You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

108 lines
4.6 KiB

import msgpack
from import BaseCommand
from redis import StrictRedis
from import db
from core.lib.rules import NotificationRuleData
from core.models import NotificationRule
from core.util import logs
log = logs.get_logger("processing")
def process_rules(data):
all_rules = NotificationRule.objects.filter(enabled=True, interval=0)
for index, index_messages in data.items():
for message in index_messages:
for rule in all_rules:
# Quicker helper to get the data without spinning
# up a NotificationRuleData object
parsed_rule = rule.parse()
matched = {}
# Rule is invalid, this shouldn't happen
if "index" not in parsed_rule:
if "source" not in parsed_rule:
rule_index = parsed_rule["index"]
rule_source = parsed_rule["source"]
# if not type(rule_index) == list:
# rule_index = [rule_index]
# if not type(rule_source) == list:
# rule_source = [rule_source]
if index not in rule_index:
# We don't care about this index, go to the next one
if message["src"] not in rule_source:
# We don't care about this source, go to the next one
matched["index"] = index
matched["source"] = message["src"]
rule_field_length = len(parsed_rule.keys())
matched_field_number = 0
for field, value in parsed_rule.items():
# if not type(value) == list:
# value = [value]
if field == "src":
# We already checked this
if field == "tokens":
# Check if tokens are in the rule
# We only check if *at least one* token matches
for token in value:
if "tokens" in message:
if token in message["tokens"]:
matched_field_number += 1
matched[field] = token
# Break out of the token matching loop
# Continue to next field
if field == "msg":
# Allow partial matches for msg
for msg in value:
if "msg" in message:
if msg.lower() in message["msg"].lower():
matched_field_number += 1
matched[field] = msg
# Break out of the msg matching loop
# Continue to next field
if field in message and message[field] in value:
# Do exact matches for all other fields
matched_field_number += 1
matched[field] = message[field]
# Subtract 2, 1 for source and 1 for index
if matched_field_number == rule_field_length - 2:
meta = {"matched": matched, "total_hits": 1}
# Parse the rule, we saved some work above to avoid doing this,
# but it makes delivering messages significantly easier as we can
# use the same code as for scheduling.
rule_data_object = NotificationRuleData(rule.user, rule, db=db)
# rule_notify(rule, index, message, meta=meta)
index, message, meta=meta, mode="ondemand"
class Command(BaseCommand):
def handle(self, *args, **options):
r = StrictRedis(unix_socket_path="/var/run/socks/redis.sock", db=0)
p = r.pubsub()
for message in p.listen():
if message:
if message["channel"] == b"messages":
data = message["data"]
unpacked = msgpack.unpackb(data, raw=False)
except TypeError: