit in response["hits"]["hits"] if hit]
def parse_results(results):
results_parsed = []
stringify = ["host", "channel"]
@@ -166,3 +113,14 @@ def parse_results(results):
element["time"] = time
return results_parsed
+def parse_druid(response):
+ results_parsed = []
+ for item in response:
+ if "events" in item:
+ for event in item["events"]:
+ results_parsed.append(event)
+ else:
+ raise Exception(f"events not in item {item}")
+ return results_parsed
diff --git a/core/db/storage.py b/core/db/storage.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06699df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/db/storage.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+from django.conf import settings
+def get_db():
+ if settings.DB_BACKEND == "DRUID":
+ from core.db.druid import DruidBackend
+ return DruidBackend()
+ elif settings.DB_BACKEND == "OPENSEARCH":
+ from core.db.opensearch import OpensearchBackend
+ return OpensearchBackend()
+ elif settings.DB_BACKEND == "MANTICORE":
+ from core.db.manticore import ManticoreBackend
+ return ManticoreBackend()
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Invalid DB backend")
+db = get_db()
diff --git a/core/lib/manage/threshold.py b/core/lib/manage/threshold.py
index f646817..070c3f9 100644
--- a/core/lib/manage/threshold.py
+++ b/core/lib/manage/threshold.py
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
from django.conf import settings
-from core.lib.opensearch import client, run_main_query
from core.lib.threshold import threshold_request
@@ -162,35 +161,6 @@ def construct_alert_query():
return query
-def get_irc_alerts(user):
- query = construct_alert_query()
- results = run_main_query(
- client,
- user, # passed through run_main_query to filter_blacklisted
- query,
- custom_query=True,
- index=settings.OPENSEARCH_INDEX_INT,
- )
- if not results:
- return []
- results_parsed = []
- if "hits" in results.keys():
- if "hits" in results["hits"]:
- for item in results["hits"]["hits"]:
- element = item["_source"]
- element["id"] = item["_id"]
- # Split the timestamp into date and time
- ts = element["ts"]
- ts_spl = ts.split("T")
- date = ts_spl[0]
- time = ts_spl[1]
- element["date"] = date
- element["time"] = time
- results_parsed.append(element)
- return results_parsed
def send_irc_message(net, num, channel, msg, nick=None):
url = f"irc/msg/{net}/{num}"
payload = {"msg": msg, "channel": channel}
diff --git a/core/lib/manticore.py b/core/lib/manticore.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6563173..0000000
--- a/core/lib/manticore.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import random
-import string
-import time
-from datetime import datetime
-from math import floor, log10
-from pprint import pprint
-import manticoresearch
-import requests
-import ujson
-from django.conf import settings
-from siphashc import siphash
-from core import r
-from core.lib.processing import annotate_results, filter_blacklisted, parse_results
-from core.views import helpers
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def initialise_manticore():
- """
- Initialise the Manticore client
- """
- configuration = manticoresearch.Configuration(host=settings.MANTICORE_URL)
- api_client = manticoresearch.ApiClient(configuration)
- api_instance = manticoresearch.SearchApi(api_client)
- return (api_client, api_instance)
-api_client, client = initialise_manticore()
-def initialise_caching():
- hash_key = r.get("cache_hash_key")
- if not hash_key:
- letters = string.ascii_lowercase
- hash_key = "".join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(16))
- logger.debug(f"Created new hash key: {hash_key}")
- r.set("cache_hash_key", hash_key)
- else:
- hash_key = hash_key.decode("ascii")
- logger.debug(f"Decoded hash key: {hash_key}")
- return hash_key
-hash_key = initialise_caching()
-def construct_query(query, size, index, blank=False):
- """
- Accept some query parameters and construct an OpenSearch query.
- """
- if not size:
- size = 5
- query_base = {
- "index": index,
- "limit": size,
- "query": {"bool": {"must": []}},
- }
- query_string = {
- "query_string": query,
- }
- if not blank:
- query_base["query"]["bool"]["must"].append(query_string)
- return query_base
-def run_query(client, user, search_query):
- if settings.MANTICORE_CACHE:
- start = time.process_time()
- query_normalised = ujson.dumps(search_query, sort_keys=True)
- hash = siphash(hash_key, query_normalised)
- cache_hit = r.get(f"query_cache.{user.id}.{hash}")
- if cache_hit:
- response = ujson.loads(cache_hit)
- time_took = (time.process_time() - start) * 1000
- # Round to 3 significant figures
- time_took_rounded = round(
- time_took, 3 - int(floor(log10(abs(time_took)))) - 1
- )
- response["took"] = time_took_rounded
- response["cache"] = True
- return response
- # response = client.search(search_query)
- response = requests.post(f"{settings.MANTICORE_URL}/json/search", json=search_query)
- response = ujson.loads(response.text)
- if "error" in response and len(response.keys()) == 1:
- return response
- # response = response.to_dict()
- #print("RESP", response)
- if "took" in response:
- if response["took"] is None:
- return None
- filter_blacklisted(user, response)
- # Write cache
- if settings.MANTICORE_CACHE:
- to_write_cache = ujson.dumps(response)
- r.set(f"query_cache.{user.id}.{hash}", to_write_cache)
- r.expire(f"query_cache.{user.id}.{hash}", settings.MANTICORE_CACHE_TIMEOUT)
- return response
-def query_results(
- request,
- query_params,
- size=None,
- annotate=True,
- custom_query=False,
- reverse=False,
- dedup=False,
- dedup_fields=None,
- tags=None,
- query = None
- message = None
- message_class = None
- add_bool = []
- add_top = []
- add_top_negative = []
- sort = None
- query_created = False
- source = None
- helpers.add_defaults(query_params)
- # Check size
- if request.user.is_anonymous:
- sizes = settings.MANTICORE_MAIN_SIZES_ANON
- else:
- sizes = settings.MANTICORE_MAIN_SIZES
- if not size:
- if "size" in query_params:
- size = query_params["size"]
- if size not in sizes:
- message = "Size is not permitted"
- message_class = "danger"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- size = int(size)
- else:
- size = 20
- # Check index
- if "index" in query_params:
- index = query_params["index"]
- if index == "main":
- index = settings.MANTICORE_INDEX_MAIN
- else:
- if not request.user.has_perm(f"core.index_{index}"):
- message = "Not permitted to search by this index"
- message_class = "danger"
- return {
- "message": message,
- "class": message_class,
- }
- if index == "meta":
- index = settings.MANTICORE_INDEX_META
- elif index == "internal":
- index = settings.MANTICORE_INDEX_INT
- else:
- message = "Index is not valid."
- message_class = "danger"
- return {
- "message": message,
- "class": message_class,
- }
- else:
- index = settings.MANTICORE_INDEX_MAIN
- # Create the search query
- if "query" in query_params:
- query = query_params["query"]
- search_query = construct_query(query, size, index)
- query_created = True
- else:
- if custom_query:
- search_query = custom_query
- if tags:
- # Get a blank search query
- if not query_created:
- search_query = construct_query(None, size, index, blank=True)
- query_created = True
- for tagname, tagvalue in tags.items():
- add_bool.append({tagname: tagvalue})
- required_any = ["query_full", "query", "tags"]
- if not any([field in query_params.keys() for field in required_any]):
- if not custom_query:
- message = "Empty query!"
- message_class = "warning"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- # Check for a source
- if "source" in query_params:
- source = query_params["source"]
- if source in settings.MANTICORE_SOURCES_RESTRICTED:
- if not request.user.has_perm("core.restricted_sources"):
- message = "Access denied"
- message_class = "danger"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- elif source not in settings.MANTICORE_MAIN_SOURCES:
- message = "Invalid source"
- message_class = "danger"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- if source == "all":
- source = None # the next block will populate it
- if source:
- sources = [source]
- else:
- sources = list(settings.MANTICORE_MAIN_SOURCES)
- if request.user.has_perm("core.restricted_sources"):
- for source_iter in settings.MANTICORE_SOURCES_RESTRICTED:
- sources.append(source_iter)
- add_top_tmp = {"bool": {"should": []}}
- total_count = 0
- for source_iter in sources:
- add_top_tmp["bool"]["should"].append({"equals": {"src": source_iter}})
- total_count += 1
- total_sources = len(settings.MANTICORE_MAIN_SOURCES) + len(
- )
- if not total_count == total_sources:
- add_top.append(add_top_tmp)
- # Date/time range
- if set({"from_date", "to_date", "from_time", "to_time"}).issubset(
- query_params.keys()
- ):
- from_ts = f"{query_params['from_date']}T{query_params['from_time']}Z"
- to_ts = f"{query_params['to_date']}T{query_params['to_time']}Z"
- from_ts = datetime.strptime(from_ts, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ")
- to_ts = datetime.strptime(to_ts, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ")
- from_ts = int(from_ts.timestamp())
- to_ts = int(to_ts.timestamp())
- range_query = {
- "range": {
- "ts": {
- "gt": from_ts,
- "lt": to_ts,
- }
- }
- }
- add_top.append(range_query)
- # Sorting
- if "sorting" in query_params:
- sorting = query_params["sorting"]
- if sorting not in ("asc", "desc", "none"):
- message = "Invalid sort"
- message_class = "danger"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- if sorting in ("asc", "desc"):
- sort = [
- {
- "ts": {
- "order": sorting,
- }
- }
- ]
- # Sentiment handling
- if "check_sentiment" in query_params:
- if "sentiment_method" not in query_params:
- message = "No sentiment method"
- message_class = "danger"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- if "sentiment" in query_params:
- sentiment = query_params["sentiment"]
- try:
- sentiment = float(sentiment)
- except ValueError:
- message = "Sentiment is not a float"
- message_class = "danger"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- sentiment_method = query_params["sentiment_method"]
- range_query_compare = {"range": {"sentiment": {}}}
- range_query_precise = {
- "match": {
- "sentiment": None,
- }
- }
- if sentiment_method == "below":
- range_query_compare["range"]["sentiment"]["lt"] = sentiment
- add_top.append(range_query_compare)
- elif sentiment_method == "above":
- range_query_compare["range"]["sentiment"]["gt"] = sentiment
- add_top.append(range_query_compare)
- elif sentiment_method == "exact":
- range_query_precise["match"]["sentiment"] = sentiment
- add_top.append(range_query_precise)
- elif sentiment_method == "nonzero":
- range_query_precise["match"]["sentiment"] = 0
- add_top_negative.append(range_query_precise)
- if add_bool:
- # if "bool" not in search_query["query"]:
- # search_query["query"]["bool"] = {}
- # if "must" not in search_query["query"]["bool"]:
- # search_query["query"]["bool"] = {"must": []}
- for item in add_bool:
- search_query["query"]["bool"]["must"].append({"match": item})
- if add_top:
- for item in add_top:
- search_query["query"]["bool"]["must"].append(item)
- if add_top_negative:
- for item in add_top_negative:
- if "must_not" in search_query["query"]["bool"]:
- search_query["query"]["bool"]["must_not"].append(item)
- else:
- search_query["query"]["bool"]["must_not"] = [item]
- if sort:
- search_query["sort"] = sort
- pprint(search_query)
- results = run_query(
- client,
- request.user, # passed through run_main_query to filter_blacklisted
- search_query,
- )
- if not results:
- message = "Error running query"
- message_class = "danger"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- # results = results.to_dict()
- if "error" in results:
- message = results["error"]
- message_class = "danger"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- results_parsed = parse_results(results)
- if annotate:
- annotate_results(results_parsed)
- if "dedup" in query_params:
- if query_params["dedup"] == "on":
- dedup = True
- else:
- dedup = False
- else:
- dedup = False
- if reverse:
- results_parsed = results_parsed[::-1]
- if dedup:
- if not dedup_fields:
- dedup_fields = ["msg", "nick", "ident", "host", "net", "channel"]
- results_parsed = helpers.dedup_list(results_parsed, dedup_fields)
- context = {
- "object_list": results_parsed,
- "card": results["hits"]["total"],
- "took": results["took"],
- }
- if "cache" in results:
- context["cache"] = results["cache"]
- return context
diff --git a/core/lib/meta.py b/core/lib/meta.py
index 5a368ea..91a367b 100644
--- a/core/lib/meta.py
+++ b/core/lib/meta.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from math import ceil
from django.conf import settings
from numpy import array_split
-from core.lib.opensearch import client, run_main_query
+from core.db.opensearch import client, run_main_query
def construct_query(net, nicks):
diff --git a/core/lib/nicktrace.py b/core/lib/nicktrace.py
index e7022ae..41e4b2d 100644
--- a/core/lib/nicktrace.py
+++ b/core/lib/nicktrace.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from math import ceil
from django.conf import settings
from numpy import array_split
-from core.lib.opensearch import client, run_main_query
+from core.lib.druid import client, run_main_query
def construct_query(net, nicks):
diff --git a/core/lib/opensearch.py b/core/lib/opensearch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ec8fd44..0000000
--- a/core/lib/opensearch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,487 +0,0 @@
-# from copy import deepcopy
-# from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-from django.conf import settings
-from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
-from opensearchpy.exceptions import NotFoundError, RequestError
-# from json import dumps
-# pp = lambda x: print(dumps(x, indent=2))
-from core.lib.processing import annotate_results, filter_blacklisted, parse_results
-from core.views.helpers import dedup_list
-def initialise_opensearch():
- """
- Inititialise the OpenSearch API endpoint.
- """
- client = OpenSearch(
- # fmt: off
- hosts=[{"host": settings.OPENSEARCH_URL,
- "port": settings.OPENSEARCH_PORT}],
- http_compress=False, # enables gzip compression for request bodies
- http_auth=auth,
- # client_cert = client_cert_path,
- # client_key = client_key_path,
- use_ssl=settings.OPENSEARCH_TLS,
- verify_certs=False,
- ssl_assert_hostname=False,
- ssl_show_warn=False,
- # a_certs=ca_certs_path,
- )
- return client
-client = initialise_opensearch()
-def construct_query(query, size, use_query_string=True, tokens=False):
- """
- Accept some query parameters and construct an OpenSearch query.
- """
- if not size:
- size = 5
- query_base = {
- "size": size,
- "query": {"bool": {"must": []}},
- }
- query_string = {
- "query_string": {
- "query": query,
- # "fields": fields,
- # "default_field": "msg",
- # "type": "best_fields",
- "fuzziness": "AUTO",
- "fuzzy_transpositions": True,
- "fuzzy_max_expansions": 50,
- "fuzzy_prefix_length": 0,
- # "minimum_should_match": 1,
- "default_operator": "or",
- "analyzer": "standard",
- "lenient": True,
- "boost": 1,
- "allow_leading_wildcard": True,
- # "enable_position_increments": False,
- "phrase_slop": 3,
- # "max_determinized_states": 10000,
- "quote_field_suffix": "",
- "quote_analyzer": "standard",
- "analyze_wildcard": False,
- "auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query": True,
- }
- }
- query_tokens = {
- "simple_query_string": {
- # "tokens": query,
- "query": query,
- "fields": ["tokens"],
- "flags": "ALL",
- "fuzzy_transpositions": True,
- "fuzzy_max_expansions": 50,
- "fuzzy_prefix_length": 0,
- "default_operator": "and",
- "analyzer": "standard",
- "lenient": True,
- "boost": 1,
- "quote_field_suffix": "",
- "analyze_wildcard": False,
- "auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query": False,
- }
- }
- if tokens:
- query_base["query"]["bool"]["must"].append(query_tokens)
- # query["query"]["bool"]["must"].append(query_string)
- # query["query"]["bool"]["must"][0]["query_string"]["fields"] = ["tokens"]
- elif use_query_string:
- query_base["query"]["bool"]["must"].append(query_string)
- return query_base
-def run_main_query(client, user, query, custom_query=False, index=None, size=None):
- """
- Low level helper to run an ES query.
- Accept a user to pass it to the filter, so we can
- avoid filtering for superusers.
- Accept fields and size, for the fields we want to match and the
- number of results to return.
- """
- if not index:
- index = settings.OPENSEARCH_INDEX_MAIN
- if custom_query:
- search_query = query
- else:
- search_query = construct_query(query, size)
- try:
- response = client.search(body=search_query, index=index)
- except RequestError as err:
- print("OpenSearch error", err)
- return err
- except NotFoundError as err:
- print("OpenSearch error", err)
- return err
- filter_blacklisted(user, response)
- return response
-def query_results(
- request,
- query_params,
- size=None,
- annotate=True,
- custom_query=False,
- reverse=False,
- dedup=False,
- dedup_fields=None,
- lookup_hashes=True,
- tags=None,
- """
- API helper to alter the OpenSearch return format into something
- a bit better to parse.
- Accept a HTTP request object. Run the query, and annotate the
- results with the other data we have.
- """
- # is_anonymous = isinstance(request.user, AnonymousUser)
- query = None
- message = None
- message_class = None
- add_bool = []
- add_top = []
- add_top_negative = []
- sort = None
- query_created = False
- # Lookup the hash values but don't disclose them to the user
- # denied = []
- # if lookup_hashes:
- # if settings.HASHING:
- # query_params = deepcopy(query_params)
- # denied_q = hash_lookup(request.user, query_params)
- # denied.extend(denied_q)
- # if tags:
- # denied_t = hash_lookup(request.user, tags, query_params)
- # denied.extend(denied_t)
- # message = "Permission denied: "
- # for x in denied:
- # if isinstance(x, SearchDenied):
- # message += f"Search({x.key}: {x.value}) "
- # elif isinstance(x, LookupDenied):
- # message += f"Lookup({x.key}: {x.value}) "
- # if denied:
- # # message = [f"{i}" for i in message]
- # # message = "\n".join(message)
- # message_class = "danger"
- # return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- if request.user.is_anonymous:
- else:
- sizes = settings.OPENSEARCH_MAIN_SIZES
- if not size:
- if "size" in query_params:
- size = query_params["size"]
- if size not in sizes:
- message = "Size is not permitted"
- message_class = "danger"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- else:
- size = 20
- source = None
- if "source" in query_params:
- source = query_params["source"]
- if source in settings.OPENSEARCH_SOURCES_RESTRICTED:
- if not request.user.has_perm("core.restricted_sources"):
- message = "Access denied"
- message_class = "danger"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- elif source not in settings.OPENSEARCH_MAIN_SOURCES:
- message = "Invalid source"
- message_class = "danger"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- if source == "all":
- source = None # the next block will populate it
- if source:
- sources = [source]
- else:
- sources = settings.OPENSEARCH_MAIN_SOURCES
- if request.user.has_perm("core.restricted_sources"):
- for source_iter in settings.OPENSEARCH_SOURCES_RESTRICTED:
- sources.append(source_iter)
- add_top_tmp = {"bool": {"should": []}}
- for source_iter in sources:
- add_top_tmp["bool"]["should"].append({"match_phrase": {"src": source_iter}})
- add_top.append(add_top_tmp)
- # date_query = False
- if set({"from_date", "to_date", "from_time", "to_time"}).issubset(
- query_params.keys()
- ):
- from_ts = f"{query_params['from_date']}T{query_params['from_time']}Z"
- to_ts = f"{query_params['to_date']}T{query_params['to_time']}Z"
- range_query = {
- "range": {
- "ts": {
- "gt": from_ts,
- "lt": to_ts,
- }
- }
- }
- add_top.append(range_query)
- # if date_query:
- # if settings.DELAY_RESULTS:
- # if source not in settings.SAFE_SOURCES:
- # if request.user.has_perm("core.bypass_delay"):
- # add_top.append(range_query)
- # else:
- # delay_as_ts = datetime.now() - timedelta(
- # days=settings.DELAY_DURATION
- # )
- # lt_as_ts = datetime.strptime(
- # range_query["range"]["ts"]["lt"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ"
- # )
- # if lt_as_ts > delay_as_ts:
- # range_query["range"]["ts"][
- # "lt"
- # ] = f"now-{settings.DELAY_DURATION}d"
- # add_top.append(range_query)
- # else:
- # add_top.append(range_query)
- # else:
- # if settings.DELAY_RESULTS:
- # if source not in settings.SAFE_SOURCES:
- # if not request.user.has_perm("core.bypass_delay"):
- # range_query = {
- # "range": {
- # "ts": {
- # # "gt": ,
- # "lt": f"now-{settings.DELAY_DURATION}d",
- # }
- # }
- # }
- # add_top.append(range_query)
- if "sorting" in query_params:
- sorting = query_params["sorting"]
- if sorting not in ("asc", "desc", "none"):
- message = "Invalid sort"
- message_class = "danger"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- if sorting in ("asc", "desc"):
- sort = [
- {
- "ts": {
- "order": sorting,
- }
- }
- ]
- if "check_sentiment" in query_params:
- if "sentiment_method" not in query_params:
- message = "No sentiment method"
- message_class = "danger"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- if "sentiment" in query_params:
- sentiment = query_params["sentiment"]
- try:
- sentiment = float(sentiment)
- except ValueError:
- message = "Sentiment is not a float"
- message_class = "danger"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- sentiment_method = query_params["sentiment_method"]
- range_query_compare = {"range": {"sentiment": {}}}
- range_query_precise = {
- "match": {
- "sentiment": None,
- }
- }
- if sentiment_method == "below":
- range_query_compare["range"]["sentiment"]["lt"] = sentiment
- add_top.append(range_query_compare)
- elif sentiment_method == "above":
- range_query_compare["range"]["sentiment"]["gt"] = sentiment
- add_top.append(range_query_compare)
- elif sentiment_method == "exact":
- range_query_precise["match"]["sentiment"] = sentiment
- add_top.append(range_query_precise)
- elif sentiment_method == "nonzero":
- range_query_precise["match"]["sentiment"] = 0
- add_top_negative.append(range_query_precise)
- # Only one of query or query_full can be active at once
- # We prefer query because it's simpler
- if "query" in query_params:
- query = query_params["query"]
- search_query = construct_query(query, size, tokens=True)
- query_created = True
- elif "query_full" in query_params:
- query_full = query_params["query_full"]
- # if request.user.has_perm("core.query_search"):
- search_query = construct_query(query_full, size)
- query_created = True
- # else:
- # message = "You cannot search by query string"
- # message_class = "danger"
- # return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- else:
- if custom_query:
- search_query = custom_query
- if tags:
- # Get a blank search query
- if not query_created:
- search_query = construct_query(None, size, use_query_string=False)
- query_created = True
- for tagname, tagvalue in tags.items():
- add_bool.append({tagname: tagvalue})
- required_any = ["query_full", "query", "tags"]
- if not any([field in query_params.keys() for field in required_any]):
- if not custom_query:
- message = "Empty query!"
- message_class = "warning"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- if add_bool:
- # if "bool" not in search_query["query"]:
- # search_query["query"]["bool"] = {}
- # if "must" not in search_query["query"]["bool"]:
- # search_query["query"]["bool"] = {"must": []}
- for item in add_bool:
- search_query["query"]["bool"]["must"].append({"match_phrase": item})
- if add_top:
- for item in add_top:
- search_query["query"]["bool"]["must"].append(item)
- if add_top_negative:
- for item in add_top_negative:
- if "must_not" in search_query["query"]["bool"]:
- search_query["query"]["bool"]["must_not"].append(item)
- else:
- search_query["query"]["bool"]["must_not"] = [item]
- if sort:
- search_query["sort"] = sort
- if "index" in query_params:
- index = query_params["index"]
- if index == "main":
- index = settings.OPENSEARCH_INDEX_MAIN
- else:
- if not request.user.has_perm(f"core.index_{index}"):
- message = "Not permitted to search by this index"
- message_class = "danger"
- return {
- "message": message,
- "class": message_class,
- }
- if index == "meta":
- index = settings.OPENSEARCH_INDEX_META
- elif index == "internal":
- index = settings.OPENSEARCH_INDEX_INT
- else:
- message = "Index is not valid."
- message_class = "danger"
- return {
- "message": message,
- "class": message_class,
- }
- else:
- index = settings.OPENSEARCH_INDEX_MAIN
- results = run_main_query(
- client,
- request.user, # passed through run_main_query to filter_blacklisted
- search_query,
- custom_query=True,
- index=index,
- size=size,
- )
- if not results:
- return False
- if isinstance(results, Exception):
- message = f"Error: {results.info['error']['root_cause'][0]['type']}"
- message_class = "danger"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- if len(results["hits"]["hits"]) == 0:
- message = "No results."
- message_class = "danger"
- return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
- results_parsed = parse_results(results)
- if annotate:
- annotate_results(results_parsed)
- if "dedup" in query_params:
- if query_params["dedup"] == "on":
- dedup = True
- else:
- dedup = False
- else:
- dedup = False
- if reverse:
- results_parsed = results_parsed[::-1]
- if dedup:
- if not dedup_fields:
- dedup_fields = ["msg", "nick", "ident", "host", "net", "channel"]
- results_parsed = dedup_list(results_parsed, dedup_fields)
- # if source not in settings.SAFE_SOURCES:
- # if settings.ENCRYPTION:
- # encrypt_list(request.user, results_parsed, settings.ENCRYPTION_KEY)
- # if settings.HASHING:
- # hash_list(request.user, results_parsed)
- # if settings.OBFUSCATION:
- # obfuscate_list(request.user, results_parsed)
- # if settings.RANDOMISATION:
- # randomise_list(request.user, results_parsed)
- # process_list(results)
- # IMPORTANT! - DO NOT PASS query_params to the user!
- context = {
- "object_list": results_parsed,
- "card": results["hits"]["total"]["value"],
- "took": results["took"],
- }
- if "redacted" in results:
- context["redacted"] = results["redacted"]
- if "exemption" in results:
- context["exemption"] = results["exemption"]
- if query:
- context["query"] = query
- # if settings.DELAY_RESULTS:
- # if source not in settings.SAFE_SOURCES:
- # if not request.user.has_perm("core.bypass_delay"):
- # context["delay"] = settings.DELAY_DURATION
- # if settings.RANDOMISATION:
- # if source not in settings.SAFE_SOURCES:
- # if not request.user.has_perm("core.bypass_randomisation"):
- # context["randomised"] = True
- return context
-def query_single_result(request, query_params):
- context = query_results(request, query_params, size=100)
- if not context:
- return {"message": "Failed to run query", "message_class": "danger"}
- if "message" in context:
- return context
- dedup_set = {item["nick"] for item in context["object_list"]}
- if dedup_set:
- context["item"] = context["object_list"][0]
- return context
diff --git a/core/templates/base.html b/core/templates/base.html
index 2f6fc60..a2df37f 100644
--- a/core/templates/base.html
+++ b/core/templates/base.html
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% if perms.core.use_insights %}
{% endif %}
diff --git a/core/util/__init__.py b/core/util/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/core/util/logs.py b/core/util/logs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..045c95f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/util/logs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Other library imports
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger("util")
+debug = True
+# Color definitions
+RESET_SEQ = "\033[0m"
+COLOR_SEQ = "\033[1;%dm"
+BOLD_SEQ = "\033[1m"
+def formatter_message(message, use_color=True):
+ if use_color:
+ message = message.replace("$RESET", RESET_SEQ).replace("$BOLD", BOLD_SEQ)
+ else:
+ message = message.replace("$RESET", "").replace("$BOLD", "")
+ return message
+class ColoredFormatter(logging.Formatter):
+ def __init__(self, msg, use_color=True):
+ logging.Formatter.__init__(self, msg)
+ self.use_color = use_color
+ def format(self, record):
+ levelname = record.levelname
+ if self.use_color and levelname in COLORS:
+ levelname_color = (
+ COLOR_SEQ % (30 + COLORS[levelname]) + levelname + RESET_SEQ
+ )
+ record.levelname = levelname_color
+ return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
+def get_logger(name):
+ # Define the logging format
+ FORMAT = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)18s $BOLD%(name)13s$RESET - %(message)s"
+ COLOR_FORMAT = formatter_message(FORMAT, True)
+ color_formatter = ColoredFormatter(COLOR_FORMAT)
+ # formatter = logging.Formatter(
+ # Why is this so complicated?
+ ch = logging.StreamHandler()
+ ch.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ # ch.setFormatter(formatter)
+ ch.setFormatter(color_formatter)
+ # Define the logger on the base class
+ log = logging.getLogger(name)
+ log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ if debug:
+ log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ # Add the handler and stop it being silly and printing everything twice
+ log.addHandler(ch)
+ log.propagate = False
+ return log
diff --git a/core/views/ui/drilldown.py b/core/views/ui/drilldown.py
index ba4162a..24153f1 100644
--- a/core/views/ui/drilldown.py
+++ b/core/views/ui/drilldown.py
@@ -11,10 +11,8 @@ from django_tables2 import SingleTableView
from rest_framework.parsers import FormParser
from rest_framework.views import APIView
+from core.db.storage import db
from core.lib.context import construct_query
-# from core.lib.opensearch import query_results
-from core.lib.manticore import query_results
from core.lib.threshold import (
@@ -87,7 +85,7 @@ def make_graph(results):
date = str(index)
- "text": item.get("tokens", None)
+ "text": item.get("words_noun", None)
or item.get("msg", None)
or item.get("id"),
"nick": item.get("nick", None),
@@ -108,9 +106,9 @@ def drilldown_search(request, return_context=False, template=None):
template_name = template
if request.user.is_anonymous:
- sizes = settings.MANTICORE_MAIN_SIZES_ANON
+ sizes = settings.MAIN_SIZES_ANON
- sizes = settings.MANTICORE_MAIN_SIZES
+ sizes = settings.MAIN_SIZES
if request.GET:
if not request.htmx:
@@ -165,7 +163,7 @@ def drilldown_search(request, return_context=False, template=None):
tags = parse_tags(query_params["tags"])
extra_params["tags"] = tags
- context = query_results(request, query_params, **extra_params)
+ context = db.query_results(request, query_params, **extra_params)
context["unique"] = "results"
# Valid sizes
@@ -375,7 +373,7 @@ class DrilldownContextModal(APIView):
- results = query_results(
+ results = db.query_results(
diff --git a/core/views/ui/insights.py b/core/views/ui/insights.py
index 42d373f..b1d22a2 100644
--- a/core/views/ui/insights.py
+++ b/core/views/ui/insights.py
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ from django.views import View
from rest_framework.parsers import FormParser
from rest_framework.views import APIView
+from core.db.druid import query_single_result
from core.lib.meta import get_meta
from core.lib.nicktrace import get_nicks
-from core.lib.opensearch import query_single_result
from core.lib.threshold import (
diff --git a/core/views/ui/tables.py b/core/views/ui/tables.py
index 8398fe2..ebc6eae 100644
--- a/core/views/ui/tables.py
+++ b/core/views/ui/tables.py
@@ -65,7 +65,13 @@ class DrilldownTable(Table):
realname = Column()
server = Column()
mtype = Column()
- tokens = Column()
+ # tokens = Column()
+ lang_code = Column()
+ lang_name = Column()
+ words_noun = Column()
+ words_adj = Column()
+ words_verb = Column()
+ words_adv = Column()
hidden = Column()
filename = Column()
file_md5 = Column()
diff --git a/docker/prod/requirements.prod.txt b/docker/prod/requirements.prod.txt
index f752602..6cac89f 100644
--- a/docker/prod/requirements.prod.txt
+++ b/docker/prod/requirements.prod.txt
@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ cryptography
diff --git a/docker/requirements.dev.txt b/docker/requirements.dev.txt
index ff393e8..f940731 100644
--- a/docker/requirements.dev.txt
+++ b/docker/requirements.dev.txt
@@ -13,9 +13,6 @@ cryptography
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 12133d4..1600408 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ cryptography
\ No newline at end of file