You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

71 lines
2.2 KiB

from core.lib.opensearch import client, run_main_query
def get_nicks(request, net, nick, iter=0):
Get all related nicknames of the given nickname by tracking nickname changes.
print("GET NICKS INIT", net, nick, iter)
# Get the initial query
query = {
"size": 10000,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"match": {"net": net}},
{"match": {"type": "nick"}},
"bool": {
"should": [
{"match": {"nick": nick}},
{"match": {"user": nick}},
results = run_main_query(client, request.user, query, custom_query=True)
nicks = []
if "hits" in results.keys():
if "hits" in results["hits"]:
for item in results["hits"]["hits"]:
element = item["_source"]
element["id"] = item["_id"]
# Split the timestamp into date and time
ts = element["ts"]
ts_spl = ts.split("T")
date = ts_spl[0]
time = ts_spl[1]
element["date"] = date
element["time"] = time
if element["nick"] not in nicks:
if element["user"] not in nicks:
# if iter < 2:
# iter += 1
# collect_nicks = []
# for x in nicks:
# nicks_2 = get_nicks(request, net, x, iter)
# print("NICKS_2", nicks_2)
# for y in nicks_2:
# if y not in collect_nicks:
# collect_nicks.append(y)
# print("RETURN NICKS", nick, collect_nicks)
# for x in collect_nicks:
# if x not in nicks:
# nicks.append(x)
# else:
return nicks
# results = set()
# nicks = query["nicks"]
# for nick in nicks:
# if nick not in results:
# nicks_result = get_nicks(request, net_nick)
# results.add(nick)