You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Twisted/Klein imports
from twisted.logger import Logger
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall, deferLater
# Other library imports
from httpx import ReadTimeout, ReadError, RemoteProtocolError
from datetime import datetime
log = Logger("")
def xmerge_attrs(init_map):
Given a dictionary of strings and classes, set all corresponding class.<string> attributes
on each class, to every other class.
"a": A(), "b": B() -> A.b = B_instance, B.a = A_instance
:param init_map: dict of class names to classes
for classname, object_instance in init_map.items():
# notify, Notify
for classname_inside, object_instance_inside in init_map.items():
if not classname == classname_inside:
# irc, bot
setattr(object_instance, classname_inside, object_instance_inside)
def setup_call_loops(token_setting, function_init, function_continuous, delay, function_post_start=None):
Setup the loops for dealing with access, refresh and auth tokens for various providers.
:param token_setting: the setting for whether to do the initial authentication
:param function_init: the initial authentication function
:param function_continuous: the ongoing authentication function (refresh_token -> access_token)
:param delay: time in seconds to wait between calls to function_continuous
:param function_post_start: an optional function to run after the access token is obtained
if token_setting == "1":
deferLater(reactor, 1, function_init)
deferLater(reactor, 1, function_continuous, True)
if function_post_start:
deferLater(reactor, 4, function_post_start)
lc = LoopingCall(function_continuous)
def convert(data):
Recursively convert a dictionary.
if isinstance(data, bytes):
return data.decode("ascii")
if isinstance(data, dict):
return dict(map(convert, data.items()))
if isinstance(data, tuple):
return map(convert, data)
if isinstance(data, list):
return list(map(convert, data))
return data
def last_online_recent(date):
Check if the last online date was recent.
:param date: date last online
:type date: string
:return: bool indicating whether the date was recent enough
:rtype: bool
date_parsed = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
now =
sec_ago_date = (now - date_parsed).total_seconds()
# self.log.debug("Seconds ago date for {date} ^ {now}: {x}", date=date, now=str(now), x=sec_ago_date)
return sec_ago_date < 172800
def handle_exceptions(func):
Wrapper helper to handle Agora API errors.
:param func: function to wrap
:rtype: func
:return: the wrapped function
def inner_function(*args, **kwargs):
Inner wrapper helper.
:rtype: any or bool
:return: False or the normal return
rtrn = func(*args, **kwargs)
except (ReadTimeout, ReadError, RemoteProtocolError):
return False
if isinstance(rtrn, dict):
if "success" in rtrn:
if "message" in rtrn:
if not rtrn["success"] and rtrn["message"] == "API ERROR":
if "error_code" in rtrn["response"]["error"]:
code = rtrn["response"]["error"]["error_code"]
if not code == 136:
log.error("API error: {code}", code=code)
return False
log.error("API error: {code}", code=rtrn["response"]["error"])
return False
return rtrn
return inner_function