You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

785 lines
30 KiB

# Twisted/Klein imports
from twisted.logger import Logger
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread
# Other library imports
from json import loads
from forex_python.converter import CurrencyRates
from agoradesk_py import AgoraDesk
from httpx import ReadTimeout, ReadError, RemoteProtocolError
from pycoingecko import CoinGeckoAPI
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
from pyotp import TOTP
# Project imports
from settings import settings
log = Logger("")
# TODO: move to utils
def handle_exceptions(func):
def inner_function(*args, **kwargs):
rtrn = func(*args, **kwargs)
except (ReadTimeout, ReadError, RemoteProtocolError):
return False
if isinstance(rtrn, dict):
if "success" in rtrn:
if "message" in rtrn:
if not rtrn["success"] and rtrn["message"] == "API ERROR":
if "error_code" in rtrn["response"]["error"]:
code = rtrn["response"]["error"]["error_code"]
if not code == 136:
log.error("API error: {code}", code=code)
return False
log.error("API error: {code}", code=rtrn["response"]["error"])
return False
return rtrn
return inner_function
class Agora(object):
AgoraDesk API handler.
def __init__(self):
Initialise the AgoraDesk and CurrencyRates APIs.
Initialise the last_dash storage for detecting new trades.
self.log = Logger("agora")
self.agora = AgoraDesk(settings.Agora.Token) = CurrencyRates() = CoinGeckoAPI()
# Cache for detecting new trades
self.last_dash = set()
# Cache for detecting new messages
self.last_messages = {}
# Assets that cheat has been run on
self.cheat_run_on = []
def setup_loop(self):
Set up the LoopingCall to get all active trades and messages.
self.lc_dash = LoopingCall(self.loop_check)
if settings.Agora.Cheat == "1":
self.lc_cheat = LoopingCall(self.run_cheat_in_thread)
def wrap_dashboard(self):
dash = self.agora.dashboard_seller()
if dash is None:
return False
if dash is False:
return False
if dash["response"] is None:
return False
dash_tmp = {}
if not dash.items():
return False
if "data" not in dash["response"].keys():
self.log.error("Data not in dashboard response: {content}", content=dash)
return dash_tmp
if dash["response"]["data"]["contact_count"] > 0:
for contact in dash["response"]["data"]["contact_list"]:
contact_id = contact["data"]["contact_id"]
dash_tmp[contact_id] = contact
return dash_tmp
def loop_check(self):
Calls hooks to parse dashboard info and get all contact messages.
dash_tmp = self.wrap_dashboard()
# Call dashboard hooks
# Get recent messages
return dash_tmp
def get_dashboard(self):
Get dashboard helper for IRC only.
dash = self.wrap_dashboard()
rtrn = []
if dash is False:
return False
for contact_id, contact in dash.items():
reference = self.tx.tx_to_ref(contact_id)
buyer = contact["data"]["buyer"]["username"]
amount = contact["data"]["amount"]
asset = contact["data"]["advertisement"]["asset"]
if asset == "XMR":
amount_crypto = contact["data"]["amount_xmr"]
elif asset == "BTC":
amount_crypto = contact["data"]["amount_btc"]
currency = contact["data"]["currency"]
provider = contact["data"]["advertisement"]["payment_method"]
if not contact["data"]["is_selling"]:
rtrn.append(f"{reference}: {buyer} {amount}{currency} {provider} {amount_crypto}{asset}")
return rtrn
def dashboard_hook(self, dash):
Get information about our open trades.
Post new trades to IRC and cache trades for the future.
current_trades = []
if not dash:
if not dash.items():
for contact_id, contact in dash.items():
reference = self.tx.tx_to_ref(contact_id)
if reference:
buyer = contact["data"]["buyer"]["username"]
amount = contact["data"]["amount"]
asset = contact["data"]["advertisement"]["asset"]
provider = contact["data"]["advertisement"]["payment_method"]
if asset == "XMR":
amount_crypto = contact["data"]["amount_xmr"]
elif asset == "BTC":
amount_crypto = contact["data"]["amount_btc"]
currency = contact["data"]["currency"]
if not contact["data"]["is_selling"]:
if reference not in self.last_dash:
reference = self.tx.new_trade(asset, contact_id, buyer, currency, amount, amount_crypto, provider)
if reference:
if reference not in current_trades:
# Let us know there is a new trade
self.irc.sendmsg(f"AUTO {reference}: {buyer} {amount}{currency} {provider} {amount_crypto}{asset}")
# Note that we have seen this reference
# Purge old trades from cache
for ref in list(self.last_dash): # We're removing from the list on the fly
if ref not in current_trades:
if reference and reference not in current_trades:
def get_recent_messages(self, send_irc=True):
Get recent messages.
messages_tmp = {}
messages = self.agora.recent_messages()
if messages is False:
return False
if not messages["success"]:
return False
if "data" not in messages["response"]:
self.log.error("Data not in messages response: {content}", content=messages["response"])
return False
open_tx = self.tx.get_ref_map().keys()
for message in messages["response"]["data"]["message_list"]:
contact_id = message["contact_id"]
username = message["sender"]["username"]
msg = message["msg"]
if contact_id not in open_tx:
reference = self.tx.tx_to_ref(contact_id)
if reference in messages_tmp:
messages_tmp[reference].append([username, msg])
messages_tmp[reference] = [[username, msg]]
# Send new messages on IRC
if send_irc:
for user, message in messages_tmp[reference]:
if reference in self.last_messages:
if not [user, message] in self.last_messages[reference]:
self.irc.sendmsg(f"AUTO {reference}: ({user}) {message}")
# Append sent messages to last_messages so we don't send them again
self.last_messages[reference].append([user, message])
self.last_messages[reference] = [[user, message]]
for x in messages_tmp[reference]:
self.irc.sendmsg(f"NEW {reference}: ({user}) {message}")
# Purge old trades from cache
for ref in list(self.last_messages): # We're removing from the list on the fly
if ref not in messages_tmp:
del self.last_messages[ref]
return messages_tmp
def enum_ad_ids(self, page=0):
ads = self.agora._api_call(api_method="ads", query_values={"page": page})
if ads is False:
return False
ads_total = []
if not ads["success"]:
return False
for ad in ads["response"]["data"]["ad_list"]:
if "pagination" in ads["response"]:
if "next" in ads["response"]["pagination"]:
page += 1
ads_iter = self.enum_ad_ids(page)
if ads_iter is None:
return False
if ads_iter is False:
return False
for ad in ads_iter:
return ads_total
def enum_ads(self, requested_asset=None, page=0):
query_values = {"page": page}
if requested_asset:
query_values["asset"] = requested_asset
ads = self.agora._api_call(api_method="ads", query_values=query_values)
if ads is False:
return False
ads_total = []
if not ads["success"]:
return False
for ad in ads["response"]["data"]["ad_list"]:
asset = ad["data"]["asset"]
ad_id = ad["data"]["ad_id"]
country = ad["data"]["countrycode"]
currency = ad["data"]["currency"]
provider = ad["data"]["online_provider"]
ads_total.append([asset, ad_id, country, currency, provider])
if "pagination" in ads["response"]:
if "next" in ads["response"]["pagination"]:
page += 1
ads_iter = self.enum_ads(requested_asset, page)
if ads_iter is None:
return False
if ads_iter is False:
return False
for ad in ads_iter:
ads_total.append([ad[0], ad[1], ad[2], ad[3], ad[4]])
return ads_total
# TODO: move to utils library
def last_online_recent(self, date):
Check if the last online date was recent.
:param date: date last online
:type date: string
:return: bool indicating whether the date was recent enough
:rtype: bool
date_parsed = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
now =
sec_ago_date = (now - date_parsed).total_seconds()
# self.log.debug("Seconds ago date for {date} ^ {now}: {x}", date=date, now=str(now), x=sec_ago_date)
return sec_ago_date < 172800
def enum_public_ads(self, asset, currency, providers=None, page=0):
to_return = []
if asset == "XMR":
coin = "monero"
elif asset == "BTC":
coin = "bitcoins"
if not providers:
providers = ["REVOLUT"]
# buy-monero-online, buy-bitcoin-online
# Work around Agora weirdness calling it bitcoins
if len(providers) == 1:
ads = self.agora._api_call(api_method=f"buy-{coin}-online/{currency}/{providers[0]}", query_values={"page": page})
elif len(providers) > 1:
ads = self.agora._api_call(api_method=f"buy-{coin}-online/{currency}", query_values={"page": page})
# with open("pub.json", "a") as f:
# import json
# f.write(json.dumps([page, currency, asset, ads])+"\n")
# f.close()
if ads is None:
return False
if ads is False:
return False
if "data" not in ads["response"]:
return False
for ad in ads["response"]["data"]["ad_list"]:
if ad["data"]["online_provider"] not in providers:
date_last_seen = ad["data"]["profile"]["last_online"]
# Check if this person was seen recently
if not self.last_online_recent(date_last_seen):
ad_id = ad["data"]["ad_id"]
username = ad["data"]["profile"]["username"]
temp_price = ad["data"]["temp_price"]
provider = ad["data"]["online_provider"]
if ad["data"]["currency"] != currency:
to_append = [ad_id, username, temp_price, provider, asset, currency]
if to_append not in to_return:
# yield [ad_id, username, temp_price, provider, asset, currency]
if "pagination" in ads["response"]:
if "next" in ads["response"]["pagination"]:
page += 1
ads_iter = self.enum_public_ads(asset, currency, providers, page)
if ads_iter is None:
return False
if ads_iter is False:
return False
for ad in ads_iter:
to_append = [ad[0], ad[1], ad[2], ad[3], ad[4], ad[5]]
if to_append not in to_return:
return to_return
# TODO: move to money library
def lookup_rates(self, ads, rates=None):
Lookup the rates for a list of public ads.
if not rates:
rates =["monero", "bitcoin"],
# Set the price based on the asset
for ad in ads:
if ad[4] == "XMR":
coin = "monero"
elif ad[4] == "BTC":
coin = "bitcoin" # No s here
currency = ad[5]
base_currency_price = rates[coin][currency.lower()]
price = float(ad[2])
rate = round(price / base_currency_price, 2)
return sorted(ads, key=lambda x: x[2])
def run_cheat_in_thread(self, assets=None):
Update prices in another thread.
if not assets:
all_assets = loads(settings.Agora.AssetList)
assets_not_run = set(all_assets) ^ set(self.cheat_run_on)
if not assets_not_run:
self.cheat_run_on = []
asset = list(all_assets).pop()
asset = assets_not_run.pop()
deferToThread(self.update_prices, [asset])
return asset
deferToThread(self.update_prices, assets)
def update_prices(self, assets=None):
# Get all public ads for the given assets
public_ads = self.get_all_public_ads(assets)
if not public_ads:
return False
# Get the ads to update
to_update =, assets)
# TODO: make generic and move to markets
def get_all_public_ads(self, assets=None, currencies=None, providers=None):
Get all public ads for our listed currencies.
:return: dict of public ads keyed by currency
:rtype: dict
public_ads = {}
crypto_map = {
"XMR": "monero",
"BTC": "bitcoin",
if not assets:
assets =
# Get all currencies we have ads for, deduplicated
if not currencies:
currencies =
if not providers:
providers =
# We want to get the ads for each of these currencies and return the result
rates =["monero", "bitcoin"], vs_currencies=currencies)
for asset in assets:
for currency in currencies:
cg_asset_name = crypto_map[asset]
except KeyError:
# self.log.error("Error getting public ads for currency {currency}", currency=currency)
ads_list = self.enum_public_ads(asset, currency, providers)
if not ads_list:
ads = self.lookup_rates(ads_list, rates=rates)
if not ads:
if currency in public_ads:
for ad in list(ads):
if ad not in public_ads[currency]:
public_ads[currency] = ads
return public_ads
def slow_ad_update(self, ads):
Slow ad equation update utilising exponential backoff in order to guarantee all ads are updated.
:param ads: our list of ads
iterations = 0
throttled = 0
assets = set()
currencies = set()
while not all([x[4] for x in ads]) or iterations == 1000:
for ad_index in range(len(ads)):
ad_id, new_formula, asset, currency, actioned = ads[ad_index]
if not actioned:
rtrn = self.agora.ad_equation(ad_id, new_formula)
if rtrn["success"]:
ads[ad_index][4] = True
throttled = 0
if "error_code" not in rtrn["response"]["error"]:
self.log.error("Error code not in return for ad {ad_id}: {response}", ad_id=ad_id, response=rtrn["response"])
if rtrn["response"]["error"]["error_code"] == 429:
throttled += 1
sleep_time = pow(throttled, float(settings.Agora.SleepExponent))
"Throttled {x} times while updating {id}, sleeping for {sleep} seconds",
# We're running in a thread, so this is fine
self.log.error("Error updating ad {ad_id}: {response}", ad_id=ad_id, response=rtrn["response"])
iterations += 1
def nuke_ads(self):
Delete all of our adverts.
:return: True or False
:rtype: bool
ads = self.enum_ad_ids()
return_ids = []
if ads is False:
return False
for ad_id in ads:
rtrn = self.agora.ad_delete(ad_id)
return all(return_ids)
# TODO: move to money
def get_rates_all(self):
Get all rates that pair with USD.
:return: dictionary of USD/XXX rates
:rtype: dict
rates ="USD")
return rates
# TODO: move to money
def get_acceptable_margins(self, currency, amount):
Get the minimum and maximum amounts we would accept a trade for.
:param currency: currency code
:param amount: amount
:return: (min, max)
:rtype: tuple
rates = self.get_rates_all()
if currency == "USD":
min_amount = amount - float(settings.Agora.AcceptableUSDMargin)
max_amount = amount + float(settings.Agora.AcceptableUSDMargin)
return (min_amount, max_amount)
amount_usd = amount / rates[currency]
min_usd = amount_usd - float(settings.Agora.AcceptableUSDMargin)
max_usd = amount_usd + float(settings.Agora.AcceptableUSDMargin)
min_local = min_usd * rates[currency]
max_local = max_usd * rates[currency]
return (min_local, max_local)
def create_ad(self, asset, countrycode, currency, provider, edit=False, ad_id=None):
Post an ad with the given asset in a country with a given currency.
Convert the min and max amounts from settings to the given currency with CurrencyRates.
:param asset: the crypto asset to list (XMR or BTC)
:type asset: string
:param countrycode: country code
:param currency: currency code
:type countrycode: string
:type currency: string
:return: data about created object or error
:rtype: dict
ad = settings.Agora.Ad
paymentdetails = settings.Agora.PaymentDetails
# Substitute the currency
ad = ad.replace("$CURRENCY$", currency)
if currency == "GBP":
ad = ad.replace("$PAYMENT$", settings.Agora.GBPDetailsAd)
paymentdetailstext = paymentdetails.replace("$PAYMENT$", settings.Agora.GBPDetailsPayment)
ad = ad.replace("$PAYMENT$", settings.Agora.DefaultDetailsAd)
paymentdetailstext = paymentdetails.replace("$PAYMENT$", settings.Agora.DefaultDetailsPayment)
# Substitute the asset
ad = ad.replace("$ASSET$", asset)
rates = self.get_rates_all()
if asset == "XMR":
min_usd = float(settings.Agora.MinUSDXMR)
max_usd = float(settings.Agora.MaxUSDXMR)
elif asset == "BTC":
min_usd = float(settings.Agora.MinUSDBTC)
max_usd = float(settings.Agora.MaxUSDBTC)
if currency == "USD":
min_amount = min_usd
max_amount = max_usd
min_amount = rates[currency] * min_usd
max_amount = rates[currency] * max_usd
price_formula = f"coingecko{asset.lower()}usd*usd{currency.lower()}*{settings.Agora.Margin}"
# Remove extra tabs
ad = ad.replace("\\t", "\t")
form = {
"country_code": countrycode,
"currency": currency,
"trade_type": "ONLINE_SELL",
"asset": asset,
"price_equation": price_formula,
"track_max_amount": False,
"require_trusted_by_advertiser": False,
"online_provider": provider,
"msg": ad,
"min_amount": min_amount,
"max_amount": max_amount,
"payment_method_details": settings.Agora.PaymentMethodDetails,
"account_info": paymentdetailstext,
if edit:
ad =, **form)
ad = self.agora.ad_create(**form)
return ad
# TODO: move to markets
def create_distribution_list(self, filter_asset=None):
Create a list for distribution of ads.
:return: generator of asset, countrycode, currency, provider
:rtype: generator of tuples
# Iterate providers like REVOLUT, NATIONAL_BANK
for provider in loads(settings.Agora.ProviderList):
# Iterate assets like XMR, BTC
for asset in loads(settings.Agora.AssetList):
# Iterate pairs of currency and country like EUR, GB
for currency, countrycode in loads(settings.Agora.DistList):
if filter_asset:
if asset == filter_asset:
yield (asset, countrycode, currency, provider)
def dist_countries(self, filter_asset=None):
Distribute our advert into all countries and providers listed in the config.
Exits on errors.
:return: False or dict with response
:rtype: bool or dict
dist_list = list(self.create_distribution_list(filter_asset))
our_ads = self.enum_ads()
# Let's get rid of the ad IDs and make it a tuple like dist_list
our_ads = [(x[0], x[2], x[3], x[4]) for x in our_ads]
for asset, countrycode, currency, provider in dist_list:
if (asset, countrycode, currency, provider) not in our_ads:
# Create the actual ad and pass in all the stuff
rtrn = self.create_ad(asset, countrycode, currency, provider)
# Bail on first error, let's not continue
if rtrn is False:
return False
yield rtrn
def redist_countries(self):
Redistribute our advert details into all our listed adverts.
This will edit all ads and update the details. Only works if we have already run dist.
This will not post any new ads.
Exits on errors.
:return: False or dict with response
:rtype: bool or dict
our_ads = self.enum_ads()
for asset, ad_id, countrycode, currency, provider in our_ads:
rtrn = self.create_ad(asset, countrycode, currency, provider, edit=True, ad_id=ad_id)
# Bail on first error, let's not continue
if rtrn is False:
return False
yield (rtrn, ad_id)
def strip_duplicate_ads(self):
Remove duplicate ads.
:return: list of duplicate ads
:rtype: list
existing_ads = self.enum_ads()
_size = len(existing_ads)
repeated = []
for i in range(_size):
k = i + 1
for j in range(k, _size):
if existing_ads[i] == existing_ads[j] and existing_ads[i] not in repeated:
actioned = []
for ad_id, country, currency in repeated:
rtrn = self.agora.ad_delete(ad_id)
return all(actioned)
def release_funds(self, contact_id):
Release funds for a contact_id.
:param contact_id: trade/contact ID
:type contact_id: string
:return: response dict
:rtype: dict
payload = {"tradeId": contact_id, "password": settings.Agora.Pass}
rtrn = self.agora._api_call(api_method=f"contact_release/{contact_id}", http_method="POST", query_values=payload)
# Check if we can withdraw funds
# TODO: write test for withdraw_funds before re-enabling
# self.withdraw_funds()
return rtrn
# TODO: write test before re-enabling adding total_trades
def withdraw_funds(self):
Withdraw excess funds to our XMR wallets.
totals_all = self.tx.get_total()
print("totals_all", totals_all)
if totals_all is False:
return False
wallet_xmr, _ = totals_all[2]
print("wallet_xmr", wallet_xmr)
# Get the wallet balances in USD
total_usd = totals_all[0][1]
print("total_usd", total_usd)
total_trades_usd = self.tx.get_open_trades_usd()
print("UNUSED total_trades_usd", total_trades_usd)
if not total_usd:
return False
# total_usd += total_trades_usd
# print("total_usd after trades add", total_usd)
profit_usd = total_usd - float(settings.Money.BaseUSD)
print("profit_usd", profit_usd)
# Get the XMR -> USD exchange rate
xmr_usd ="monero", vs_currencies=["USD"])
print("xmr_usd", xmr_usd)
# Convert the USD total to XMR
profit_usd_in_xmr = float(profit_usd) / xmr_usd["monero"]["usd"]
print("profit_usd_in_xmr", profit_usd_in_xmr)
# Check profit is above zero
if not profit_usd >= 0:
if not float(wallet_xmr) > profit_usd_in_xmr:
# Not enough funds to withdraw
"Not enough funds to withdraw {profit}, as wallet only contains {wallet}", profit=profit_usd_in_xmr, wallet=wallet_xmr
self.irc.sendmsg(f"Not enough funds to withdraw {profit_usd_in_xmr}, as wallet only contains {wallet_xmr}")
if not profit_usd >= float(settings.Money.WithdrawLimit):
# Not enough profit to withdraw
half = profit_usd_in_xmr / 2
print("half", half)
half_rounded = round(half, 8)
print("half_rounded", half_rounded)
# Read OTP secret
with open("otp.key", "r") as f:
otp_key =
otp_key = otp_key.replace("\n", "")
# Get OTP code
otp_code = TOTP(otp_key)
# Set up the format for calling wallet_send_xmr
send_cast = {
"address": None,
"amount": half_rounded,
"password": settings.Agora.Pass,
send_cast["address"] = settings.XMR.Wallet1
rtrn1 = self.agora.wallet_send_xmr(**send_cast)
send_cast["address"] = settings.XMR.Wallet2
rtrn2 = self.agora.wallet_send_xmr(**send_cast)
self.irc.sendmsg(f"Withdrawal: {rtrn1['success']} | {rtrn2['success']}")
# TODO: move to money
def to_usd(self, amount, currency):
if currency == "USD":
return float(amount)
rates = self.get_rates_all()
return float(amount) / rates[currency]