{% load index %} {% load static %}

Channels for {{ nick }} on {{ net }}

{% for channel in chans %} {{ channel }} {% if channel in num_users %} {{ num_users|index:channel }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}

Users on {{ channel }} for {{ net }}

{% for user in users %} {{ user }} {% if user in num_chans %} {{ num_chans|index:user }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}

Users sharing channels with {{ nick }} on {{ net }}

{% for user in inter_users %} {{ user }} {% if user in num_chans %} {{ num_chans|index:user }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}

Channels sharing users with {{ channel }} on {{ net }}

{% for channel in inter_chans %} {{ channel }} {% if channel in num_users %} {{ num_users|index:channel }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}