import asyncio from apscheduler.schedulers.asyncio import AsyncIOScheduler from import BaseCommand from pyotp import TOTP from core.clients.aggregators.nordigen import NordigenClient from core.clients.platforms.agora import AgoraClient from import Money from core.lib.notify import sendmsg from core.models import INTERVAL_CHOICES, Aggregator, LinkGroup, Platform, Requisition from core.util import logs log = logs.get_logger("scheduling") INTERVAL_AGGREGATOR = 10 INTERVAL_WITHDRAWAL = 7200 INTERVALS_PLATFORM = [x[0] for x in INTERVAL_CHOICES] async def withdrawal_job(group=None): money = Money() if group is not None: groups = [group] else: groups = LinkGroup.objects.filter(enabled=True) for group in groups: checks = await money.check_all( link_group=group, nordigen=NordigenClient, agora=AgoraClient ) print("CHECKS", checks) aggregators = Aggregator.objects.filter( user=group.user, link_group=group, ) platforms = Platform.objects.filter( user=group.user, link_group=group, ) requisitions = Requisition.objects.filter( user=group.user, aggregator__in=aggregators, ) pay_list = money.get_pay_list( group, requisitions, platforms, group.user, checks["total_profit_in_xmr"], ) collapsed = money.collapse_pay_list(pay_list) if any(collapsed.values()): message = "" print("COLLAPSED", collapsed) for wallet, amount in collapsed.items(): print("ITER", wallet, amount) message += f"{wallet}: {amount}\n" print("MESSAGE", message) await sendmsg( group.user, message, title="Your withdrawal is ready!", ) if not checks["total_profit_in_xmr"] >= 0: return total_withdrawal = sum(collapsed.values()) if checks["total_xmr_agora"] < total_withdrawal: await sendmsg( group.user, ( f"Attempting to withdraw {total_withdrawal}, but you only have" f" {checks['total_xmr_agora']} in your Agora wallet." ), title="Withdrawal failed", ) continue if group.platforms.count() != 1: raise Exception("You can only have one platform per group") platform = group.platforms.first() # run = await AgoraClient(platform) otp_code = TOTP(platform.otp_token).now() for wallet, amount in collapsed.items(): print("ITER SEND", wallet, amount) cast = { "address": wallet.address, "amount": amount, "password": platform.password, "otp": otp_code, } print("CAST ADDRESS", cast["address"]) print("CAST AMOUNT", cast["amount"]) print("CAST OTP TRUNCATED BY 2", cast["otp"][-2]) # sent = await"wallet_send_xmr", **cast) # print("SENT", sent) async def aggregator_job(): aggregators = Aggregator.objects.filter(enabled=True) for aggregator in aggregators: open_trade_currencies = aggregator.trades_currencies if aggregator.service == "nordigen": instance = None if aggregator.fetch_accounts is True: aggregator.account_info = {} instance = await NordigenClient(aggregator) await instance.get_all_account_info(store=True) # fetch_tasks = [] for bank, accounts in aggregator.account_info.items(): for account in accounts: account_id = account["account_id"] requisition_id = account["requisition_id"] if account["currency"] not in open_trade_currencies: continue # Next account # Avoid hammering the API with new access token requests if instance is None: instance = await NordigenClient(aggregator) # task = instance.get_transactions( # account_id, req=requisition_id, process=True # ) await instance.get_transactions( account_id, req=requisition_id, process=True ) # fetch_tasks.append(task) # await asyncio.gather(*fetch_tasks) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"No such client library: {aggregator.service}") aggregator.fetch_accounts = False async def platform_job(interval): if interval == 0: return platforms = Platform.objects.filter(enabled=True, cheat_interval_seconds=interval) for platform in platforms: if platform.service == "agora": if platform.cheat is True: instance = await AgoraClient(platform) await instance.cheat() else: raise NotImplementedError(f"No such client library: {platform.service}") class Command(BaseCommand): def handle(self, *args, **options): """ Start the scheduling process. """ scheduler = AsyncIOScheduler() log.debug(f"Scheduling {INTERVAL_AGGREGATOR} second aggregator job") scheduler.add_job(aggregator_job, "interval", seconds=INTERVAL_AGGREGATOR) log.debug(f"Scheduling {INTERVAL_WITHDRAWAL} second withdrawal job") scheduler.add_job(withdrawal_job, "interval", seconds=INTERVAL_WITHDRAWAL) for interval in INTERVALS_PLATFORM: if interval == 0: continue log.debug(f"Scheduling {interval} second platform job") scheduler.add_job( platform_job, "interval", seconds=interval, args=[interval] ) scheduler.start() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: loop.run_forever() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):"Process terminating") finally: loop.close()