# OpenSearch settings OPENSEARCH_URL = "" OPENSEARCH_PORT = 9200 OPENSEARCH_TLS = True OPENSEARCH_USERNAME = "admin" OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD = "" OPENSEARCH_INDEX_MAIN = "main" OPENSEARCH_INDEX_META = "meta" OPENSEARCH_INDEX_INT = "int" OPENSEARCH_MAIN_SIZES = ["20", "50", "100", "200", "400", "800"] OPENSEARCH_MAIN_SIZES_ANON = ["20", "50", "100"] OPENSEARCH_MAIN_WILDCARD = True OPENSEARCH_MAIN_WILDCARD_ANON = False OPENSEARCH_MAIN_SOURCES = ["irc", "dis", "all"] DRILLDOWN_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = 15 # Encryption ENCRYPTION = False ENCRYPTION_KEY = b"" # Hashing HASHING = True HASHING_KEY = "xxx" # Obfuscation OBFUSCATION = True # Fields obfuscate based on separators OBFUSCATE_FIELDS_SEP = ["date", "time"] # Fields to obfuscate based on length OBFUSCATE_FIELDS = ["ts"] OBFUSCATE_KEEP_RATIO = 0.9 # DON'T obfuscate the last X fields of values separates by dashes OBFUSCATE_DASH_NUM = 2 # DON'T obfuscate the last X fields of values separates by colons OBFUSCATE_COLON_NUM = 1 SEARCH_FIELDS_DENY = ["ts", "date", "time"] DELAY_RESULTS = True # Delay results by this many days DELAY_DURATION = 10 # Common to encryption and hashing WHITELIST_FIELDS = [ "ts", "date", "time", "sentiment", "version_sentiment", "tokens", "num_chans", "num_users", "online", "src", "exemption", "hidden", "type", ] # Don't obfuscate these parameters, or lookup hashes in them NO_OBFUSCATE_PARAMS = [ "query", # "query_full", "size", "source", "sorting", "tags", "index", "dedup", "check_sentiment", "sentiment_method", "dates", "sort", "page", ] # Don't allow tag search for these parameters TAG_SEARCH_DENY = [ "query", "query_full", "size", "source", "sorting", "tags", "index", "dedup", "check_sentiment", "sentiment_method", "dates", "sort", "page", ] OPENSEARCH_BLACKLISTED = {} # URLs DOMAIN = "example.com" URL = f"https://{DOMAIN}" # Access control ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["", DOMAIN] # CSRF CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = [URL] # Stripe STRIPE_TEST = True STRIPE_API_KEY_TEST = "" STRIPE_PUBLIC_API_KEY_TEST = "" STRIPE_API_KEY_PROD = "" STRIPE_PUBLIC_API_KEY_PROD = "" STRIPE_ENDPOINT_SECRET = "" STATIC_ROOT = "" SECRET_KEY = "a" STRIPE_ADMIN_COUPON = "" # Threshold THRESHOLD_ENDPOINT = "" THRESHOLD_API_KEY = "api_1" THRESHOLD_API_TOKEN = "" THRESHOLD_API_COUNTER = "" # NickTrace NICKTRACE_MAX_ITERATIONS = 4 NICKTRACE_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 500 NICKTRACE_QUERY_SIZE = 10000 # Meta META_MAX_ITERATIONS = 4 META_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 500 META_QUERY_SIZE = 10000 DEBUG = True PROFILER = False