You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

297 lines
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# Other library imports
from json import loads
# Project imports
from settings import settings
import util
class Markets(util.Base):
""" "
Markets handler for generic market functions.
def get_all_assets(self):
assets = loads(settings.Agora.AssetList)
return assets
def get_all_providers(self):
providers = loads(settings.Agora.ProviderList)
return providers
def get_all_currencies(self):
currencies = list(set([x[0] for x in loads(settings.Agora.DistList)]))
return currencies
def get_new_ad_equations(self, public_ads, assets=None):
Update all our prices.
:param public_ads: dictionary of public ads keyed by currency
:type public_ads: dict
:return: list of ads to modify
:rtype: list
to_update = []
# Get all ads for each currency, with all the payment methods.
# Create a function to, in turn, filter these so it contains only one payment method. Run autoprice on this.
# Append all results to to_update. Repeat for remaining payment methods, then call slow update.
# (asset, currency, provider)
if not assets:
assets = self.get_all_assets()
currencies = self.get_all_currencies()
providers = self.get_all_providers()
brute = [(asset, currency, provider) for asset in assets for currency in currencies for provider in providers]
for asset, currency, provider in brute:
# Filter currency
public_ads_currency = public_ads[currency]
except KeyError:
# self.log.error("Error getting public ads for currency {currency}", currency=currency)
if currency == "GBP":
self.log.error("Error getting public ads for currency USD, aborting")
# Filter asset
public_ads_filtered = [ad for ad in public_ads_currency if ad[4] == asset]
# Filter provider
public_ads_filtered = [ad for ad in public_ads_filtered if ad[3] == provider]
our_ads = [ad for ad in public_ads_filtered if ad[1] == settings.Agora.Username]
if not our_ads:
new_margin = self.autoprice(public_ads_filtered, currency)
#"New rate for {currency}: {rate}", currency=currency, rate=new_margin)
new_formula = f"coingecko{asset.lower()}usd*usd{currency.lower()}*{new_margin}"
for ad in our_ads:
ad_id = ad[0]
asset = ad[4]
our_margin = ad[5]
if new_margin != our_margin:
to_update.append([ad_id, new_formula, asset, currency, False])
return to_update
def autoprice(self, ads, currency):
Helper function to automatically adjust the price up/down in certain markets
in order to gain the most profits and sales.
:param ads: list of ads
:type ads: list of lists
:param currency: currency of the ads
:type currency: string
:return: the rate we should use for this currency
:rtype: float
# self.log.debug("Autoprice starting for {x}", x=currency)
# Find cheapest ad
# Filter by 3rd index on each ad list to find the cheapest
min_margin_ad = min(ads, key=lambda x: x[6])
# self.log.debug("Minimum margin ad: {x}", x=min_margin_ad)
# Find second cheapest that is not us
# Remove results from ads that are us
ads_without_us = [ad for ad in ads if not ad[1] == settings.Agora.Username]
# self.log.debug("Ads without us: {x}", x=ads_without_us)
# Find ads above our min that are not us
ads_above_our_min_not_us = [ad for ad in ads_without_us if ad[6] > float(settings.Agora.MinMargin)]
# self.log.debug("Ads above our min not us: {x}", x=ads_above_our_min_not_us)
# Check that this list without us is not empty
if ads_without_us:
# Find the cheapest from these
min_margin_ad_not_us = min(ads_without_us, key=lambda x: x[6])
# self.log.debug("Min margin ad not us: {x}", x=min_margin_ad_not_us)
# Lowball the lowest ad that is not ours
lowball_lowest_not_ours = min_margin_ad_not_us[6] # - 0.005
# self.log.debug("Lowball lowest not ours: {x}", x=lowball_lowest_not_ours)
# Check if the username field of the cheapest ad matches ours
if min_margin_ad[1] == settings.Agora.Username:
# self.log.debug("We are the cheapest for: {x}", x=currency)
# We are the cheapest!
# Are all of the ads ours?
all_ads_ours = all([ad[1] == settings.Agora.Username for ad in ads])
if all_ads_ours:
# self.log.debug("All ads are ours for: {x}", x=currency)
# Now we know it's safe to return the maximum value
return float(settings.Agora.MaxMargin)
# self.log.debug("All ads are NOT ours for: {x}", x=currency)
# All the ads are not ours, but we are first...
# Check if the lowballed, lowest (that is not ours) ad's margin
# is less than our minimum
if lowball_lowest_not_ours < float(settings.Agora.MinMargin):
# self.log.debug("Lowball lowest not ours less than MinMargin")
return float(settings.Agora.MinMargin)
elif lowball_lowest_not_ours > float(settings.Agora.MaxMargin):
# self.log.debug("Lowball lowest not ours more than MaxMargin")
return float(settings.Agora.MaxMargin)
# self.log.debug("Returning lowballed figure: {x}", x=lowball_lowest_not_ours)
return lowball_lowest_not_ours
# self.log.debug("We are NOT the cheapest for: {x}", x=currency)
# We are not the cheapest :(
# Check if this list is empty
if not ads_above_our_min_not_us:
# Return the maximum margin?
return float(settings.Agora.MaxMargin)
# Find cheapest ad above our min that is not us
cheapest_ad = min(ads_above_our_min_not_us, key=lambda x: x[4])
cheapest_ad_margin = cheapest_ad[6] # - 0.005
if cheapest_ad_margin > float(settings.Agora.MaxMargin):
# self.log.debug("Cheapest ad not ours more than MaxMargin")
return float(settings.Agora.MaxMargin)
# self.log.debug("Cheapest ad above our min that is not us: {x}", x=cheapest_ad)
return cheapest_ad_margin
def create_distribution_list(self, filter_asset=None):
Create a list for distribution of ads.
:return: generator of asset, countrycode, currency, provider
:rtype: generator of tuples
# Iterate providers like REVOLUT, NATIONAL_BANK
for provider in loads(settings.Agora.ProviderList):
# Iterate assets like XMR, BTC
for asset in loads(settings.Agora.AssetList):
# Iterate pairs of currency and country like EUR, GB
for currency, countrycode in loads(settings.Agora.DistList):
if filter_asset:
if asset == filter_asset:
yield (asset, countrycode, currency, provider)
yield (asset, countrycode, currency, provider)
def get_valid_account_details(self):
currencies = self.sinks.currencies
account_info = self.sinks.account_info
all_currencies = self.get_all_currencies()
supported_currencies = [currency for currency in currencies if currency in all_currencies]
currency_account_info_map = {}
for currency in supported_currencies:
for bank, accounts in account_info.items():
for account in accounts:
if account["currency"] == currency:
currency_account_info_map[currency] = account["account_number"]
return (supported_currencies, currency_account_info_map)
def _distribute_account_details(self, platform, currencies=None, account_info=None):
Distribute account details for ads.
We will disable ads we can't support.
if platform == "agora":
caller = self.agora
elif platform == "lbtc":
caller = self.lbtc
if not currencies:
currencies = self.sinks.currencies
if not account_info:
account_info = self.sinks.account_info
# First, let's get the ads we can't support
all_currencies = self.get_all_currencies()
supported_currencies = [currency for currency in currencies if currency in all_currencies]
# not_supported = [currency for currency in all_currencies if currency not in supported_currencies]
our_ads = caller.enum_ads()
supported_ads = [ad for ad in our_ads if ad[3] in supported_currencies]
not_supported_ads = [ad for ad in our_ads if ad[3] not in supported_currencies]
currency_account_info_map = {}
for currency in supported_currencies:
for bank, accounts in account_info.items():
for account in accounts:
if account["currency"] == currency:
currency_account_info_map[currency] = account["account_number"]
for ad in supported_ads:
asset = ad[0]
countrycode = ad[2]
currency = ad[3]
provider = ad[4]
payment_details = currency_account_info_map[currency]
ad_id = ad[1]
for ad in not_supported_ads:
asset = ad[0]
countrycode = ad[2]
currency = ad[3]
provider = ad[4]
ad_id = ad[1]
def distribute_account_details(self, currencies=None, account_info=None):
Helper to distribute the account details for all platforms.
platforms = ("agora", "lbtc")
for platform in platforms:
self.distribute_account_details(platform, currencies=currencies, account_info=account_info)
def format_ad(self, asset, currency, payment_details_text):
Format the ad.
ad = settings.Platform.Ad
# Substitute the currency
ad = ad.replace("$CURRENCY$", currency)
# Substitute the asset
ad = ad.replace("$ASSET$", asset)
# Substitute the payment details
ad = ad.replace("$PAYMENT$", payment_details_text)
# Strip extra tabs
ad = ad.replace("\\t", "\t")
return ad
def format_payment_details(self, currency, payment_details):
Format the payment details.
payment = settings.Platform.PaymentDetails
payment_text = ""
for field, value in payment_details.items():
formatted_name = field.replace("_", " ")
formatted_name = formatted_name.capitalize()
payment_text += f"* {formatted_name}: **{value}**"
if field != list(payment_details.keys())[-1]: # No trailing newline
payment_text += "\n"
payment = payment.replace("$PAYMENT$", payment_text)
payment = payment.replace("$CURRENCY$", currency)
return payment