from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser from opensearchpy import OpenSearch from opensearchpy.exceptions import RequestError from core.lib.threshold import annotate_num_chans, annotate_num_users, annotate_online def initialise_opensearch(): """ Inititialise the OpenSearch API endpoint. """ auth = (settings.OPENSEARCH_USERNAME, settings.OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD) client = OpenSearch( # fmt: off hosts=[{"host": settings.OPENSEARCH_URL, "port": settings.OPENSEARCH_PORT}], http_compress=False, # enables gzip compression for request bodies http_auth=auth, # client_cert = client_cert_path, # client_key = client_key_path, use_ssl=settings.OPENSEARCH_TLS, verify_certs=False, ssl_assert_hostname=False, ssl_show_warn=False, # a_certs=ca_certs_path, ) return client client = initialise_opensearch() def annotate_results(results_parsed): """ Accept a list of dict objects, search for the number of channels and users. Add them to the object. Mutate it in place. Does not return anything. """ # Figure out items with net (not discord) nets = set() for x in results_parsed: if "net" in x: nets.add(x["net"]) for net in nets: # Annotate the online attribute from Threshold nicks = [ x["nick"] for x in results_parsed if x["src"] == "irc" and x["net"] == net ] channels = [ x["channel"] for x in results_parsed if x["src"] == "irc" and x["net"] == net ] online_info = annotate_online(net, nicks) # Annotate the number of users in the channel num_users = annotate_num_users(net, channels) # Annotate the number channels the user is on num_chans = annotate_num_chans(net, nicks) for item in results_parsed: if "net" in item: if item["net"] == net: if "nick" in item: if item["nick"] in online_info: item["online"] = online_info[item["nick"]] if "channel" in item: if item["channel"] in num_users: item["num_users"] = num_users[item["channel"]] if "nick" in item: if item["nick"] in num_chans: item["num_chans"] = num_chans[item["nick"]] def filter_blacklisted(user, response): """ Low level filter to take the raw OpenSearch response and remove objects from it we want to keep secret. Does not return, the object is mutated in place. """ response["redacted"] = 0 response["exemption"] = None is_anonymous = isinstance(user, AnonymousUser) # For every hit from ES for item in list(response["hits"]["hits"]): # For every blacklisted type for blacklisted_type in settings.OPENSEARCH_BLACKLISTED.keys(): # Check this field we are matching exists if blacklisted_type in item["_source"].keys(): content = item["_source"][blacklisted_type] # For every item in the blacklisted array for the type for blacklisted_item in settings.OPENSEARCH_BLACKLISTED[ blacklisted_type ]: if blacklisted_item in str(content): # Remove the item if item in response["hits"]["hits"]: # Anonymous if is_anonymous: response["hits"]["hits"].remove(item) else: if not user.is_superuser: response["hits"]["hits"].remove(item) else: response["exemption"] = True # Let the UI know something was redacted response["redacted"] += 1 def run_main_query(client, user, query, custom_query=False, index=None, size=None): """ Low level helper to run an ES query. Accept a user to pass it to the filter, so we can avoid filtering for superusers. Accept fields and size, for the fields we want to match and the number of results to return. """ if not index: index = settings.OPENSEARCH_INDEX_MAIN if custom_query: search_query = query else: search_query = construct_query(query, size) try: response =, index=index) except RequestError: return False filter_blacklisted(user, response) return response def query_results(request, size=None): """ API helper to alter the OpenSearch return format into something a bit better to parse. Accept a HTTP request object. Run the query, and annotate the results with the other data we have. """ is_anonymous = isinstance(request.user, AnonymousUser) if is_anonymous: sizes = ["5", "10", "15", "20"] else: sizes = settings.OPENSEARCH_MAIN_SIZES if not size: if "size" in request.POST: size = request.POST["size"] if size not in sizes: return False if "query" in request.POST: query = request.POST["query"] if hasattr(request, "user"): user = request.user else: user = None results = run_main_query( client, user, # passed through run_main_query to filter_blacklisted query, size=size, ) if not results: return False results_parsed = [] if "hits" in results.keys(): if "hits" in results["hits"]: for item in results["hits"]["hits"]: element = item["_source"] element["id"] = item["_id"] # Split the timestamp into date and time ts = element["ts"] ts_spl = ts.split("T") date = ts_spl[0] time = ts_spl[1] element["date"] = date element["time"] = time results_parsed.append(element) annotate_results(results_parsed) context = { "query": query, "results": results_parsed, "card": results["hits"]["total"]["value"], "took": results["took"], "redacted": results["redacted"], "exemption": results["exemption"], } return context def query_single_result(request): context = query_results(request, 1) dedup_set = {item["nick"] for item in context["results"]} if dedup_set: context["item"] = context["results"][0] return (1, context) def construct_query(query, size): """ Accept some query parameters and construct an OpenSearch query. """ if not size: size = 5 query = { "size": size, "query": { "query_string": { "query": query, # "fields": fields, # "default_field": "msg", # "type": "best_fields", "fuzziness": "AUTO", "fuzzy_transpositions": True, "fuzzy_max_expansions": 50, "fuzzy_prefix_length": 0, # "minimum_should_match": 1, "default_operator": "or", "analyzer": "standard", "lenient": True, "boost": 1, "allow_leading_wildcard": True, # "enable_position_increments": False, "phrase_slop": 3, # "max_determinized_states": 10000, "quote_field_suffix": "", "quote_analyzer": "standard", "analyze_wildcard": False, "auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query": True, } }, "sort": [ { "ts": { "order": "desc", } } ], } return query