# Twisted/Klein imports from twisted.logger import Logger # Project imports from settings import settings class Markets(object): """ " Markets handler for generic market functions. """ def __init__(self): self.log = Logger("markets") def autoprice(self, ads, currency): """ Helper function to automatically adjust the price up/down in certain markets in order to gain the most profits and sales. :param ads: list of ads :type ads: list of lists :param currency: currency of the ads :type currency: string :return: the rate we should use for this currency :rtype: float """ self.log.debug("Autoprice starting for {x}", x=currency) # Find cheapest ad # Filter by 3rd index on each ad list to find the cheapest min_margin_ad = min(ads, key=lambda x: x[4]) self.log.debug("Minimum margin ad: {x}", x=min_margin_ad) # Find second cheapest that is not us # Remove results from ads that are us ads_without_us = [ad for ad in ads if not ad[1] == settings.Agora.Username] self.log.debug("Ads without us: {x}", x=ads_without_us) # Find ads above our min that are not us ads_above_our_min_not_us = [ad for ad in ads_without_us if ad[4] > float(settings.Agora.MinMargin)] self.log.debug("Ads above our min not us: {x}", x=ads_above_our_min_not_us) # Check that this list without us is not empty if ads_without_us: # Find the cheapest from these min_margin_ad_not_us = min(ads_without_us, key=lambda x: x[4]) self.log.debug("Min margin ad not us: {x}", x=min_margin_ad_not_us) # Lowball the lowest ad that is not ours lowball_lowest_not_ours = min_margin_ad_not_us[4] # - 0.005 self.log.debug("Lowball lowest not ours: {x}", x=lowball_lowest_not_ours) # Check if the username field of the cheapest ad matches ours if min_margin_ad[1] == settings.Agora.Username: self.log.debug("We are the cheapest for: {x}", x=currency) # We are the cheapest! # Are all of the ads ours? all_ads_ours = all([ad[1] == settings.Agora.Username for ad in ads]) if all_ads_ours: self.log.debug("All ads are ours for: {x}", x=currency) # Now we know it's safe to return the maximum value return float(settings.Agora.MaxMargin) else: self.log.debug("All ads are NOT ours for: {x}", x=currency) # All the ads are not ours, but we are first... # Check if the lowballed, lowest (that is not ours) ad's margin # is less than our minimum if lowball_lowest_not_ours < float(settings.Agora.MinMargin): self.log.debug("Lowball lowest not ours less than MinMargin") return float(settings.Agora.MinMargin) elif lowball_lowest_not_ours > float(settings.Agora.MaxMargin): self.log.debug("Lowball lowest not ours more than MaxMargin") return float(settings.Agora.MaxMargin) else: self.log.debug("Returning lowballed figure: {x}", x=lowball_lowest_not_ours) return lowball_lowest_not_ours else: self.log.debug("We are NOT the cheapest for: {x}", x=currency) # We are not the cheapest :( # Check if this list is empty if not ads_above_our_min_not_us: # Return the maximum margin? return float(settings.Agora.MaxMargin) # Find cheapest ad above our min that is not us cheapest_ad = min(ads_above_our_min_not_us, key=lambda x: x[4]) cheapest_ad_margin = cheapest_ad[4] # - 0.005 if cheapest_ad_margin > float(settings.Agora.MaxMargin): self.log.debug("Cheapest ad not ours more than MaxMargin") return float(settings.Agora.MaxMargin) self.log.debug("Cheapest ad above our min that is not us: {x}", x=cheapest_ad) return cheapest_ad_margin