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from decimal import Decimal as D
from core.exchanges import convert
from core.models import Trade
from import market
def check_max_loss(risk_model, initial_balance, account_balance):
Check that the account balance is within the max loss limit.
# print("Max loss percent", risk_model.max_loss_percent)
# print("Initial balance", initial_balance)
# print("Account balance", account_balance)
# max_loss_percent = risk_model.max_loss_percent
# print("Max loss ratio", (max_loss_percent / 100))
# max_loss = initial_balance * (max_loss_percent / 100)
# print("Max loss", max_loss)
# return account_balance > max_loss
max_loss_percent = risk_model.max_loss_percent
# calculate the inverse of the max loss percent as a ratio
inverse_loss_multiplier = 1 - max_loss_percent / 100
minimum_balance = initial_balance * inverse_loss_multiplier
return account_balance > minimum_balance
def check_max_risk(risk_model, account_balance_usd, account_trades):
Check that all of the trades in the account are within the max risk limit.
max_risk_percent = D(risk_model.max_risk_percent)
print("Max risk percent", max_risk_percent)
# Calculate the max risk of the account in USD
max_risk_usd = account_balance_usd * (max_risk_percent / D(100))
print("Max risk USD", max_risk_usd)
total_risk = 0
for trade in account_trades:
max_tmp = []
# Need to calculate the max risk in base account currency
# Percentages relate to the price movement, without accounting the
# size of the trade
if "stop_loss_usd" in trade:
if "trailing_stop_loss_usd" in trade:
if max_tmp:
print("MAX TMP", max_tmp)
total_risk += max(max_tmp)
print("total risk", total_risk)
allowed = total_risk < max_risk_usd
print("check amx risk allowed", allowed)
return allowed
def check_max_open_trades(risk_model, account_trades):
Check that the number of trades in the account is within the max open trades limit.
print("LEN ACCOUNT TRADES", len(account_trades))
return len(account_trades) < risk_model.max_open_trades
def check_max_open_trades_per_symbol(risk_model, account_trades):
Check we cannot open more trades per symbol than permissible.
symbol_map = {}
for trade in account_trades:
symbol = trade["symbol"]
if symbol not in symbol_map:
symbol_map[symbol] = 0
symbol_map[symbol] += 1
for symbol, count in symbol_map.items():
if count >= risk_model.max_open_trades_per_symbol:
return False
return True
def check_risk(risk_model, account, proposed_trade):
Run the risk checks on the account and the proposed trade.
# Check that the max loss is not exceeded
max_loss_check = check_max_loss(
risk_model, account.initial_balance, account.client.get_balance()
print("Max loss check", max_loss_check)
if not max_loss_check:
return {"allowed": False, "reason": "Maximum loss exceeded."}
# Check that the account max trades is not exceeded
account_trades = account.client.get_all_open_trades()
print("Account trades: ", account_trades)
if isinstance(proposed_trade, Trade):
proposed_trade = proposed_trade.__dict__
print("After append", account_trades)
account_trades = convert.convert_trades(account_trades)
print("After convert", account_trades)
account_trades = market.convert_trades_to_usd(account, account_trades)
print("After convert to USD", account_trades)
max_open_trades_check = check_max_open_trades(risk_model, account_trades)
print("Max open trades check: ", max_open_trades_check)
if not max_open_trades_check:
return {"allowed": False, "reason": "Maximum open trades exceeded."}
# Check that the max trades per symbol is not exceeded
max_open_trades_per_symbol_check = check_max_open_trades_per_symbol(
risk_model, account_trades
print("Max open trades per symbol check: ", max_open_trades_per_symbol_check)
if not max_open_trades_per_symbol_check:
return {"allowed": False, "reason": "Maximum open trades per symbol exceeded."}
# Check that the max risk is not exceeded
account_balance_usd = account.client.get_balance(return_usd=True)
print("Account balance USD (not)", account_balance_usd)
max_risk_check = check_max_risk(risk_model, account_balance_usd, account_trades)
print("Max risk check: ", max_risk_check)
if not max_risk_check:
return {"allowed": False, "reason": "Maximum risk exceeded."}
return {"allowed": True}