[App] bindhost = [Nordigen] base = https://ob.nordigen.com/api/v2 id = key = access = [TrueLayer] authbase = https://auth.truelayer.com database = https://api.truelayer.com/data/v1 id = key = refreshkeys = {} maps = tokenrefreshsec = 600 refreshsec = 10 authcode = refreshtoken = setuptoken = 0 callbackurl = [Agora] base = https://agoradesk.com/api/v1 token = pass = username = topmonero refreshsec = 10 feedbackscore = 0 paymentmethoddetails = ✅ONLINE NOW 🥷NO KYC 🚀INSTANT send = 0 cheat = 0 cheatsec = 300 ad = Hello and welcome! Please start a trade and wait until I send the reference/note, then complete the payment using the payment details. Instructions below are for the Revolut app, but you may send with instant SEPA or bank transfer in the UK. Step-by-step instructions in Revolut app: * Go to **Send** on balance page * Click **New** in top right corner * Select **Add a bank recipient** * Select **Business** * Set **Country of recipient's bank** to **"United Kingdom"** $PAYMENT$ * Set **Company name** to **"PATHOGEN LIMITED"** * Leave e-mail blank * Click **Add recipient** * If you are asked for address information, please use **24 Holborn Viaduct, London, England, EC1A 2BN** * **IMPORTANT:** Set **Reference** to the ID provided in chat (example: **$ASSET$-XXXXX**), without this I won’t know which trade to release! * Send the payment As soon as the money is received (around 5 seconds average) I'll release the $ASSET$! :) paymentdetails = * Company name: **PATHOGEN LIMITED** $PAYMENT$ * Please send in **$CURRENCY$** * If you are asked for address information, please use **24 Holborn Viaduct, London, England, EC1A 2BN** * The post code is **EC1A 2BN** distlist = [["AUD", "AU"], ["BGN", "BG"], ["CAD", "CA"], ["CHF", "CH"], ["CZK", "CZ"], ["DKK", "DK"], ["GBP", "GB"], ["USD", "GB"], ["EUR", "GB"], ["USD", "US"], ["GBP", "US"], ["EUR", "US"], ["HKD", "HK"], ["HRK", "HR"], ["HUF", "HU"], ["ISK", "IS"], ["JPY", "JP"], ["MXN", "MX"], ["NOK", "NO"], ["NZD", "NZ"], ["PLN", "PL"], ["RON", "RO"], ["RUB", "RU"], ["SEK", "SE"], ["EUR", "SE"], ["SGD", "SG"], ["THB", "TH"], ["TRY", "TR"], ["ZAR", "ZA"]] margin = 1.20 maxmargin = 1.30 minmargin = 1.10 minusdxmr = 10 maxusdxmr = 4000 minusdbtc = 10 maxusdbtc = 4000 acceptableusdmargin = 1 acceptablealtlookupusd = 160 assetlist = ["XMR", "BTC"] providerlist = ["NATIONAL_BANK", "TRANSFERWISE", "REVOLUT"] sleepexponent = 1.9 [IRC] host = zm.is port = 6697 nick = bot-dev pass = cert = ../keys/irc.pem channel = #trades-dev admins = xf/staff/m xf/users/mkuj highlight = m max prefix = ~ [DB] redissocket = /var/run/redis/redis.sock db = 0 [XMR] wallet1 = wallet2 = [Money] baseusd = 2800 withdrawlimit = 200 [Notify] host = https://ntfy.sh topic = [ES] host = username = elastic pass = index = main metaindex = meta refreshsec = 300 enabled = 0