from datetime import timedelta from django.conf import settings from django.utils import timezone from core.clients.base import BaseClient from core.util import logs log = logs.get_logger("nordigen") class NordigenClient(BaseClient): url = "" async def connect(self): now = # Check if access token expires later than now if self.instance.access_token_expires is not None: if self.instance.access_token_expires > now: self.token = self.instance.access_token return await self.get_access_token() def method_filter(self, method): new_method = method.replace("/", "_") return new_method async def get_access_token(self): """ Get the access token for the Nordigen API. """ log.debug(f"Getting new access token for {self.instance}") data = { "secret_id": self.instance.secret_id, "secret_key": self.instance.secret_key, } response = await"token/new", http_method="post", data=data) access = response["access"] access_expires = response["access_expires"] now = # Offset now by access_expires seconds access_expires = now + timedelta(seconds=access_expires) self.instance.access_token = access self.instance.access_token_expires = access_expires self.token = access async def get_requisitions(self): """ Get a list of active accounts. """ response = await"requisitions") return response["results"] async def get_countries(self): """ Get a list of countries. """ # This function is a stub. return ["GB", "SE"] async def get_banks(self, country): """ Get a list of supported banks for a country. :param country: country to query :return: list of institutions :rtype: list """ if not len(country) == 2: return False path = f"institutions/?country={country}" response = await, schema="Institutions", append_slash=False) return response async def build_link(self, institution_id, redirect=None): """Create a link to access an institution. :param institution_id: ID of the institution """ data = { "institution_id": institution_id, "redirect": settings.URL, } if redirect: data["redirect"] = redirect response = await "requisitions", schema="RequisitionsPost", http_method="post", data=data ) if "link" in response: return response["link"] return False async def delete_requisition(self, requisition_id): """ Delete a requisision ID. """ path = f"requisitions/{requisition_id}" response = await path, schema="RequisitionDelete", http_method="delete" ) return response