You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

552 lines
20 KiB

from yaml import dump, load
from yaml.parser import ParserError
from yaml.scanner import ScannerError
from yaml import CDumper as Dumper
from yaml import CLoader as Loader
except ImportError:
from yaml import Loader, Dumper
import orjson
from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync
from core.lib.notify import sendmsg
from core.lib.parsing import parse_index, parse_source
from core.util import logs
log = logs.get_logger("rules")
SECONDS_PER_UNIT = {"s": 1, "m": 60, "h": 3600, "d": 86400, "w": 604800}
MAX_WINDOW = 2592000
class RuleParseError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, field):
self.field = field
def format_ntfy(**kwargs):
Format a message for ntfy.
If the message is a list, it will be joined with newlines.
If the message is None, it will be replaced with an empty string.
If specified, `matched` will be pretty-printed in the first line.
rule: The rule object, must be specified
index: The index the rule matched on, can be None
message: The message to send, can be None
matched: The matched fields, can be None
rule = kwargs.get("rule")
index = kwargs.get("index")
message = kwargs.get("message")
matched = kwargs.get("matched")
if message:
# Dump the message in YAML for readability
messages_formatted = ""
if isinstance(message, list):
for message_iter in message:
messages_formatted += dump(
message_iter, Dumper=Dumper, default_flow_style=False
messages_formatted += "\n"
messages_formatted = dump(message, Dumper=Dumper, default_flow_style=False)
messages_formatted = ""
if matched:
matched = ", ".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in matched.items()])
matched = ""
notify_message = f"{} on {index}: {matched}\n{messages_formatted}"
notify_message = notify_message.encode("utf-8", "replace")
return notify_message
def format_webhook(**kwargs):
Format a message for a webhook.
Adds some metadata to the message that would normally be only in
Dumps the message in JSON.
rule: The rule object, must be specified
index: The index the rule matched on, can be None
message: The message to send, can be None, but will be sent as None
matched: The matched fields, can be None, but will be sent as None
notification_settings: The notification settings, must be specified
priority: The priority of the message, optional
topic: The topic of the message, optional
rule = kwargs.get("rule")
index = kwargs.get("index")
message = kwargs.get("message")
matched = kwargs.get("matched")
notification_settings = kwargs.get("notification_settings")
notify_message = {
"match": matched,
"index": index,
"data": message,
if "priority" in notification_settings:
notify_message["priority"] = notification_settings["priority"]
if "topic" in notification_settings:
notify_message["topic"] = notification_settings["topic"]
notify_message = orjson.dumps(notify_message)
return notify_message
def rule_notify(rule, index, message, matched):
Send a notification for a matching rule.
Gets the notification settings for the rule.
Runs the formatting helpers for the service.
:param rule: The rule object, must be specified
:param index: The index the rule matched on, can be None
:param message: The message to send, can be None
:param matched: The matched fields, can be None
# If there is no message, don't say anything matched
if message:
word = "match"
word = "no match"
title = f"Rule {} {word} on {index}"
# The user notification settings are merged in with this
notification_settings = rule.get_notification_settings()
if not notification_settings:
# No/invalid notification settings, don't send anything
# Create a cast we can reuse for the formatting helpers and sendmsg
cast = {
"title": title,
"user": rule.user,
"rule": rule,
"index": index,
"message": message,
"matched": matched,
"notification_settings": notification_settings,
if rule.service == "ntfy":
cast["msg"] = format_ntfy(**cast)
elif rule.service == "webhook":
cast["msg"] = format_webhook(**cast)
class NotificationRuleData(object):
def __init__(self, user, cleaned_data, db):
self.user = user
self.object = None
# We are running live and have been passed a database object
if not isinstance(cleaned_data, dict):
self.object = cleaned_data
cleaned_data = cleaned_data.__dict__
self.cleaned_data = cleaned_data
self.db = db = self.cleaned_data.get("data")
self.window = self.cleaned_data.get("window")
self.parsed = None
self.aggs = {}
if self.object is not None:
def populate_matched(self):
On first creation, the match field is None. We need to populate it with
a dictionary containing the index names as keys and False as values.
if self.object.match is None:
self.object.match = {}
for index in self.parsed["index"]:
if index not in self.object.match:
self.object.match[index] = False
def store_match(self, index, match):
Store a match result.
Accepts None for the index to set all indices.
:param index: the index to store the match for, can be None
:param match: True or False, indicating if the rule matched
if self.object.match is None:
self.object.match = {}
if not isinstance(self.object.match, dict):
self.object.match = {}
if index is None:
for index_iter in self.parsed["index"]:
self.object.match[index_iter] = match
self.object.match[index] = match
log.debug(f"Stored match: {index} - {match}")
def get_match(self, index=None):
Get a match result for an index.
If the index is None, it will return True if any index has a match.
:param index: the index to get the match for, can be None
if self.object.match is None:
self.object.match = {}
return None
if not isinstance(self.object.match, dict):
return None
if index is None:
# Check if we have any matches on all indices
return any(self.object.match.values())
return self.object.match.get(index)
def format_aggs(self, aggs):
Format aggregations for the query.
We have self.aggs, which contains:
{"avg_sentiment": (">", 0.5)}
and aggs, which contains:
{"avg_sentiment": {"value": 0.6}}
It's matched already, we just need to format it like so:
{"avg_sentiment": "0.06>0.5"}
:param aggs: the aggregations to format
:return: the formatted aggregations
new_aggs = {}
for agg_name, agg in aggs.items():
# Already checked membership below
op, value = self.aggs[agg_name]
new_aggs[agg_name] = f"{agg['value']}{op}{value}"
return new_aggs
def rule_matched(self, index, message, aggs):
A rule has matched.
If the previous run did not match, send a notification after formatting
the aggregations.
:param index: the index the rule matched on
:param message: the message object that matched
:param aggs: the aggregations that matched
current_match = self.get_match(index)
log.debug(f"Rule matched: {index} - current match: {current_match}")
if current_match is False:
# Matched now, but not before
formatted_aggs = self.format_aggs(aggs)
rule_notify(self.object, index, message, formatted_aggs)
self.store_match(index, True)
def rule_no_match(self, index=None):
A rule has not matched.
If the previous run did match, send a notification if configured to notify
for empty matches.
:param index: the index the rule did not match on, can be None
current_match = self.get_match(index)
log.debug(f"Rule not matched: {index} - current match: {current_match}")
if current_match is True:
# Matched before, but not now
if self.object.send_empty:
rule_notify(self.object, index, "no_match", None)
self.store_match(index, False)
async def run_schedule(self):
Run the schedule query.
Get the results from the database, and check if the rule has matched.
Check if all of the required aggregations have matched.
response = await self.db.schedule_query_results(self)
if not response:
# No results in the result_map
for index, (aggs, results) in response.items():
if not results:
# Falsy results, no matches
# Add the match values of all aggregations to a list
aggs_for_index = []
for agg_name in self.aggs.keys():
if agg_name in aggs:
if "match" in aggs[agg_name]:
# All required aggs are present
if len(aggs_for_index) == len(self.aggs.keys()):
if all(aggs_for_index):
# All aggs have matched
self.rule_matched(index, results[: self.object.amount], aggs)
# Default branch, since the happy path has a continue keyword
def test_schedule(self):
Test the schedule query to ensure it is valid.
Run the query with the async_to_sync helper so we can call it from
a form.
Raises an exception if the query is invalid.
if self.db:
sync_schedule = async_to_sync(self.db.schedule_query_results)
def validate_schedule_fields(self):
Ensure schedule fields are valid.
index: can be a list, it will schedule one search per index.
source: can be a list, it will be the filter for each search.
tokens: can be list, it will ensure the message matches any token.
msg: can be a list, it will ensure the message contains any msg.
No other fields can be lists containing more than one item.
:raises RuleParseError: if the fields are invalid
is_schedule = self.is_schedule
if is_schedule:
allowed_list_fields = ["index", "source", "tokens", "msg"]
for field, value in self.parsed.items():
if field not in allowed_list_fields:
if len(value) > 1:
raise RuleParseError(
f"For scheduled rules, field {field} cannot contain "
"more than one item"
if len(str(value[0])) == 0:
raise RuleParseError(f"Field {field} cannot be empty", "data")
if "sentiment" in self.parsed:
sentiment = str(self.parsed["sentiment"][0])
sentiment = sentiment.strip()
if sentiment[0] not in [">", "<", "="]:
raise RuleParseError(
"Sentiment field must be a comparison operator and then a "
"float: >0.02"
operator = sentiment[0]
number = sentiment[1:]
number = float(number)
except ValueError:
raise RuleParseError(
"Sentiment field must be a comparison operator and then a "
"float: >0.02"
self.aggs["avg_sentiment"] = (operator, number)
if "query" in self.parsed:
raise RuleParseError(
"Field query cannot be used with on-demand rules", "data"
if "tags" in self.parsed:
raise RuleParseError(
"Field tags cannot be used with on-demand rules", "data"
def is_schedule(self):
Check if the rule is a schedule rule.
:return: True if the rule is a schedule rule, False otherwise
if "interval" in self.cleaned_data:
if self.cleaned_data["interval"] != 0:
return True
return False
def ensure_list(self):
Ensure all values in the data field are lists.
Convert all strings to lists with one item.
for field, value in self.parsed.items():
if not isinstance(value, list):
self.parsed[field] = [value]
def validate_user_permissions(self):
Ensure the user can use notification rules.
:raises RuleParseError: if the user does not have permission
if not self.user.has_perm("core.use_rules"):
raise RuleParseError("User does not have permission to use rules", "data")
def validate_time_fields(self):
Validate the interval and window fields.
Prohibit window being specified with an ondemand interval.
Prohibit window not being specified with a non-ondemand interval.
Prohibit amount being specified with an on-demand interval.
Prohibut amount not being specified with a non-ondemand interval.
Validate window field.
Validate window unit and enforce maximum.
:raises RuleParseError: if the fields are invalid
interval = self.cleaned_data.get("interval")
window = self.cleaned_data.get("window")
amount = self.cleaned_data.get("amount")
service = self.cleaned_data.get("service")
on_demand = interval == 0
if on_demand and window is not None:
# Interval is on demand and window is specified
# We can't have a window with on-demand rules
raise RuleParseError(
"Window cannot be specified with on-demand interval", "window"
if not on_demand and window is None:
# Interval is not on demand and window is not specified
# We can't have a non-on-demand interval without a window
raise RuleParseError(
"Window must be specified with non-on-demand interval", "window"
if not on_demand and amount is None:
# Interval is not on demand and amount is not specified
# We can't have a non-on-demand interval without an amount
raise RuleParseError(
"Amount must be specified with non-on-demand interval", "amount"
if on_demand and amount is not None:
# Interval is on demand and amount is specified
# We can't have an amount with on-demand rules
raise RuleParseError(
"Amount cannot be specified with on-demand interval", "amount"
if window is not None:
window_number = window[:-1]
if not window_number.isdigit():
raise RuleParseError("Window prefix must be a number", "window")
window_number = int(window_number)
window_unit = window[-1]
if window_unit not in SECONDS_PER_UNIT:
raise RuleParseError(
"Window unit must be one of "
f"{', '.join(SECONDS_PER_UNIT.keys())},"
f" not '{window_unit}'"
window_seconds = window_number * SECONDS_PER_UNIT[window_unit]
if window_seconds > MAX_WINDOW:
raise RuleParseError(
f"Window cannot be larger than {MAX_WINDOW} seconds (30 days)",
if amount is not None:
if service == "ntfy":
if amount > MAX_AMOUNT_NTFY:
raise RuleParseError(
f"Amount cannot be larger than {MAX_AMOUNT_NTFY} for ntfy",
raise RuleParseError(
f"Amount cannot be larger than {MAX_AMOUNT_WEBHOOK} for "
def validate_permissions(self):
Validate permissions for the source and index variables.
Also set the default values for the user if not present.
Stores the default or expanded values in the parsed field.
:raises QueryError: if the user does not have permission to use the source
if "index" in self.parsed:
index = self.parsed["index"]
if type(index) == list:
for i in index:
parse_index(self.user, {"index": i}, raise_error=True)
# else:
# db.parse_index(self.user, {"index": index}, raise_error=True)
# Get the default value for the user if not present
index = parse_index(self.user, {}, raise_error=True)
self.parsed["index"] = [index]
if "source" in self.parsed:
source = self.parsed["source"]
if type(source) == list:
for i in source:
parse_source(self.user, {"source": i}, raise_error=True)
# else:
# parse_source(self.user, {"source": source}, raise_error=True)
# Get the default value for the user if not present
source = parse_source(self.user, {}, raise_error=True)
self.parsed["source"] = [source]
def parse_data(self):
Parse the data in the text field to YAML.
:raises RuleParseError: if the data is invalid
self.parsed = load(, Loader=Loader)
except (ScannerError, ParserError) as e:
raise RuleParseError("data", f"Invalid YAML: {e}")
def __str__(self):
Get a YAML representation of the data field of the rule.
return dump(self.parsed, Dumper=Dumper)
def get_data(self):
Return the data field as a dictionary.
return self.parsed