import random import string import time from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from math import floor, log10 import orjson from django.conf import settings from siphashc import siphash from core import r from core.db.processing import annotate_results from core.util import logs def remove_defaults(query_params): for field, value in list(query_params.items()): if field in settings.DRILLDOWN_DEFAULT_PARAMS: if value == settings.DRILLDOWN_DEFAULT_PARAMS[field]: del query_params[field] def add_defaults(query_params): for field, value in settings.DRILLDOWN_DEFAULT_PARAMS.items(): if field not in query_params: query_params[field] = value def dedup_list(data, check_keys): """ Remove duplicate dictionaries from list. """ seen = set() out = [] dup_count = 0 for x in data: dedupeKey = tuple(x[k] for k in check_keys if k in x) if dedupeKey in seen: dup_count += 1 continue if dup_count > 0: out.append({"type": "control", "hidden": dup_count}) dup_count = 0 out.append(x) seen.add(dedupeKey) if dup_count > 0: out.append({"type": "control", "hidden": dup_count}) return out class StorageBackend(ABC): def __init__(self, name): self.log = logs.get_logger(name)"Initialising storage backend {name}") self.initialise_caching() # self.initialise() @abstractmethod def initialise(self, **kwargs): pass def initialise_caching(self): hash_key = r.get("cache_hash_key") if not hash_key: letters = string.ascii_lowercase hash_key = "".join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(16)) self.log.debug(f"Created new hash key: {hash_key}") r.set("cache_hash_key", hash_key) else: hash_key = hash_key.decode("ascii") self.log.debug(f"Decoded hash key: {hash_key}") self.hash_key = hash_key @abstractmethod def construct_query(self, **kwargs): pass def parse_query(self, query_params, tags, size, custom_query, add_bool, **kwargs): query_created = False if "query" in query_params: query = query_params["query"] search_query = self.construct_query(query, size, **kwargs) query_created = True else: if custom_query: search_query = custom_query else: search_query = self.construct_query(None, size, blank=True, **kwargs) if tags: # Get a blank search query if not query_created: search_query = self.construct_query(None, size, blank=True, **kwargs) query_created = True for item in tags: for tagname, tagvalue in item.items(): add_bool.append({tagname: tagvalue}) bypass_check = kwargs.get("bypass_check", False) if not bypass_check: valid = self.check_valid_query(query_params, custom_query, **kwargs) if isinstance(valid, dict): return valid return search_query def check_valid_query(self, query_params, custom_query): required_any = ["query", "tags"] if not any([field in query_params.keys() for field in required_any]): if not custom_query: message = "Empty query!" message_class = "warning" return {"message": message, "class": message_class} @abstractmethod def run_query(self, **kwargs): pass def filter_blacklisted(self, user, response): """ Low level filter to take the raw search response and remove objects from it we want to keep secret. Does not return, the object is mutated in place. """ response["redacted"] = 0 response["exemption"] = None if user.is_superuser: response["exemption"] = True # is_anonymous = isinstance(user, AnonymousUser) # For every hit from ES for index, item in enumerate(list(response["hits"]["hits"])): # For every blacklisted type for blacklisted_type in settings.ELASTICSEARCH_BLACKLISTED.keys(): # Check this field we are matching exists if "_source" in item.keys(): data_index = "_source" elif "fields" in item.keys(): data_index = "fields" else: return False if blacklisted_type in item[data_index].keys(): content = item[data_index][blacklisted_type] # For every item in the blacklisted array for the type for blacklisted_item in settings.BLACKLISTED[blacklisted_type]: if blacklisted_item == str(content): # Remove the item if item in response["hits"]["hits"]: # Let the UI know something was redacted if ( "exemption" not in response["hits"]["hits"][index][data_index] ): response["redacted"] += 1 # Anonymous if user.is_anonymous: # Just set it to none so the index is not off response["hits"]["hits"][index] = None else: if not user.has_perm("core.bypass_blacklist"): response["hits"]["hits"][index] = None else: response["hits"]["hits"][index][data_index][ "exemption" ] = True # Actually get rid of all the things we set to None response["hits"]["hits"] = [hit for hit in response["hits"]["hits"] if hit] def add_bool(self, search_query, add_bool): """ Add the specified boolean matches to search query. """ if not add_bool: return for item in add_bool: search_query["query"]["bool"]["must"].append({"match_phrase": item}) def add_top(self, search_query, add_top, negative=False): """ Merge add_top with the base of the search_query. """ if not add_top: return if negative: for item in add_top: if "must_not" in search_query["query"]["bool"]: search_query["query"]["bool"]["must_not"].append(item) else: search_query["query"]["bool"]["must_not"] = [item] else: for item in add_top: if "query" not in search_query: search_query["query"] = {"bool": {"must": []}} search_query["query"]["bool"]["must"].append(item) def schedule_check_aggregations(self, rule_object, result_map): """ Check the results of a scheduled query for aggregations. """ if rule_object.aggs is None: return result_map for index, (meta, result) in result_map.items(): # Default to true, if no aggs are found, we still want to match match = True for agg_name, (operator, number) in rule_object.aggs.items(): if agg_name in meta["aggs"]: agg_value = meta["aggs"][agg_name]["value"] # TODO: simplify this, match is default to True if operator == ">": if agg_value > number: match = True else: match = False elif operator == "<": if agg_value < number: match = True else: match = False elif operator == "=": if agg_value == number: match = True else: match = False else: match = False else: # No aggregation found, but it is required match = False result_map[index][0]["aggs"][agg_name]["match"] = match return result_map def query(self, user, search_query, **kwargs): # For time tracking start = time.process_time() if settings.CACHE: # Sort the keys so the hash is the same query_normalised = orjson.dumps(search_query, option=orjson.OPT_SORT_KEYS) hash = siphash(self.hash_key, query_normalised) cache_hit = r.get(f"query_cache.{}.{hash}") if cache_hit: response = orjson.loads(cache_hit) time_took = (time.process_time() - start) * 1000 # Round to 3 significant figures time_took_rounded = round( time_took, 3 - int(floor(log10(abs(time_took)))) - 1 ) return { "object_list": response, "took": time_took_rounded, "cache": True, } print("S2", search_query) response = self.run_query(user, search_query, **kwargs) # For Elasticsearch if isinstance(response, Exception): message = f"Error: {['error']['root_cause'][0]['type']}" message_class = "danger" return {"message": message, "class": message_class} if "took" in response: if response["took"] is None: return None if "error" in response: message = f"Error: {response['error']}" message_class = "danger" time_took = (time.process_time() - start) * 1000 # Round to 3 significant figures time_took_rounded = round( time_took, 3 - int(floor(log10(abs(time_took)))) - 1 ) return { "message": message, "class": message_class, "took": time_took_rounded, } elif len(response["hits"]["hits"]) == 0: message = "No results." message_class = "danger" time_took = (time.process_time() - start) * 1000 # Round to 3 significant figures time_took_rounded = round( time_took, 3 - int(floor(log10(abs(time_took)))) - 1 ) return { "message": message, "class": message_class, "took": time_took_rounded, } # For Druid elif "error" in response: if "errorMessage" in response: context = { "message": response["errorMessage"], "class": "danger", } return context else: return response # Removed for now, no point given we have restricted indexes # self.filter_blacklisted(user, response) # Parse the response response_parsed = self.parse(response) # Write cache if settings.CACHE: to_write_cache = orjson.dumps(response_parsed) r.set(f"query_cache.{}.{hash}", to_write_cache) r.expire(f"query_cache.{}.{hash}", settings.CACHE_TIMEOUT) time_took = (time.process_time() - start) * 1000 # Round to 3 significant figures time_took_rounded = round(time_took, 3 - int(floor(log10(abs(time_took)))) - 1) return {"object_list": response_parsed, "took": time_took_rounded} def construct_context_query( self, index, net, channel, src, num, size, type=None, nicks=None ): # Get the initial query query = self.construct_query(None, size, blank=True) extra_must = [] extra_should = [] extra_should2 = [] if num: extra_must.append({"match_phrase": {"num": num}}) if net: extra_must.append({"match_phrase": {"net": net}}) if channel: extra_must.append({"match": {"channel": channel}}) if nicks: for nick in nicks: extra_should2.append({"match": {"nick": nick}}) types = ["msg", "notice", "action", "kick", "topic", "mode"] fields = [ "nick", "ident", "host", "channel", "ts", "msg", "type", "net", "src", "tokens", ] query["fields"] = fields if index == "internal": fields.append("mtype") if channel == "*status" or type == "znc": if {"match": {"channel": channel}} in extra_must: extra_must.remove({"match": {"channel": channel}}) extra_should2 = [] # Type is one of msg or notice # extra_should.append({"match": {"mtype": "msg"}}) # extra_should.append({"match": {"mtype": "notice"}}) extra_should.append({"match": {"type": "znc"}}) extra_should.append({"match": {"type": "self"}}) extra_should2.append({"match": {"type": "znc"}}) extra_should2.append({"match": {"nick": channel}}) elif type == "auth": if {"match": {"channel": channel}} in extra_must: extra_must.remove({"match": {"channel": channel}}) extra_should2 = [] extra_should2.append({"match": {"nick": channel}}) # extra_should2.append({"match": {"mtype": "msg"}}) # extra_should2.append({"match": {"mtype": "notice"}}) extra_should.append({"match": {"type": "query"}}) extra_should2.append({"match": {"type": "self"}}) extra_should.append({"match": {"nick": channel}}) else: for ctype in types: extra_should.append({"match": {"mtype": ctype}}) else: for ctype in types: extra_should.append({"match": {"type": ctype}}) # query = { # "index": index, # "limit": size, # "query": { # "bool": { # "must": [ # # {"equals": {"src": src}}, # # { # # "bool": { # # "should": [*extra_should], # # } # # }, # # { # # "bool": { # # "should": [*extra_should2], # # } # # }, # *extra_must, # ] # } # }, # "fields": fields, # # "_source": False, # } if extra_must: for x in extra_must: query["query"]["bool"]["must"].append(x) if extra_should: query["query"]["bool"]["must"].append({"bool": {"should": [*extra_should]}}) if extra_should2: query["query"]["bool"]["must"].append( {"bool": {"should": [*extra_should2]}} ) return query @abstractmethod def query_results(self, **kwargs): pass def process_results(self, response, **kwargs): if kwargs.get("annotate"): annotate_results(response) if kwargs.get("reverse"): response.reverse() if kwargs.get("dedup"): dedup_fields = kwargs.get("dedup_fields") if not dedup_fields: dedup_fields = ["msg", "nick", "ident", "host", "net", "channel"] response = dedup_list(response, dedup_fields) return response @abstractmethod def parse(self, response): pass