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from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
class Asset(BaseModel):
id: str
class_: str = Field(..., alias="class")
exchange: str
symbol: str
name: str
status: str
tradable: bool
marginable: bool
maintenance_margin_requirement: int
shortable: bool
easy_to_borrow: bool
fractionable: bool
min_order_size: str
min_trade_increment: str
price_increment: str
# get_all_assets
class GetAllAssets(BaseModel):
itemlist: list[Asset]
# get_open_position
class GetOpenPosition(BaseModel):
asset_id: str
symbol: str
exchange: str
asset_class: str = Field(..., alias="asset_class")
asset_marginable: bool
qty: str
avg_entry_price: str
side: str
market_value: str
cost_basis: str
unrealized_pl: str
unrealized_plpc: str
unrealized_intraday_pl: str
unrealized_intraday_plpc: str
current_price: str
lastday_price: str
change_today: str
qty_available: str
class Position(BaseModel):
asset_id: str
symbol: str
exchange: str
asset_class: str
asset_marginable: bool
qty: str
avg_entry_price: str
side: str
market_value: str
cost_basis: str
unrealized_pl: str
unrealized_plpc: str
unrealized_intraday_pl: str
unrealized_intraday_plpc: str
current_price: str
lastday_price: str
change_today: str
qty_available: str
# get_all_positions
class GetAllPositions(BaseModel):
itemlist: list[Position]
# get_account
class GetAccount(BaseModel):
id: str
account_number: str
status: str
crypto_status: str
currency: str
buying_power: str
regt_buying_power: str
daytrading_buying_power: str
effective_buying_power: str
non_marginable_buying_power: str
bod_dtbp: str
cash: str
accrued_fees: str
pending_transfer_in: str
portfolio_value: str
pattern_day_trader: bool
trading_blocked: bool
transfers_blocked: bool
account_blocked: bool
created_at: str
trade_suspended_by_user: bool
multiplier: str
shorting_enabled: bool
equity: str
last_equity: str
long_market_value: str
short_market_value: str
position_market_value: str
initial_margin: str
maintenance_margin: str
last_maintenance_margin: str
sma: str
daytrade_count: int
balance_asof: str