You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

553 lines
22 KiB

# Twisted/Klein imports
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread
# Other library imports
from json import dumps
from random import choices
from string import ascii_uppercase
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from datetime import datetime
import urllib3
import logging
# Project imports
from settings import settings
from db import r
import util
# TODO: secure ES traffic properly
tracer = logging.getLogger("elasticsearch")
tracer = logging.getLogger("elastic_transport.transport")
class Transactions(util.Base):
Handler class for incoming Revolut transactions.
def __init__(self):
Initialise the Transaction object.
Set the logger.
if settings.ES.Enabled == "1": = Elasticsearch(
basic_auth=(settings.ES.Username, settings.ES.Pass),
# ssl_assert_fingerprint=("6b264fd2fd107d45652d8add1750a8a78f424542e13b056d0548173006260710"),
def run_checks_in_thread(self):
Run all the balance checks that output into ES in another thread.
deferToThread(, True)
def setup_loops(self):
Set up the LoopingCalls to get the balance so we have data in ES.
if settings.ES.Enabled == "1":
self.lc_es_checks = LoopingCall(self.run_checks_in_thread)
delay = int(settings.ES.RefreshSec)
self.lc_es_checks.start(delay) =
# TODO: write tests then refactor, this is terribly complicated!
def transaction(self, data):
Store details of transaction and post notifications to IRC.
Matches it up with data stored in Redis to attempt to reconcile with an Agora trade.
:param data: details of transaction
:type data: dict
ts = data["timestamp"]
txid = data["transaction_id"]
txtype = data["transaction_type"]
amount = data["amount"]
if amount <= 0:"Ignoring transaction with negative/zero amount: {txid}")
currency = data["currency"]
description = data["description"]
reference = data["meta"]["provider_reference"]
to_store = {
"trade_id": "",
"ts": ts,
"txid": txid,
"txtype": txtype,
"reference": reference,
"amount": amount,
"currency": currency,
"description": description,
}"Transaction processed: {dumps(to_store, indent=2)}")
self.irc.sendmsg(f"AUTO Incoming transaction: {amount}{currency} ({reference}) - {description}")
# Partial reference implementation
# Account for silly people not removing the default string
# Split the reference into parts
ref_split = reference.split(" ")
# Get all existing references
existing_refs = self.get_refs()
# Get all parts of the given reference split that match the existing references
stored_trade_reference = set(existing_refs).intersection(set(ref_split))
if len(stored_trade_reference) > 1:
self.log.error(f"Multiple references valid for TXID {txid}: {reference}")
self.irc.sendmsg(f"Multiple references valid for TXID {txid}: {reference}")
stored_trade = False
looked_up_without_reference = False
# Amount/currency lookup implementation
if not stored_trade_reference:"No reference in DB refs for {reference}")
self.irc.sendmsg(f"No reference in DB refs for {reference}")
# Try checking just amount and currency, as some people (usually people buying small amounts)
# are unable to put in a reference properly."Checking against amount and currency for TXID {txid}")
self.irc.sendmsg(f"Checking against amount and currency for TXID {txid}")
stored_trade = self.find_trade(txid, currency, amount)
if not stored_trade:"Failed to get reference by amount and currency: {txid} {currency} {amount}")
self.irc.sendmsg(f"Failed to get reference by amount and currency: {txid} {currency} {amount}")
if currency == "USD":
amount_usd = amount
rates =
amount_usd = amount / rates[currency]
# Amount is reliable here as it is checked by find_trade, so no need for stored_trade["amount"]
if float(amount_usd) > float(settings.Agora.AcceptableAltLookupUSD):"Not checking against amount and currency as amount exceeds MAX")
self.irc.sendmsg(f"Not checking against amount and currency as amount exceeds MAX")
# Close here if the amount exceeds the allowable limit for no reference
# Note that we have looked it up without reference so we don't use +- below
# This might be redundant given the amount checks in find_trade, but better safe than sorry!
looked_up_without_reference = True
if not stored_trade:
stored_trade = self.get_ref(stored_trade_reference.pop())
if not stored_trade:"No reference in DB for {reference}")
self.irc.sendmsg(f"No reference in DB for {reference}")
amount = float(amount)
stored_trade["amount"] = float(stored_trade["amount"])
# Make sure it was sent in the expected currency
if not stored_trade["currency"] == currency:"Currency mismatch, Agora: {stored_trade['currency']} / Sink: {currency}")
self.irc.sendmsg(f"Currency mismatch, Agora: {stored_trade['currency']} / Sink: {currency}")
# Make sure the expected amount was sent
if not stored_trade["amount"] == amount:
if looked_up_without_reference:
# If the amount does not match exactly, get the min and max values for our given acceptable margins for trades
min_amount, max_amount =, stored_trade["amount"])"Amount does not match exactly, trying with margins: min: {min_amount} / max: {max_amount}")
self.irc.sendmsg(f"Amount does not match exactly, trying with margins: min: {min_amount} / max: {max_amount}")
if not min_amount < amount < max_amount:"Amount mismatch - not in margins: {stored_trade['amount']} (min: {min_amount} / max: {max_amount}")
self.irc.sendmsg(f"Amount mismatch - not in margins: {stored_trade['amount']} (min: {min_amount} / max: {max_amount}")
r.hmset(f"tx.{txid}", to_store)
# self.release_funds(stored_trade["id"], stored_trade["reference"])
self.ux.notify.notify_complete_trade(amount, currency)
def release_funds(self, trade_id, reference):"All checks passed, releasing funds for {trade_id} {reference}")
self.irc.sendmsg(f"All checks passed, releasing funds for {trade_id} / {reference}")
rtrn = self.agora.release_funds(trade_id)
self.agora.agora.contact_message_post(trade_id, "Thanks! Releasing now :)")
# Parse the escrow release response
message = rtrn["message"]
message_long = rtrn["response"]["data"]["message"]
self.irc.sendmsg(f"{message} - {message_long}")
def new_trade(self, asset, trade_id, buyer, currency, amount, amount_crypto, provider):
Called when we have a new trade in Agora.
Store details in Redis, generate a reference and optionally let the customer know the reference.
reference = "".join(choices(ascii_uppercase, k=5))
reference = f"PGN-{reference}"
existing_ref = r.get(f"trade.{trade_id}.reference")
if not existing_ref:
r.set(f"trade.{trade_id}.reference", reference)
to_store = {
"id": trade_id,
"asset": asset,
"buyer": buyer,
"currency": currency,
"amount": amount,
"amount_crypto": amount_crypto,
"reference": reference,
"provider": provider,
}"Storing trade information: {str(to_store)}")
r.hmset(f"trade.{reference}", to_store)
self.irc.sendmsg(f"Generated reference for {trade_id}: {reference}")
self.ux.notify.notify_new_trade(amount, currency)
if settings.Agora.Send == "1":
self.agora.agora.contact_message_post(trade_id, f"Hi! When sending the payment please use reference code: {reference}")
if existing_ref:
return util.convert(existing_ref)
return reference
def find_trade(self, txid, currency, amount):
Get a trade reference that matches the given currency and amount.
Only works if there is one result.
:param txid: Sink transaction ID
:param currency: currency
:param amount: amount
:type txid: string
:type currency: string
:type amount: int
:return: matching trade object or False
:rtype: dict or bool
refs = self.get_refs()
matching_refs = []
# TODO: use get_ref_map in this function instead of calling get_ref multiple times
for ref in refs:
stored_trade = self.get_ref(ref)
if stored_trade["currency"] == currency and float(stored_trade["amount"]) == float(amount):
if len(matching_refs) != 1:
self.log.error(f"Find trade returned multiple results for TXID {txid}: {matching_refs}")
return False
return matching_refs[0]
def get_refs(self):
Get all reference IDs for trades.
:return: list of trade IDs
:rtype: list
references = []
ref_keys = r.keys("trade.*.reference")
for key in ref_keys:
return util.convert(references)
def get_ref_map(self):
Get all reference IDs for trades.
:return: dict of references keyed by TXID
:rtype: dict
references = {}
ref_keys = r.keys("trade.*.reference")
for key in ref_keys:
tx = util.convert(key).split(".")[1]
references[tx] = r.get(key)
return util.convert(references)
def get_ref(self, reference):
Get the trade information for a reference.
:param reference: trade reference
:type reference: string
:return: dict of trade information
:rtype: dict
ref_data = r.hgetall(f"trade.{reference}")
ref_data = util.convert(ref_data)
if not ref_data:
return False
return ref_data
def del_ref(self, reference):
Delete a given reference from the Redis database.
:param reference: trade reference to delete
:type reference: string
tx = self.ref_to_tx(reference)
def cleanup(self, references):
Reconcile the internal reference database with a given list of references.
Delete all internal references not present in the list and clean up artifacts.
:param references: list of references to reconcile against
:type references: list
for tx, reference in self.get_ref_map().items():
if reference not in references:"Archiving trade reference: {reference} / TX: {tx}")
r.rename(f"trade.{tx}.reference", f"{tx}.reference")
r.rename(f"trade.{reference}", f"{reference}")
def tx_to_ref(self, tx):
Convert a trade ID to a reference.
:param tx: trade ID
:type tx: string
:return: reference
:rtype: string
refs = self.get_refs()
for reference in refs:
ref_data = util.convert(r.hgetall(f"trade.{reference}"))
if not ref_data:
if ref_data["id"] == tx:
return reference
def ref_to_tx(self, reference):
Convert a reference to a trade ID.
:param reference: trade reference
:type reference: string
:return: trade ID
:rtype: string
ref_data = util.convert(r.hgetall(f"trade.{reference}"))
if not ref_data:
return False
return ref_data["id"]
def get_total_usd(self):
Get total USD in all our accounts, bank and trading.
:return: value in USD
:rtype float:
# TODO: get Sink totals
agora_wallet_xmr = self.agora.agora.wallet_balance_xmr()
if not agora_wallet_xmr["success"]:
return False
agora_wallet_btc = self.agora.agora.wallet_balance()
if not agora_wallet_btc["success"]:
return False
total_xmr_agora = agora_wallet_xmr["response"]["data"]["total"]["balance"]
total_btc_agora = agora_wallet_btc["response"]["data"]["total"]["balance"]
# Get the XMR -> USD exchange rate
xmr_usd ="monero", vs_currencies=["USD"])
# Get the BTC -> USD exchange rate
btc_usd ="bitcoin", vs_currencies=["USD"])
# Convert the Agora BTC total to USD
total_usd_agora_btc = float(total_btc_agora) * btc_usd["bitcoin"]["usd"]
# Convert the Agora XMR total to USD
total_usd_agora_xmr = float(total_xmr_agora) * xmr_usd["monero"]["usd"]
# Add it all up
total_usd_agora = total_usd_agora_xmr + total_usd_agora_btc
# total_usd = total_usd_agora + total_usd_revolut
# TODO: add sinks value here
total_usd = total_usd_agora
cast_es = {
"price_usd": total_usd,
"total_usd_agora_xmr": total_usd_agora_xmr,
"total_usd_agora_btc": total_usd_agora_btc,
"total_xmr_agora": total_xmr_agora,
"total_btc_agora": total_btc_agora,
"xmr_usd": xmr_usd["monero"]["usd"],
"btc_usd": btc_usd["bitcoin"]["usd"],
# "total_usd_sinks": total_usd_sinks,
"total_usd_agora": total_usd_agora,
self.write_to_es("get_total_usd", cast_es)
return total_usd
# TODO: possibly refactor this into smaller functions which don't return as much stuff
# check if this is all really needed in the corresponding withdraw function
def get_total(self):
Get all the values corresponding to the amount of money we hold.
:return: ((total SEK, total USD, total GBP), (total XMR USD, total BTC USD), (total XMR, total BTC))
:rtype: tuple(tuple(float, float, float), tuple(float, float), tuple(float, float))
# TODO: get sinks value here
# total_usd_revolut = self.revolut.get_total_usd()
agora_wallet_xmr = self.agora.agora.wallet_balance_xmr()
if not agora_wallet_xmr["success"]:
self.log.error("Could not get Agora XMR wallet total.")
return False
agora_wallet_btc = self.agora.agora.wallet_balance()
if not agora_wallet_btc["success"]:
self.log.error("Could not get Agora BTC wallet total.")
return False
total_xmr_agora = agora_wallet_xmr["response"]["data"]["total"]["balance"]
total_btc_agora = agora_wallet_btc["response"]["data"]["total"]["balance"]
# Get the XMR -> USD exchange rate
xmr_usd ="monero", vs_currencies=["USD"])
# Get the BTC -> USD exchange rate
btc_usd ="bitcoin", vs_currencies=["USD"])
# Convert the Agora XMR total to USD
total_usd_agora_xmr = float(total_xmr_agora) * xmr_usd["monero"]["usd"]
# Convert the Agora BTC total to USD
total_usd_agora_btc = float(total_btc_agora) * btc_usd["bitcoin"]["usd"]
# Add it all up
total_usd_agora = total_usd_agora_xmr + total_usd_agora_btc
# total_usd = total_usd_agora + total_usd_revolut
# TODO: add sinks value here
total_usd = total_usd_agora
# Convert the total USD price to GBP and SEK
rates =
price_sek = rates["SEK"] * total_usd
price_usd = total_usd
price_gbp = rates["GBP"] * total_usd
cast = (
(price_sek, price_usd, price_gbp), # Total prices in our 3 favourite currencies
(total_usd_agora_xmr, total_usd_agora_btc), # Total USD balance in only Agora
(total_xmr_agora, total_btc_agora),
) # Total XMR and BTC balance in Agora
cast_es = {
"price_sek": price_sek,
"price_usd": price_usd,
"price_gbp": price_gbp,
"total_usd_agora_xmr": total_usd_agora_xmr,
"total_usd_agora_btc": total_usd_agora_btc,
"total_xmr_agora": total_xmr_agora,
"total_btc_agora": total_btc_agora,
"xmr_usd": xmr_usd["monero"]["usd"],
"btc_usd": btc_usd["bitcoin"]["usd"],
# "total_usd_revolut": total_usd_revolut,
"total_usd_agora": total_usd_agora,
self.write_to_es("get_total", cast_es)
return cast
def write_to_es(self, msgtype, cast):
if settings.ES.Enabled == "1":
cast["type"] = msgtype
cast["ts"] = str(
cast["xtype"] = "tx", document=cast)
def get_remaining(self):
Check how much profit we need to make in order to withdraw.
:return: profit remaining in USD
:rtype: float
total_usd = self.get_total_usd()
if not total_usd:
return False
withdraw_threshold = float(settings.Money.BaseUSD) + float(settings.Money.WithdrawLimit)
remaining = withdraw_threshold - total_usd
cast_es = {
"remaining_usd": remaining,
self.write_to_es("get_remaining", cast_es)
return remaining
def get_open_trades_usd(self):
Get total value of open trades in USD.
:return: total trade value
:rtype: float
dash = self.agora.wrap_dashboard()
if dash is False:
return False
rates =
cumul_usd = 0
for contact_id, contact in dash.items():
# We need created at in order to look up the historical prices
created_at = contact["data"]["created_at"]
# Reformat the date how CoinGecko likes
date_parsed = datetime.strptime(created_at, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
date_formatted = date_parsed.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
# Get the historical rates for the right asset, extract the price
asset = contact["data"]["advertisement"]["asset"]
if asset == "XMR":
amount_crypto = contact["data"]["amount_xmr"]
history ="monero", date=date_formatted)
crypto_usd = float(history["market_data"]["current_price"]["usd"])
elif asset == "BTC":
amount_crypto = contact["data"]["amount_btc"]
history ="bitcoin", date=date_formatted)
crypto_usd = float(history["market_data"]["current_price"]["usd"])
# Convert crypto to fiat
amount = float(amount_crypto) * crypto_usd
currency = contact["data"]["currency"]
if not contact["data"]["is_selling"]:
if currency == "USD":
cumul_usd += float(amount)
rate = rates[currency]
amount_usd = float(amount) / rate
cumul_usd += amount_usd
cast_es = {
"trades_usd": cumul_usd,
self.write_to_es("get_open_trades_usd", cast_es)
return cumul_usd
def get_total_remaining(self):
Check how much profit we need to make in order to withdraw, taking into account open trade value.
:return: profit remaining in USD
:rtype: float
total_usd = self.get_total_usd()
total_trades_usd = self.get_open_trades_usd()
if not total_usd:
return False
total_usd += total_trades_usd
withdraw_threshold = float(settings.Money.BaseUSD) + float(settings.Money.WithdrawLimit)
remaining = withdraw_threshold - total_usd
cast_es = {
"total_remaining_usd": remaining,
self.write_to_es("get_total_remaining", cast_es)
return remaining
def get_total_with_trades(self):
total_usd = self.get_total_usd()
if not total_usd:
return False
total_trades_usd = self.get_open_trades_usd()
total_with_trades = total_usd + total_trades_usd
cast_es = {
"total_with_trades": total_with_trades,
self.write_to_es("get_total_with_trades", cast_es)
return total_with_trades