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from django.test import TestCase
from core.exchanges.common import convert_open_trades
from core.models import RiskModel, User
from import risk
class RiskModelTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.user = User.objects.create_user(
username="testuser", email="", password="test"
self.risk_model = RiskModel.objects.create(
name="Test Risk Model",
self.account_initial_balance = 100 = {
"symbol": "XXXYYY",
"side": "BUY",
# We already calculated the TP percent loss relative to the account size
"take_profit_percent": 9,
"stop_loss_percent": 9,
"trailing_stop_loss_percent": 9,
def test_check_max_loss(self):
Check that we can open a trade within the max loss limit.
account_balance = 100 # We have lost no money
allowed = risk.check_max_loss(
self.risk_model, self.account_initial_balance, account_balance
def test_check_max_loss_fail_exact(self):
Check that we cannot open a trade outside the max loss limit where the amount
lost is exactly the max loss limit.
account_balance = 50 # We have lost 50% exactly
allowed = risk.check_max_loss(
self.risk_model, self.account_initial_balance, account_balance
def test_check_max_loss_fail(self):
Check that we cannot open a trade outside the max loss limit.
account_balance = 49 # We have lost 51%
allowed = risk.check_max_loss(
self.risk_model, self.account_initial_balance, account_balance
def test_check_max_risk(self):
Check that we can open a trade within the max risk limit.
account_trades = []
allowed = risk.check_max_risk(self.risk_model, account_trades)
def test_check_max_risk_multiple_trades(self):
Check that we can open a trade within the max risk limit where there are
multiple trades.
trade =
trade["stop_loss_percent"] = 1
trade["trailing_stop_loss_percent"] = 1
account_trades = [trade] * 9
allowed = risk.check_max_risk(self.risk_model, account_trades)
def test_check_max_risk_fail_exact(self):
Check that we cannot open a trade outside the max risk limit where the amount
risked is exactly the max risk limit.
trade =
trade["stop_loss_percent"] = 10
account_trades = [trade]
allowed = risk.check_max_risk(self.risk_model, account_trades)
def test_check_max_risk_fail_exact_multiple_trades(self):
Check that we cannot open a trade outside the max risk limit where the amount
risked is exactly the max risk limit with multiple trades.
trade =
trade["stop_loss_percent"] = 1
trade["trailing_stop_loss_percent"] = 1
account_trades = [trade] * 10
allowed = risk.check_max_risk(self.risk_model, account_trades)
def test_check_max_open_trades(self):
Check that we can open a trade within the max open trades limit.
account_trades = [] * 2
allowed = risk.check_max_open_trades(self.risk_model, account_trades)
def test_check_max_open_trades_fail_exact(self):
Check that we cannot open a trade at the max open trades limit.
account_trades = [] * 3
allowed = risk.check_max_open_trades(self.risk_model, account_trades)
def test_check_max_open_trades_fail(self):
Check that we cannot open a trade outside the max open trades limit.
account_trades = [] * 4
allowed = risk.check_max_open_trades(self.risk_model, account_trades)
def test_check_max_open_trades_per_symbol(self):
Check that we can open a trade within the max open trades per symbol limit.
account_trades = []
allowed = risk.check_max_open_trades_per_symbol(self.risk_model, account_trades)
def test_check_max_open_trades_per_symbol_fail_exact(self):
Check that we cannot open a trade at the max open trades per symbol limit.
account_trades = [] * 2
allowed = risk.check_max_open_trades_per_symbol(self.risk_model, account_trades)
def test_check_max_open_trades_per_symbol_fail(self):
Check that we cannot open a trade outside the max open trades per symbol limit.
account_trades = [] * 3
allowed = risk.check_max_open_trades_per_symbol(self.risk_model, account_trades)
def test_check_max_open_trades_per_symbol_different_symbols(self):
Check that we can open a trade within the max open trades per symbol limit with
different symbols.
trade1 =
trade2 =
trade1["symbol"] = "ONE"
trade2["symbol"] = "TWO"
account_trades = [trade1, trade2]
allowed = risk.check_max_open_trades_per_symbol(self.risk_model, account_trades)
def test_check_max_open_trades_per_symbol_fail_exact_different_symbols(self):
Check that we cannot open a trade at the max open trades per symbol limit with
different symbols.
trade1 =
trade2 =
trade1["symbol"] = "ONE"
trade2["symbol"] = "TWO"
account_trades = [trade1, trade2, trade1, trade2]
allowed = risk.check_max_open_trades_per_symbol(self.risk_model, account_trades)
def test_check_max_open_trades_per_symbol_fail_different_symbols(self):
Check that we cannot open a trade outside the max open trades per symbol limit
with different symbols.
trade1 =
trade2 =
trade1["symbol"] = "ONE"
trade2["symbol"] = "TWO"
# Each one 3 times
account_trades = [trade1, trade2, trade1, trade2, trade1, trade2]
allowed = risk.check_max_open_trades_per_symbol(self.risk_model, account_trades)
def check_max_risk_market_data(self):
Check that we can open a trade within the max risk limit with market data.
trade = {
"id": "abd123",
"symbol": "EUR_USD",
"currentUnits": 100,
"side": "long",
"state": "open",
"price": 1.0, # initial
"unrealizedPL": 0, # price == initial
"stopLossOrder": {
"price": 0.95, # down by 5%, 5% risk
converted = convert_open_trades([trade])
self.assertEqual(converted[0]["stop_loss_percent"], 5)
max_risk_check = risk.check_max_risk(self.risk_model, converted)
self.assertTrue(max_risk_check) # 5% risk is fine
def check_max_risk_market_data_multiple(self):
Check that we can open a trade within the max risk limit with market data
and multiple trades.
trade = {
"id": "abd123",
"symbol": "EUR_USD",
"currentUnits": 100,
"side": "long",
"state": "open",
"price": 1.0, # initial
"unrealizedPL": 0, # price == initial
"stopLossOrder": {
"price": 0.96, # down by 4%, 4% risk
converted = convert_open_trades([trade, trade])
max_risk_check = risk.check_max_risk(self.risk_model, converted)
self.assertTrue(max_risk_check) # 8% risk is fine
def check_max_risk_market_data_fail(self):
Check that we can not open a trade outside the max risk limit with market data.
trade = {
"id": "abd123",
"symbol": "EUR_USD",
"currentUnits": 100,
"side": "long",
"state": "open",
"price": 1.0, # initial
"unrealizedPL": 0, # price == initial
"stopLossOrder": {
"price": 0.9, # down by 10%, 10% risk
converted = convert_open_trades([trade])
self.assertEqual(converted[0]["stop_loss_percent"], 10)
max_risk_check = risk.check_max_risk(self.risk_model, converted)
self.assertFalse(max_risk_check) # 10% risk is too much
def check_max_risk_market_data_fail_multiple(self):
Check that we can not open a trade outside the max risk limit with market data
and multiple trades.
trade = {
"id": "abd123",
"symbol": "EUR_USD",
"currentUnits": 100,
"side": "long",
"state": "open",
"price": 1.0, # initial
"unrealizedPL": 0, # price == initial
"stopLossOrder": {
"price": 0.95, # down by 5%, 5% risk
converted = convert_open_trades([trade, trade])
max_risk_check = risk.check_max_risk(self.risk_model, converted)
self.assertFalse(max_risk_check) # 10% risk is too much
def check_max_risk_market_data_fail_multiple_mixed(self):
Check that we can not open a trade outside the max risk limit with market data
and multiple trades, mixing SL and TSL.
trade = {
"id": "abd123",
"symbol": "EUR_USD",
"currentUnits": 100,
"side": "long",
"state": "open",
"price": 1.0, # initial
"unrealizedPL": 0, # price == initial
"stopLossOrder": {
"price": 0.95, # down by 5%, 5% risk
trade2 = trade.copy()
trade2["trailingStopLossOrder"] = {"price": 0.95}
del trade2["stopLossOrder"]
converted = convert_open_trades([trade, trade2])
max_risk_check = risk.check_max_risk(self.risk_model, converted)
self.assertFalse(max_risk_check) # 10% risk is too much
def check_max_risk_market_data_fail_multiple_mixed_both(self):
Check that we can not open a trade outside the max risk limit with market data
and multiple trades, mixing SL and TSL, where both are set.
trade = {
"id": "abd123",
"symbol": "EUR_USD",
"currentUnits": 100,
"side": "long",
"state": "open",
"price": 1.0, # initial
"unrealizedPL": 0, # price == initial
"stopLossOrder": {
"price": 0.95, # down by 5%, 5% risk
trade2 = trade.copy()
trade2["trailingStopLossOrder"] = {"price": 0.951}
converted = convert_open_trades([trade, trade2])
max_risk_check = risk.check_max_risk(self.risk_model, converted)
self.assertFalse(max_risk_check) # 10% risk is too much