* pending command to see which instances have never authenticated * authcheck command to see which instances are not currently authenticated
175 lines
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175 lines
5.7 KiB
import main
from utils.logging.log import *
from utils.logging.debug import *
from copy import deepcopy
from math import ceil
from modules.provision import provisionMultipleRelays
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread
def allRelaysActive(net):
relayNum = len(main.network[net].relays.keys())
existNum = 0
for i in main.network[net].relays.keys():
name = net+str(i)
if name in main.IRCPool.keys():
if main.IRCPool[name].authenticated and main.network[net].relays[i]["registered"]:
existNum += 1
if existNum == relayNum:
return True
return False
def getChanFree(net, new):
chanfree = {}
chanlimits = set()
for i in main.network[net].relays.keys():
if i in new:
name = net+str(i)
chanfree[i] = main.IRCPool[name].chanlimit-len(main.IRCPool[name].channels)
if not len(chanlimits) == 1:
error("Network %s has servers with different CHANLIMIT values" % net)
return False
return (chanfree, chanlimits.pop())
def emptyChanAllocate(net, flist, relay, new):
chanfree = getChanFree(net, new)
if not chanfree:
for i in new:
chanfree[0][i] = chanfree[1]
allocated = {}
toalloc = len(flist)
if toalloc > sum(chanfree[0].values()):
error("Too many channels to allocate for %s - this is probably a bug" % net)
return False
for i in chanfree[0].keys():
for x in range(chanfree[0][i]):
if not len(flist):
if i in allocated.keys():
allocated[i] = [flist.pop()]
return allocated
def populateChans(net, clist, relay, new):
#divided = array_split(clist, relay)
allocated = emptyChanAllocate(net, clist, relay, new)
if not allocated:
for i in allocated.keys():
if net in main.TempChan.keys():
main.TempChan[net][i] = allocated[i]
main.TempChan[net] = {i: allocated[i]}
def notifyJoin(net):
for i in main.network[net].relays.keys():
name = net+str(i)
if name in main.IRCPool.keys():
def minifyChans(net, listinfo):
if not allRelaysActive(net):
error("All relays for %s are not active, cannot minify list" % net)
return False
for i in main.network[net].relays.keys():
name = net+str(i)
for x in main.IRCPool[name].channels:
for y in listinfo:
if y[0] == x:
if not listinfo:
log("We're on all the channels we want to be on, dropping LIST")
return False
return listinfo
def keepChannels(net, listinfo, mean, sigrelay, relay):
listinfo = minifyChans(net, listinfo)
if not listinfo:
if relay <= main.config["ChanKeep"]["SigSwitch"]: # we can cover all of the channels
coverAll = True
elif relay > main.config["ChanKeep"]["SigSwitch"]: # we cannot cover all of the channels
coverAll = False
if not sigrelay <= main.config["ChanKeep"]["MaxRelay"]:
error("Network %s is too big to cover: %i relays required" % (net, sigrelay))
if coverAll:
needed = relay-len(main.network[net].relays.keys())
newNums = provisionMultipleRelays(net, needed)
flist = [i[0] for i in listinfo]
populateChans(net, flist, relay, newNums)
needed = sigrelay-len(main.network[net].relays.keys())
newNums = provisionMultipleRelays(net, needed)
siglist = [i[0] for i in listinfo if int(i[1]) > mean]
populateChans(net, siglist, sigrelay, newNums)
def nukeNetwork(net):
#p = main.g.pipeline()
#def nukeNetwork(net):
# deferToThread(_nukeNetwork, net)
def _initialList(net, num, listinfo, chanlimit):
listlength = len(listinfo)
cumul = 0
cumul += sum(int(i[1]) for i in listinfo)
except TypeError:
warn("Bad LIST data received from %s - %i" % (net, num))
mean = round(cumul/listlength, 2)
siglength = 0
insiglength = 0
sigcumul = 0
insigcumul = 0
for i in listinfo:
if int(i[1]) > mean:
siglength += 1
sigcumul += int(i[1])
elif int(i[1]) < mean:
insiglength += 1
insigcumul += int(i[1])
sigrelay = ceil(siglength/chanlimit)
relay = ceil(listlength/chanlimit)
netbase = "list.%s" % net
abase = "analytics.list.%s" % net
p = main.g.pipeline()
p.hset(abase, "mean", mean)
p.hset(abase, "total", listlength)
p.hset(abase, "sigtotal", siglength)
p.hset(abase, "insigtotal", insiglength)
p.hset(abase, "sigperc", round(siglength/listlength*100, 2))
p.hset(abase, "insigperc", round(insiglength/listlength*100, 2))
p.hset(abase, "cumul", cumul)
p.hset(abase, "sigcumul", sigcumul)
p.hset(abase, "insigcumul", insigcumul)
p.hset(abase, "relay", relay)
p.hset(abase, "sigrelay", sigrelay)
p.hset(abase, "insigrelay", ceil(insiglength/chanlimit))
# Purge existing records before writing
#for i in listinfo:
# p.rpush(netbase+"."+i[0], i[1])
# p.rpush(netbase+"."+i[0], i[2])
# p.sadd(netbase, i[0])
debug("List parsing completed on %s" % net)
keepChannels(net, listinfo, mean, sigrelay, relay)
def initialList(net, num, listinfo, chanlimit):
deferToThread(_initialList, net, num, deepcopy(listinfo), chanlimit)