schema_main = { "id": "bigint", # 1 "archived": "int", # 1662150538 "archived_on": "string indexed attribute", # CF "board_flag": "string indexed attribute", # true, false "bot": "bool", # 0 "bumplimit": "int", # mod "capcode": "string indexed attribute", # 393598265, #main, Rust Programmer's Club "channel": "text", # Miscellaneous "channel_category": "text", # 360581491907887100 "channel_category_id": "string indexed attribute", # true, false "channel_category_nsfw": "bool", # 734229101216530600 "channel_id": "string indexed attribute", # true, false "channel_nsfw": "bool", # 1 "closed": "int", # GB "country": "string indexed attribute", # United Kingdom "country_name": "text", # 5 "file_custom_spoiler": "int", # 1 "file_deleted": "int", # .jpg "file_ext": "string indexed attribute", # 1024 "file_h": "int", # 1 "file_m_img": "int", # tlArbrZDj7kbheSKPyDU0w== "file_md5": "string indexed attribute", # 88967 "file_size": "int", # 1 "file_spoiler": "int", # 1662149436322819 "file_tim": "string indexed attribute", # 250 "file_tn_h": "int", # 241 "file_tn_w": "int", # 1080 "file_w": "int", # 6E646BED-297E-4B4F-9082-31EDADC49472 "filename": "text", # Confederate "flag_name": "string indexed attribute", # "guild": "text", # LEGACY -> channel # "guild_id": "string indexed attribute", # LEGACY -> channel_id # 36180 "guild_member_count": "int", # ? -> channel_member_count # 9f7b2e6a0e9b "host": "text", # 2447746 "id_reply": "string indexed attribute", # resto # "522, trans rights shill", myname "ident": "text", # 0 "imagelimit": "int", # 0 "images": "int", # 0 "mode": "string indexed attribute", # b0n3 "modearg": "string indexed attribute", # The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog "msg": "text", # 393605030 "msg_id": "string indexed attribute", # pol "net": "text", # 273534239310479360 "net_id": "string indexed attribute", # André de Santa Cruz, santa "nick": "text", # 773802568324350000 "nick_id": "string indexed attribute", # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... "num": "int", # 12 "replies": "int", # redacted-hate-thread "semantic_url": "string indexed attribute", # -1 -> 1 as float "sentiment": "float", # 2022 "since4pass": "int", # 4ch, irc, dis "src": "string indexed attribute", # true, false "status": "bool", # 1 "sticky": "int", # 1000 "sticky_cap": "int", # Redacted Hate Thread, Gorbachev is dead "sub": "string indexed attribute", # Loop "tag": "string indexed attribute", # 100 "tail_size": "int", # "time": "timestamp", # LEGACY -> ts "tokens": "text", # ??? # 2022-09-02T16:10:36 "ts": "timestamp", # msg, notice, update, who "type": "string indexed attribute", # 10 "unique_ips": "int", # 1662149436 "unix_time": "string indexed attribute", # Anonymous "user": "text", # "user_id": "string indexed attribute", # LEGACY -> nick_id # 1, 2 "version_sentiment": "int", # 1, 2 "version_tokens": "int", # en, ru "lang_code": "string indexed attribute", "lang_name": "text", "match_ts": "timestamp", "batch_id": "bigint", "rule_id": "bigint", "index": "string indexed attribute", "meta": "text", } schema_meta = { "id": "bigint", # 393598265, #main, Rust Programmer's Club "channel": "text", # 9f7b2e6a0e9b "host": "text", # "522, trans rights shill", myname "ident": "text", # The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog "msg": "text", # pol "net": "text", # André de Santa Cruz, santa "nick": "text", # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... "num": "int", # Greens "realname": "text", # "server": "text", # 4ch, irc, dis "src": "string indexed attribute", # true, false "status": "bool", # 2022-09-02T16:10:36 "ts": "timestamp", # msg, notice, update, who "type": "string indexed attribute", } schema_int = { "id": "bigint", # 393598265, #main, Rust Programmer's Club "channel": "text", # 9f7b2e6a0e9b "host": "text", # "522, trans rights shill", myname "ident": "text", # 0 "mode": "string indexed attribute", # b0n3 "modearg": "string indexed attribute", # The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog "msg": "text", # pol "net": "text", # André de Santa Cruz, santa "nick": "text", # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... "num": "int", # 4ch, irc, dis "src": "string indexed attribute", # true, false "status": "bool", # 2022-09-02T16:10:36 "ts": "timestamp", # Anonymous "user": "text", # msg, notice, update, who "type": "string indexed attribute", # msg, notice, update, who "mtype": "string indexed attribute", }