from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin from django.shortcuts import render from django.views import View from mixins.views import ( ObjectCreate, ObjectDelete, ObjectList, ObjectNameMixin, ObjectUpdate, ) from core.forms import TradingTimeForm from core.models import Strategy, TradingTime from core.util import logs log = logs.get_logger(__name__) # Trend directions class TrendDirectionList(LoginRequiredMixin, ObjectList): list_template = "partials/trend-direction-list.html" page_title = "List of trend directions for a strategy" page_subtitle = None context_object_name_singular = "trend direction" context_object_name = "trend directions" list_url_name = "trenddirections" list_url_args = ["type", "strategy_id"] def get_queryset(self, **kwargs): strategy_id = kwargs.get("strategy_id", None) self.extra_context = {"strategy_id": strategy_id} try: strategy = Strategy.objects.get(id=strategy_id, user=self.request.user) except Strategy.DoesNotExist: context = {"message": "Strategy does not exist", "class": "danger"} return self.render_to_response(context) return strategy.trends class TrendDirectionFlip(LoginRequiredMixin, ObjectNameMixin, View): template_name = "mixins/partials/notify.html" model = Strategy def get(self, request, strategy_id, symbol): try: strategy = Strategy.objects.get(id=strategy_id, user=request.user) except Strategy.DoesNotExist: context = {"message": "Strategy does not exist", "class": "danger"} return render(request, self.template_name, context) if symbol not in strategy.trends: context = {"message": "Trend direction does not exist", "class": "danger"} return render(request, self.template_name, context) if strategy.trends[symbol] == "buy": strategy.trends[symbol] = "sell" elif strategy.trends[symbol] == "sell": strategy.trends[symbol] = "buy" context = {"message": "Trend direction updated", "class": "success"} return render(request, self.template_name, context) class TrendDirectionDelete(LoginRequiredMixin, ObjectNameMixin, View): template_name = "mixins/partials/notify.html" model = Strategy def delete(self, request, strategy_id, symbol): try: strategy = Strategy.objects.get(id=strategy_id, user=request.user) except Strategy.DoesNotExist: context = {"message": "Strategy does not exist", "class": "danger"} return render(request, self.template_name, context) if symbol not in strategy.trends: context = {"message": "Trend direction does not exist", "class": "danger"} return render(request, self.template_name, context) del strategy.trends[symbol] context = {"message": "Trend direction deleted", "class": "success"} return render(request, self.template_name, context) # Trading times class TradingTimeList(LoginRequiredMixin, ObjectList): list_template = "partials/trading-time-list.html" model = TradingTime page_title = "List of allowed trading times, used as options for a strategy" page_subtitle = "Add times here in order to permit trading." list_url_name = "tradingtimes" list_url_args = ["type"] submit_url_name = "tradingtime_create" class TradingTimeCreate(LoginRequiredMixin, ObjectCreate): model = TradingTime form_class = TradingTimeForm submit_url_name = "tradingtime_create" class TradingTimeUpdate(LoginRequiredMixin, ObjectUpdate): model = TradingTime form_class = TradingTimeForm submit_url_name = "tradingtime_update" class TradingTimeDelete(LoginRequiredMixin, ObjectDelete): model = TradingTime