from core.clients.base import BaseClient from core.clients.graphql import GraphQLClient from core.models import SEI, Dosage, Drug, Effect, Entry, Timing class PsychWikiClient(GraphQLClient, BaseClient): # url = "" search_limit = 5000 source_name = "Psychonaut Wiki GraphQL API" source_type = "DWIKI" source_endpoint = "" source_score = 75 async def update_drugs(self): data = await self.get_all_data() self.store_data(data) return len(data) def store_data(self, data): """ Store the data in the database. """ for drug in data["substances"]: try: drug_obj = Drug.objects.get(name=drug["name"]) except Drug.DoesNotExist: drug_obj = Drug(name=drug["name"]) if "commonNames" in drug: if drug["commonNames"]: print("common names", drug["commonNames"]) drug_obj.common_names = ",".join(drug["commonNames"]) if "class" in drug: if drug["class"]: if "psychoactive" in drug["class"]: if drug["class"]["psychoactive"]: drug_obj.drug_class = ",".join( drug["class"]["psychoactive"] ) try: entry = Entry.objects.get(source=self.source, url=drug["url"]) except Entry.DoesNotExist: entry = Entry.objects.create(source=self.source, url=drug["url"]) if not if entry not in drug_obj.links.all(): drug_obj.links.add(entry) if "roas" in drug: for roa in drug["roas"]: if "name" in roa: roa_name = roa["name"] # Parsing dosage information dose = roa["dose"] if dose: dosage_data = { "entry": entry, "roa": roa_name, "unit": dose["units"], } # Check and assign dosage values for dose_type in [ "threshold", "light", "common", "strong", "heavy", ]: if dose_type in dose: if isinstance(dose[dose_type], dict): dosage_data[f"{dose_type}_lower"] = dose[ dose_type ]["min"] dosage_data[f"{dose_type}_upper"] = dose[ dose_type ]["max"] else: dosage_data[f"{dose_type}_lower"] = dose[ dose_type ] dosage_data[f"{dose_type}_upper"] = dose[ dose_type ] # Check if Dosage already exists and is linked to the Drug dosage, created = Dosage.objects.get_or_create( **dosage_data ) if created or dosage not in drug_obj.dosages.all(): drug_obj.dosages.add(dosage) # Parsing timing information timing = roa["duration"] print("TIMING", timing) # Check and assign timing values if timing: timing_data = {"entry": entry, "roa": roa_name} for time_type in [ "onset", "comeup", "peak", "offset", "total", ]: if ( time_type in timing and timing[time_type] is not None ): unit = timing[time_type].get("units", "hours") # Handle case where timing value is a single integer if isinstance(timing[time_type], int): lower = timing[time_type] upper = None else: lower = timing[time_type].get("min") upper = timing[time_type].get("max") if unit == "minutes" and lower is not None: lower = lower / 60.0 if upper is not None: upper = upper / 60.0 timing_data[f"{time_type}_lower"] = lower timing_data[f"{time_type}_upper"] = upper timing_data[ "unit" ] = "HOURS" # Store all times in hours # Check if Timing already exists and is linked to the Drug timing_obj, created = Timing.objects.get_or_create( **timing_data ) if created or timing_obj not in drug_obj.timings.all(): drug_obj.timings.add(timing_obj) if "effects" in drug: # Create or retrieve Effect object linked to the Entry effect_obj, effect_created = Effect.objects.get_or_create(entry=entry) for effect in drug["effects"]: # Create or retrieve SEI object sei_obj, sei_created = SEI.objects.get_or_create( name=effect["name"], url=effect.get( "url", "" ), # Using .get() to handle missing urls ) # Link SEI object to Effect if not already linked if ( sei_created or sei_obj not in effect_obj.subjective_effects.all() ): effect_obj.subjective_effects.add(sei_obj) # Link Effect object to Drug if not already linked if effect_created or effect_obj not in drug_obj.effects.all(): drug_obj.effects.add(effect_obj) print("SAVING DRUG", drug_obj) async def get_drugs_list(self): """ Get all drug names from PsychWiki """ body = {"query": "{substances(limit: %i) {name}}" % self.search_limit} result = await "?", http_method="post", data=body, schema="GetDrugsList", append_slash=False, ) print("RESULT", result) return result["data"] async def get_all_data(self): """ Get all the drug data from PsychWiki (warning - intensive) """ body = { "query": """ { substances(limit: %i) { name url featured summary addictionPotential toxicity crossTolerances commonNames class { chemical psychoactive } tolerance { full half zero } roas { name dose { units threshold heavy common { min max } light { min max } strong { min max } } duration { afterglow { min max units } comeup { min max units } duration { min max units } offset { min max units } onset { min max units } peak { min max units } total { min max units } } bioavailability { min max } } effects { name url } images { thumb image } uncertainInteractions { name } unsafeInteractions { name } dangerousInteractions { name } } } """ % self.search_limit } result = await "?", http_method="post", data=body, schema="GetDrugsList", append_slash=False, ) return result["data"]