You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

192 lines
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# Twisted/Klein imports
from twisted.logger import Logger
# Other library imports
from json import dumps
from random import choices
from string import ascii_uppercase
# Project imports
from settings import settings
from db import r
from util import convert
class Transactions(object):
Handler class for incoming Revolut transactions.
def __init__(self):
Initialise the Transaction object.
Set the logger.
self.log = Logger("transactions")
def set_agora(self, agora):
self.agora = agora
def set_irc(self, irc):
self.irc = irc
def transaction(self, data):
Store details of transaction and post notifications to IRC.
Matches it up with data stored in Redis to attempt to reconcile with an Agora trade.
:param data: details of transaction
:type data: dict
event = data["event"]
ts = data["timestamp"]
inside = data["data"]
txid = inside["id"]
txtype = inside["type"]
state = inside["state"]
if "reference" in inside:
reference = inside["reference"]
reference = "not_given"
leg = inside["legs"][0]
if "counterparty" in leg:
account_type = leg["counterparty"]["account_type"]
account_type = "not_given"
amount = leg["amount"]
currency = leg["currency"]
description = leg["description"]
to_store = {
"event": event,
"ts": ts,
"txid": txid,
"txtype": txtype,
"state": state,
"reference": reference,
"account_type": account_type,
"amount": amount,
"currency": currency,
"description": description,
}"Transaction processed: {formatted}", formatted=dumps(to_store, indent=2))
r.hmset(f"tx.{txid}", to_store)
self.irc.client.msg(, f"AUTO Incoming transaction: {amount}{currency} ({reference}) - {state} - {description}"
stored_trade = r.hgetall(f"trade.{reference}")
if not stored_trade:"No reference in DB for {reference}")
stored_trade = convert(stored_trade)
amount = float(amount)
stored_trade["amount"] = float(stored_trade["amount"])
if not stored_trade["currency"] == currency:
self.irc.client.msg(, f"Currency mismatch, Agora: {stored_trade['currency']} / Revolut: {currency}")
if not stored_trade["amount"] == amount:
# If the amount does not match exactly, get the min and max values for our given acceptable margins for trades
min_amount, max_amount = self.agora.get_acceptable_margins(currency, amount)
self.irc.client.msg(, f"Amount does not match exactly, trying with margins: min: {min_amount} / max: {max_amount}"
if not min_amount < stored_trade["amount"] < max_amount:
f"Amount mismatch - not in margins: {stored_trade['amount']} (min: {min_amount} / max: {max_amount}",
if not account_type == "revolut":
self.irc.client.msg(, f"Account type is not Revolut: {account_type}")
self.irc.client.msg(, f"All checks passed, would release funds for {stored_trade['id']}")
def new_trade(self, trade_id, buyer, currency, amount, amount_xmr):
Called when we have a new trade in Agora.
Store details in Redis, generate a reference and optionally let the customer know the reference.
reference = "".join(choices(ascii_uppercase, k=5))
reference = f"XMR-{reference}"
existing_ref = r.get(f"trade.{trade_id}.reference")
if existing_ref:
self.irc.client.msg(, f"Existing reference for {trade_id}: {existing_ref.decode('utf-8')}")
r.set(f"trade.{trade_id}.reference", reference)
to_store = {
"id": trade_id,
"buyer": buyer,
"currency": currency,
"amount": amount,
"amount_xmr": amount_xmr,
"reference": reference,
}"Storing trade information: {str(to_store)}")
r.hmset(f"trade.{reference}", to_store)
self.irc.client.msg(, f"Generated reference for {trade_id}: {reference}")
if settings.Agora.Send == "1":
self.agora.agora.contact_message_post(trade_id, f"Hi! When sending the payment please use reference code: {reference}")
def find_tx(self, reference, amount):
Find transactions that match the given reference and amount.
:param reference: transaction reference in Revolut
:param amount: transaction amount
:type reference: string
:type amount: int
:return: transaction details or AMOUNT_INVALID, or False
:rtype: dict or string or bool
all_transactions = r.scan(0, match="tx.*")
for tx_iter in all_transactions[1]:
tx_obj = r.hgetall(tx_iter)
if tx_obj[b"reference"] == str.encode(reference):
if tx_obj[b"amount"] == str.encode(amount):
return convert(tx_obj)
return False
def get_refs(self):
Get all reference IDs for trades.
:return: list of trade IDs
:rtype: list
references = []
ref_keys = r.keys("trade.*.reference")
for key in ref_keys:
return convert(references)
def get_ref(self, reference):
Get a reference ID for a single trade.
:return: trade ID
:rtype: string
ref_data = convert(r.hgetall(f"trade.{reference}"))
if not ref_data:
return False
return ref_data
def del_ref(self, reference):
Delete a given reference from the Redis database.
def del_tx(self, txid):
def tx_to_ref(self, tx):
def ref_to_tx(self, reference):