You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

342 lines
13 KiB

import random
import string
import time
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from math import floor, log10
import orjson
from django.conf import settings
from siphashc import siphash
from core import r
from core.db.processing import annotate_results
from core.util import logs
from core.views import helpers
class StorageBackend(ABC):
def __init__(self, name):
self.log = logs.get_logger(name)"Initialising storage backend {name}")
def initialise(self, **kwargs):
def initialise_caching(self):
hash_key = r.get("cache_hash_key")
if not hash_key:
letters = string.ascii_lowercase
hash_key = "".join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(16))
self.log.debug(f"Created new hash key: {hash_key}")
r.set("cache_hash_key", hash_key)
hash_key = hash_key.decode("ascii")
self.log.debug(f"Decoded hash key: {hash_key}")
self.hash_key = hash_key
def construct_query(self, **kwargs):
def run_query(self, **kwargs):
def parse_size(self, query_params, sizes):
if "size" in query_params:
size = query_params["size"]
if size not in sizes:
message = "Size is not permitted"
message_class = "danger"
return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
size = int(size)
size = 15
return size
def parse_index(self, user, query_params):
if "index" in query_params:
index = query_params["index"]
if index == "main":
index = settings.INDEX_MAIN
if not user.has_perm(f"core.index_{index}"):
message = "Not permitted to search by this index"
message_class = "danger"
return {
"message": message,
"class": message_class,
if index == "meta":
index = settings.INDEX_META
elif index == "internal":
index = settings.INDEX_INT
elif index == "restricted":
if not user.has_perm("core.restricted_sources"):
message = "Not permitted to search by this index"
message_class = "danger"
return {
"message": message,
"class": message_class,
index = settings.INDEX_RESTRICTED
message = "Index is not valid."
message_class = "danger"
return {
"message": message,
"class": message_class,
index = settings.INDEX_MAIN
return index
def parse_query(self, query_params, tags, size, custom_query, add_bool, **kwargs):
query_created = False
if "query" in query_params:
query = query_params["query"]
search_query = self.construct_query(query, size, **kwargs)
query_created = True
if custom_query:
search_query = custom_query
search_query = self.construct_query(None, size, blank=True, **kwargs)
if tags:
# Get a blank search query
if not query_created:
search_query = self.construct_query(None, size, blank=True, **kwargs)
query_created = True
for item in tags:
for tagname, tagvalue in item.items():
add_bool.append({tagname: tagvalue})
valid = self.check_valid_query(query_params, custom_query)
if isinstance(valid, dict):
return valid
return search_query
def check_valid_query(self, query_params, custom_query):
required_any = ["query", "tags"]
if not any([field in query_params.keys() for field in required_any]):
if not custom_query:
message = "Empty query!"
message_class = "warning"
return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
def parse_source(self, user, query_params):
if "source" in query_params:
source = query_params["source"]
if source in settings.SOURCES_RESTRICTED:
if not user.has_perm("core.restricted_sources"):
message = "Access denied"
message_class = "danger"
return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
elif source not in settings.MAIN_SOURCES:
message = "Invalid source"
message_class = "danger"
return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
if source == "all":
source = None # the next block will populate it
if source:
sources = [source]
sources = list(settings.MAIN_SOURCES)
if user.has_perm("core.restricted_sources"):
for source_iter in settings.SOURCES_RESTRICTED:
if "all" in sources:
return sources
def parse_sort(self, query_params):
sort = None
if "sorting" in query_params:
sorting = query_params["sorting"]
if sorting not in ("asc", "desc", "none"):
message = "Invalid sort"
message_class = "danger"
return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
if sorting == "asc":
sort = "ascending"
elif sorting == "desc":
sort = "descending"
return sort
def parse_date_time(self, query_params):
if set({"from_date", "to_date", "from_time", "to_time"}).issubset(
from_ts = f"{query_params['from_date']}T{query_params['from_time']}Z"
to_ts = f"{query_params['to_date']}T{query_params['to_time']}Z"
from_ts = datetime.strptime(from_ts, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ")
to_ts = datetime.strptime(to_ts, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ")
return (from_ts, to_ts)
return (None, None)
def parse_sentiment(self, query_params):
sentiment = None
if "check_sentiment" in query_params:
if "sentiment_method" not in query_params:
message = "No sentiment method"
message_class = "danger"
return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
if "sentiment" in query_params:
sentiment = query_params["sentiment"]
sentiment = float(sentiment)
except ValueError:
message = "Sentiment is not a float"
message_class = "danger"
return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
sentiment_method = query_params["sentiment_method"]
return (sentiment_method, sentiment)
def filter_blacklisted(self, user, response):
Low level filter to take the raw search response and remove
objects from it we want to keep secret.
Does not return, the object is mutated in place.
response["redacted"] = 0
response["exemption"] = None
if user.is_superuser:
response["exemption"] = True
# is_anonymous = isinstance(user, AnonymousUser)
# For every hit from ES
for index, item in enumerate(list(response["hits"]["hits"])):
# For every blacklisted type
for blacklisted_type in settings.ELASTICSEARCH_BLACKLISTED.keys():
# Check this field we are matching exists
if "_source" in item.keys():
data_index = "_source"
elif "fields" in item.keys():
data_index = "fields"
return False
if blacklisted_type in item[data_index].keys():
content = item[data_index][blacklisted_type]
# For every item in the blacklisted array for the type
for blacklisted_item in settings.BLACKLISTED[blacklisted_type]:
if blacklisted_item == str(content):
# Remove the item
if item in response["hits"]["hits"]:
# Let the UI know something was redacted
if (
not in response["hits"]["hits"][index][data_index]
response["redacted"] += 1
# Anonymous
if user.is_anonymous:
# Just set it to none so the index is not off
response["hits"]["hits"][index] = None
if not user.has_perm("core.bypass_blacklist"):
response["hits"]["hits"][index] = None
] = True
# Actually get rid of all the things we set to None
response["hits"]["hits"] = [hit for hit in response["hits"]["hits"] if hit]
def query(self, user, search_query, **kwargs):
# For time tracking
start = time.process_time()
if settings.CACHE:
# Sort the keys so the hash is the same
query_normalised = orjson.dumps(search_query, option=orjson.OPT_SORT_KEYS)
hash = siphash(self.hash_key, query_normalised)
cache_hit = r.get(f"query_cache.{}.{hash}")
if cache_hit:
response = orjson.loads(cache_hit)
time_took = (time.process_time() - start) * 1000
# Round to 3 significant figures
time_took_rounded = round(
time_took, 3 - int(floor(log10(abs(time_took)))) - 1
return {
"object_list": response,
"took": time_took_rounded,
"cache": True,
response = self.run_query(user, search_query, **kwargs)
# For Elasticsearch
if isinstance(response, Exception):
message = f"Error: {['error']['root_cause'][0]['type']}"
message_class = "danger"
return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
if len(response["hits"]["hits"]) == 0:
message = "No results."
message_class = "danger"
return {"message": message, "class": message_class}
# For Druid
if "error" in response:
if "errorMessage" in response:
context = {
"message": response["errorMessage"],
"class": "danger",
return context
return response
if "took" in response:
if response["took"] is None:
return None
# Removed for now, no point given we have restricted indexes
# self.filter_blacklisted(user, response)
# Parse the response
response_parsed = self.parse(response)
# Write cache
if settings.CACHE:
to_write_cache = orjson.dumps(response_parsed)
r.set(f"query_cache.{}.{hash}", to_write_cache)
r.expire(f"query_cache.{}.{hash}", settings.CACHE_TIMEOUT)
time_took = (time.process_time() - start) * 1000
# Round to 3 significant figures
time_took_rounded = round(time_took, 3 - int(floor(log10(abs(time_took)))) - 1)
return {"object_list": response_parsed, "took": time_took_rounded}
def query_results(self, **kwargs):
def process_results(self, response, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get("annotate"):
if kwargs.get("reverse"):
if kwargs.get("dedup"):
dedup_fields = kwargs.get("dedup_fields")
if not dedup_fields:
dedup_fields = ["msg", "nick", "ident", "host", "net", "channel"]
response = helpers.dedup_list(response, dedup_fields)
return response
def parse(self, response):