You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

479 lines
17 KiB

# Other library imports
from json import dumps, loads
# Project imports
from settings import settings
class IRCCommands(object):
class trades(object):
name = "trades"
authed = True
helptext = "Get all open trades."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
Get details of open trades and post on IRC.
# Send IRC - we don't want to automatically send messages on IRC, even though
# this variable seems counter-intuitive here, we are doing something with the result
# then calling msg() ourselves, and we don't want extra spam in the channel.
trades = agora.get_dashboard()
if not trades:
msg("No open trades.")
for trade_id in trades:
class create(object):
name = "create"
authed = True
helptext = "Create an ad. Usage: create <XMR/BTC> <country> <currency> [<provider>]"
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
Post an ad on AgoraDesk with the given country and currency code.
if length == 4:
if spl[1] not in loads(settings.Agora.AssetList):
msg(f"Not a valid asset: {spl[1]}")
posted = agora.create_ad(spl[1], spl[2], spl[3], "REVOLUT")
if posted["success"]:
msg(f"{posted['response']['data']['message']}: {posted['response']['data']['ad_id']}")
elif length == 5:
if spl[1] not in loads(settings.Agora.AssetList):
msg(f"Not a valid asset: {spl[1]}")
if spl[4] not in loads(settings.Agora.ProviderList):
msg(f"Not a valid provider: {spl[4]}")
posted = agora.create_ad(spl[1], spl[2], spl[3], spl[4])
if posted["success"]:
msg(f"{posted['response']['data']['message']}: {posted['response']['data']['ad_id']}")
class messages(object):
name = "messages"
authed = True
helptext = "Get messages. Usage: messages [<reference>]"
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
Get all messages for all open trades or a given trade.
if length == 1:
messages = agora.get_recent_messages()
if messages is False:
msg("Error getting messages.")
if not messages:
msg("No messages.")
for reference in messages:
for message in messages[reference]:
msg(f"{reference}: {message[0]} {message[1]}")
elif length == 2:
tx = tx.ref_to_tx(spl[1])
if not tx:
msg(f"No such reference: {spl[1]}")
messages = agora.get_messages(spl[1], send_irc=False)
if not messages:
msg("No messages.")
for message in messages:
msg(f"{spl[1]}: {message}")
class dist(object):
name = "dist"
authed = True
helptext = "Distribute all our chosen currency and country ad pairs. Usage: dist [<XMR/BTC>]"
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
# Distribute out our ad to all countries in the config
if length == 2:
asset = spl[1]
if asset not in loads(settings.Agora.AssetList):
msg(f"Not a valid asset: {spl[1]}")
for x in agora.dist_countries(filter_asset=asset):
if x["success"]:
msg(f"{x['response']['data']['message']}: {x['response']['data']['ad_id']}")
elif length == 1:
for x in agora.dist_countries():
if x["success"]:
msg(f"{x['response']['data']['message']}: {x['response']['data']['ad_id']}")
class redist(object):
name = "redist"
authed = True
helptext = "Update all ads with details."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
for x in agora.redist_countries():
if x[0]["success"]:
msg(f"{x[0]['response']['data']['message']}: {x[1]}")
class stripdupes(object):
name = "stripdupes"
authed = True
helptext = "Remove all duplicate adverts."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
rtrn = agora.strip_duplicate_ads()
class total(object):
name = "total"
authed = True
helptext = "Get total account balance from Sinks and Agora."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
totals_all = tx.get_total()
totals = totals_all[0]
wallets = totals_all[1]
msg(f"Totals: SEK: {totals[0]} | USD: {totals[1]} | GBP: {totals[2]}")
msg(f"Wallets: XMR USD: {wallets[0]} | BTC USD: {wallets[1]}")
class ping(object):
name = "ping"
authed = False
helptext = "Pong!"
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg):
class summon(object):
name = "summon"
authed = True
helptext = "Summon all operators."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
ux.notify.sendmsg("You have been summoned!")
class message(object):
name = "msg"
authed = True
helptext = "Send a message on a trade. Usage: msg <reference> <message...>"
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
if length > 2:
full_msg = " ".join(spl[2:])
reference = tx.ref_to_tx(spl[1])
if not reference:
msg(f"No such reference: {spl[1]}")
rtrn = agora.agora.contact_message_post(reference, full_msg)
msg(f"Sent {full_msg} to {reference}: {rtrn}")
class refs(object):
name = "refs"
authed = True
helptext = "List all references"
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
msg(f"References: {', '.join(tx.get_refs())}")
class ref(object):
name = "ref"
authed = True
helptext = "Get more information about a reference. Usage: ref <reference>"
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
if length == 2:
ref_data = tx.get_ref(spl[1])
if not ref_data:
msg(f"No such reference: {spl[1]}")
msg(f"{spl[1]}: {dumps(ref_data)}")
class delete(object):
name = "del"
authed = True
helptext = "Delete a reference. Usage: del <reference>"
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
if length == 2:
ref_data = tx.get_ref(spl[1])
if not ref_data:
msg(f"No such reference: {spl[1]}")
msg(f"Deleted reference: {spl[1]}")
class release(object):
name = "release"
authed = True
helptext = "Release funds for a trade. Usage: release <reference>"
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
if length == 2:
tx = tx.ref_to_tx(spl[1])
if not tx:
msg(f"No such reference: {spl[1]}")
rtrn = agora.release_funds(tx)
message = rtrn["message"]
message_long = rtrn["response"]["data"]["message"]
msg(f"{message} - {message_long}")
class nuke(object):
name = "nuke"
authed = True
helptext = "Delete all our adverts."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
rtrn = agora.nuke_ads()
class wallet(object):
name = "wallet"
authed = True
helptext = "Get Agora wallet balances."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
rtrn_xmr = agora.agora.wallet_balance_xmr()
if not rtrn_xmr["success"]:
msg("Error getting XMR wallet details.")
rtrn_btc = agora.agora.wallet_balance()
if not rtrn_btc["success"]:
msg("Error getting BTC wallet details.")
balance_xmr = rtrn_xmr["response"]["data"]["total"]["balance"]
balance_btc = rtrn_btc["response"]["data"]["total"]["balance"]
msg(f"XMR wallet balance: {balance_xmr}")
msg(f"BTC wallet balance: {balance_btc}")
class pubads(object):
name = "pubads"
authed = True
helptext = "View public adverts. Usage: pubads <XMR/BTC> <currency> [<provider,...>]"
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
if length == 3:
asset = spl[1]
if asset not in loads(settings.Agora.AssetList):
msg(f"Not a valid asset: {spl[1]}")
currency = spl[2]
rtrn = agora.get_all_public_ads(assets=[asset], currencies=[currency])
if not rtrn:
msg("No results.")
for ad in rtrn[currency]:
msg(f"({ad[0]}) {ad[1]} {ad[2]} {ad[3]} {ad[4]} {ad[5]} {ad[6]}")
elif length == 4:
asset = spl[1]
if asset not in loads(settings.Agora.AssetList):
msg(f"Not a valid asset: {spl[1]}")
providers = spl[3].split(",")
currency = spl[2]
rtrn = agora.get_all_public_ads(assets=[asset], currencies=[currency], providers=providers)
if not rtrn:
msg("No results.")
for ad in rtrn[currency]:
msg(f"({ad[0]}) {ad[1]} {ad[2]} {ad[3]} {ad[4]} {ad[5]} {ad[6]}")
class cheat(object):
name = "cheat"
authed = True
helptext = "Cheat the markets by manipulating our prices to exploit people. Usage: cheat [<XMR/BTC>]"
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
if length == 1:
msg("Running cheat in thread.")
elif length == 2:
asset = spl[1]
if asset not in loads(settings.Agora.AssetList):
msg(f"Not a valid asset: {spl[1]}")
msg(f"Running cheat in thread for {asset}.")
class cheatnext(object):
name = "cheatnext"
authed = True
helptext = "Run the next currency for cheat."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
if length == 1:
asset = agora.run_cheat_in_thread()
msg(f"Running next asset for cheat in thread: {asset}")
class ads(object):
name = "ads"
authed = True
helptext = "Get all our ad regions"
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
ads = agora.enum_ads()
for ad in ads:
msg(f"({ad[0]}) {ad[1]} {ad[2]} {ad[3]} {ad[4]}")
class xmr(object):
name = "xmr"
authed = True
helptext = "Get current XMR price."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
xmr_prices ="monero", vs_currencies=["sek", "usd", "gbp"])
price_sek = xmr_prices["monero"]["sek"]
price_usd = xmr_prices["monero"]["usd"]
price_gbp = xmr_prices["monero"]["gbp"]
msg(f"SEK: {price_sek} | USD: {price_usd} | GBP: {price_gbp}")
class btc(object):
name = "btc"
authed = True
helptext = "Get current BTC price."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
xmr_prices ="bitcoin", vs_currencies=["sek", "usd", "gbp"])
price_sek = xmr_prices["bitcoin"]["sek"]
price_usd = xmr_prices["bitcoin"]["usd"]
price_gbp = xmr_prices["bitcoin"]["gbp"]
msg(f"SEK: {price_sek} | USD: {price_usd} | GBP: {price_gbp}")
class withdraw(object):
name = "withdraw"
authed = True
helptext = "Take profit."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
class remaining(object):
name = "r"
authed = True
helptext = "Show how much is left before we are able to withdraw funds."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
remaining = tx.get_remaining()
msg(f"Remaining: {remaining}USD")
class total_remaining(object):
name = "tr"
authed = True
helptext = "Show how much is left before we are able to withdraw funds (including open trades)."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
remaining = tx.get_total_remaining()
msg(f"Total remaining: {remaining}USD")
class tradetotal(object):
name = "tradetotal"
authed = True
helptext = "Get total value of all open trades in USD."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
total = tx.get_open_trades_usd()
msg(f"Total trades: {total}USD")
class dollar(object):
name = "$"
authed = True
helptext = "Get total value of everything, including open trades."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
total = tx.get_total_with_trades()
class profit(object):
name = "profit"
authed = True
helptext = "Get total profit."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
total =
msg(f"Profit: {total}USD")
class tprofit(object):
name = "tprofit"
authed = True
helptext = "Get total profit with open trades."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
total =
msg(f"Profit: {total}USD")
class signin(object):
name = "signin"
authed = True
helptext = "Generate a TrueLayer signin URL."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
auth_url = tx.truelayer.create_auth_url()
msg(f"Auth URL: {auth_url}")
class accounts(object):
name = "accounts"
authed = True
helptext = "Get a list of acccounts."
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
accounts = tx.sinks.truelayer.get_accounts()
class transactions(object):
name = "transactions"
authed = True
helptext = "Get a list of transactions. Usage: transactions <account_id>"
def run(cmd, spl, length, authed, msg, agora, tx, ux):
if length == 2:
account_id = spl[1]
transactions = tx.sinks.truelayer.get_transactions(account_id)
for transaction in transactions:
timestamp = transaction["timestamp"]
amount = transaction["amount"]
currency = transaction["currency"]
recipient = transaction["counter_party_preferred_name"]
msg(f"{timestamp} {amount}{currency} {recipient}")